All the memes and Plinkett reviewes aside, do you actually hate prequel trilogy?

All the memes and Plinkett reviewes aside, do you actually hate prequel trilogy?

I don't hate it, I just don't think it's quality filmmaking. I like the worldbuilding and some of the politics and visual ideas, but the character development, action scenes, much of the acting, and believability of it all being connected logically to the original trilogy suck.

Attack of the Clones is really garbage, but I think the other two are okay/good movies with The Phantom Menace being closer to good than okay.

They look like shit and they're just overall really boring.

The only good thing to come out of the prequels are the video games

They're objectively bad movies but they're great fun so no.

they're shit. I was the only guy in my circle who thought the phantom menace trailer was underwhelming. im an oldfag so I remember star wars being passe in the mid 80s. it's never recovered, although rogue one captured some the OT magic in a way even Lucas couldn't achieve

One drop in quality I could get past. (ROTJ) Three even larger drops in quality, I can’t get on board with. Their just childish in ways ANH and ESB were not. They are more coherent and better told stories than the sequel trilogy, though.

Yes. They are bad as fuck and only worth watching for a few decent action scenes, and quoting along with the terrible stilted dialogue

I don't hate any of the movies desu, be it the prequels, sequels or the OT. I just don't take them very seriously. If they look visually good, then I'll enjoy them.

>worth watching for a few decent action scenes, and quoting along with the terrible stilted dialogue
>a film can be made worth watching through memes alone
Is it possible to learn this power?

Not from Disney.

The Phantom Menace is a terrible movie. Attack of the Clones is one of the worst blockbusters of all time. Revenge of the Sith is "bretty gud :D"

Not from a good director

Those memes are only memes because of collective nostalgia and years of memeage. Plinkett is also hugely responsible for these memes, and he made those reviews years and years after the movies themselves came out.

The prequels are meh at worst.

To truly understand the great memestery we must embrace all its aspects, not just the narrow, dogmatic view of reddit.

Better than the new Disney shit.

Plinkett has got to be the worst of all the YouTube reviewers I swear to god. RLM needs to go away. Rich Evans can stay though.

No. They have their problems but in terms of the designs and worldbuilding they're top of the line. Those just so happen to be two of the weakest things about the Sequel Trilogy.

I unironically love them, Ep 3 is my favorite Star Wars movie

I don't hate them.
I think george is a good idea's man and he made a nice world that other, better writers have been able to flesh out and explore.
But they're not particularly well made films.

I want to say that they are very memorable though, but that might be because the internet has never shut up about them for like a decade

they are pretty decent after watching rogue one and the force awakens

>and believability of it all being connected logically to the original trilogy suck
I agree with all your other points, but I think it fit pretty well. I think Lucas probably had a general idea of the prequel plot even while making the OT, though of course he didn't have the specifics mapped out or anything.

I think the film would have been better if Obi-Wan and Anakin were just some guys, without connection to the OT.
The concept of having one of the main characters in a trilogy slowly converting to the dark side is already interesting.
The whole super epic saga that was told in the space jesus prophecy bullshit feels so restrictive because you know where it has to go.

I think Lucas laid it on too thick about the Republic being corrupt and the Jedi hidebound. It just made it seem like the Rebellion was fighting to restore nothing of value, which was how it turned out in the EU.

They are memorable beacause they are brilliant pieces of art with the occasional clunky dialogue. The last jedi had the most cringeworthy dialogue I've ever heard and I can remember very little from it visually.

the CGI is bad and the writing sloppy but I liked RotS. TPM has some good moments, AotC is just bad and only good for memes

I have a new appreciation for the story arcs now, but the dialogue and action is dog shit. Anakin fucked up, but god damn the Jedi were dog shit.

Ever play Bounty Hunter?

They're bad movies but honestly they're fun to watch. They actually have a bit of a soul behind them compared to Disney Wars. See, I'd rather have a bad movie that's a fun watch than a passable movie that's a painful watch.


No. I actually really like them

AOTC and ROTS are actually two of my favorite movies

Then you are lost!

I don't hate them but they are bad movies.