Tfw no comfy 90s Northwestern rural small town to live in

>tfw no comfy 90s Northwestern rural small town to live in

if you really wanted such a thing you could do it pretty easily assuming your american

Itll be the 90s again soon enough

Twin Peaks is set in 1989

lol sucks for you. Feels good here

The Return demonstrated that American small towns are dead though

Moving to the Olympic peninsula in the next couple of months. Essentially Twin Peaks.


El surgimiento de las criaturas ...

>your american
my american?

why would anyone want to live in the northwest? its full of hipsters, faggots and unironic communists

The more tragic part is not being able to have a comfy 90s Northwestern GF

I thought Washington state was predominantly white though?

theres tons of recent beaners coming in from cali

No wonder socal felt so dangerous this summer

I believe the pic is from 2014 so even worse now

+ all the "white" ones

Asians love the PNW,I don't blame them either,its great.

wa gets perpetually infected by ca it's like a disease even without the race bitching.

Superior comfy 90s town coming through.
The two towns are even in the same universe.

It is. That map is of the infant population. Basically how white the country will be in the future.

Twin Peaks fanboys are horrible

Sí...las grandes bestias del noroeste americano...

>tfw I live in a small northern city

within 20 years the entire pacific coast will look like what socal looks like now but with more pine

satanic trips from hell confirm

Covered with homeless people and their tents?

dont forget mine :)

oh sorry user, your trips have now been acknowledged

having a white girlfriend in general is impossible now

Anyone else love Party of Five? I tried watching Rogue One but gave up and marathonned that instead.

Not the same anymore, most small towns are sad shells thanks to the opioid epidemic and loss of manufacturing jobs

I find it strange that his narration to Diane in the opening episode puts Twin Peaks somewhere near Colville in eastern Washington when the show was filmed in Snoqualmie. Eastern Washington and Western Washington don't look anything alike.

Also, you wouldn't want to live in Snoqualmie nowadays. It's turned into a bunch of yuppies commuting to Redmond and Seattle for tech jobs.

Probably the closest you can get to Twin Peaks feel is Kelso, but even that's starting to fill in.

King County is because of Seattle and Indian immigrants. Eastern Washington is because of migrant workers.

I grew up in the 90s in the Northwest. Attractive women didn't exist. The term "Seattle Seven" was coined to describe a woman that hadn't gotten fat yet. She'd be plain everywhere else in the country but around here she was a catch.

Roslyn is pretty boring IRL though. Passed through it a few times when I was going hiking with my dad. Nothing to do.

Fuck, I think they still sell Northern Exposure merch to this day.

Seattle's already like that. Literally under every freeway overpass in Seattle there's a tiny camp. Looks like some post apocalypse shit.

Fir, actually.

I'll take boring and comfy over pretentious and weird-on-purpose any day.

damn Maine

man anyone could hop in a car and drive out to Lincoln City, Oregon, right now because that shit is still straight up trapped in time.

i live in Portland and whenever i meet someone find out they grew up in a coastal Oregon town, i ask what they did for entertainment growing up and then just lean back and get ready to listen to the weirdest fucking stories.

What is going on in alaska?

>listen to the weirdest fucking stories

Like what? I've been there before,its really nice and seems pretty wholesome.

no it's foggy in the morning. That means the boogie man lives there.

It adds up

those are largely uninhabited areas where indigenous alaskans live.

there's always alaska

I want to be a good person but now I have to be a white nationalist.

Keep your wojack feelfag garbage in the soyrunner 2049 threads.

>tfw no foreseeable bright future

I honestly get super anxious when I think about the future of western civilization. I can't believe how much quality of life, family, morality, religion, community and culture has degraded.

The past 20 years have been just fucking awful. I don't want to think about what the world is going to be like when I'm an old man.

>I can't believe how much quality of life, family, morality, religion, community and culture has degraded.

says while posting on Sup

I was speaking more on a personal level than social. I think the social future is just going through another transition and will (at least from most perspectives other than ours) will be fine. It'll either continue the faggoty immigrant pro future or there'll be a cultural shift that fights against it. Either way society will keep going. Either way personally for me it'll probably be shit.

Sup Forums exists for a reason. This website's 27 million unique visitors a month are basically all 16-35 year old men that feel like they have no where else to go and are looking for a form of escapism.

You could post on any other movie or tv fan forum. But you're here with me.

Sup Forums is unironically going to be a massive landmark in the futures culture. Probably an infamous one but oh well.


Ay dios mío! Qué miedo, la luz extinguido!