How do you feel knowing television is no longer worth watching.
Because you know it has just peaked.
Nothing will ever be the same.
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Golden Age of Television ended with Mad Men. Twin Peaks Season 3 was a nice little encore. I'm ok now never following another TV Show.
Season 4 is currently in pre-production though
the same
>it has just peaked
I think about it every day. Nothing will warm my heart the way Twin Peaks has. I miss it so much
It's not. Just some suit at shotime saying "We're all for it if David wants to do it"
Which it doesn't look like he does
Who do WE call for help?
Um, sweetie, David isn't necessary.
Do I have to watch the original seasons to watch this?
shit bait
the picture of cuck frost is too obvious
Yes you dumb fucking idio-. Im sorry. Yes.
Dougie say watch.
I cried like a little bitch boy when it ended.
>mfw captcha says Laura
>implying FWWM wasn't the best thing to come from twin peaks because Frost wasn't involved
>parents read all the reviews of The Return and want to watch it
>adamantly refuse to watch S1 and S2 because "48 episodes is too big of an investment"
But for multiple reasons. It was happiness and joy because I saw it as Cooper completing his mission, but also sadness and deep depression because I knew I would never experience anything like this again.
Just this morning I cried like a bitch at this video of the ending
Mr. C says kill your parents
Ever since I was 8 or so, I've felt things for Laura. She might have been my first waifu. To see her actually get a chance at living 25 years later was a feeling I can't fucking put into human language.
season 3 was fucking terrible you cucks
lol why so mad? get laid
>know that The Return is a fucking masterpiece
>but don't want to invest in fully enjoying it
Well your parents are just plain tards. I tried to get my mom to watch the pilot but it was too boring for her. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. No big deal
>wahhhhhhhh stop liking what I don't like
fuck off literal 12 year old
My dad straight up admits that he's a pleb and TP is going to be too deep for him. My mom would watch it but she doesn't want to do it alone and I don't live at home.
What is her address. I offer up my sexual services to her. I simply want to be a part of someone's first Twin Peaks experience. Will she accept my advances. Your father may watch
You have to watch theo movie too
I still hope for S4
Season 3 is actually a great way to remove plebeians from friends.
Which way though?
Lynch said that throughout S3's production, you fool.
I loved The Return more than any other TV show I've ever seen
would you consider this plebian?
And then a suit said it in an interview and got idiots all excited and pretending like it's confirmed, fool
Why are you so insecure?
What? I'm trying to find out that anons opinion you fucking idiot
>Season 3 is actually a great way to remove plebeians from friends.
I want to know if he considers fans of S3 to be plebs or people who dislike it to be plebs.
>How do you feel knowing television is no longer worth watching.
But The Return wasn't even the best tv show of 2017.
It's obviously the former
Yeah, because it was the best show of all time
There's no context or information to discern that, so no, it's not obvious you drooling retard.
Maybe your opinion makes it obvious because you think everyone shares the same opinion as you, but that'd be wrong.
He said that it could happen but not in the near future. Season 3 took years to only write. But I appreciate that Showtime is willing to make a season 4 even though ratings were low.
Season 3 was great but it didn't feel like the first seasons of Twin Peaks but more like I entered the mind of Lynch.
That doesn't make sense. To be the best show of all time, it would have to be the best show of 2017 as well.
Since it was not the best show of 2017, it cannot possibly be the best show of all time.
Did you forget to take your autism pills this morning?
Bet anons can't formulate sensible replies as to what was great about it though.
Hard mode: Praise the plot.
Insane difficulty mode: Incorporate in to reply, one punch glove man fighting evil flying ball
t. LYNCHED user
>nothing will satisfy me so go ahead and try
>fuck you for liking what I don't like
You poor miserable cuck
The story was a beautiful story about being dropped into the modern world and trying to adapt. It's about dealing with personal demons and changing your own life/destiny.
It's also a fun and emotional ride, with one punch man encompassing both sides.
The context is we're on Sup Forums so unless you've been here a day you should know it's likely the former
I'm on Sup Forums and I love The Return. Sup Forums is about being contrarian, so if most of the shitposters are saying TP is pleb, then the contrarian viewpoint is to say it's a masterpiece
It felt closer to S1 than S2 did.
there are just good shows, god tier tv shall never come back
>Hours in black and withe lodges
>Bob's backstory
>I am the FBI
>Returning to the familiar characters in small town whilst exploting new ones all over the states
Why didn't it feel familiar?
What said, also dispatching BOB in such a slapstick manner serves as a great introduction to the idea that BOB/Leland was not the true villain all along, Judy/Sarah was.
I got season 3 on blu ray and I can't decide if I want to go straight into rewatching it or if I should do a rewatch of Seasons 1 and 2 first to make it all feel continuous.
What do Sup Forums?
Because there was a different tone and pacing. Season 3 felt quite.
Rewatch. I didn't and I regret it. Think I might watch all 3 seasons again soon.
I like to put off rewatching as long as possible. You don't want it fresh in your mind still.
I would go s1 and 2 first. That's what I'm doing, and having a blast. Also I'm not binging them, no more than 1 episode a day.
Don't forget Fire Walk With Me and its deleted scenes afterward unless you want to go into Season 3 like some sort of pleb and never hope to understand things
s3 doesn't feel like continuation of the series (not in a bad way) at all so u're good to go pretty much
>Philistines simply can not appreciate the complexity and ingenuity of muh lynched.
Sure, if that makes you feel better about it. ;-)
>picks up immediately where S2 left off
>continues the story in FWWM
Also you took the time to type out "u're". Nobody should ever take your opinion on anything.
>watched S1 when I was an edgy autistic kid with no friends and no gf
>watched S3 with my gf at my side and my friends demanding to know what I thought of it
The ending was horribly disappointing and you're kidding yourself if you don't think so.
I still loved The Return though. I can't remember being so excited for a show and it exceeding the hype.
Great retort. You really broke down and discredited those opinions really well.
How will Twin Peaks fans ever recover?
I've never watched FWWM and I still understood everything.
Trading Places
Guess I returned like for like then.
It was immensely satisfying to me
Does it really bother you that people have different opinions and experiences than you? So much so that they MUST be kidding themselves?
No it wasn't, it was brilliant and haunting and it left no questions unanswered unless you're a brainlet who has to be spoonfed.
Did you understand who the jumping man is and what he was doing?
What about the David bowie parts?
You say you understand, but if there's things you missed due to would you know you missed them?
I'm a brainlet who must be spoonfed - explain the ending to me?
alright fellas I think I'll start back at season 1. It's probably only been about a year since I've rewatched it but that's fine, you can never have too much Twin Peaks.
Well yeah of course, I'd watch FWWM after season 2. I should reiterate that I have seen it all before including season 3 I'm just trying to decide if I should go through the whole show again.
>tfw I had actually considered waiting to watch the whole series again until I'd have a qt gf to watch it with but realized the possibility of that ever happening is growing increasingly small
I'm happy for you though user. Sounds comfy.
Coop changed the past. He pulled Laura away from her death and brought her home. Asking what year it is triggered a memory in Carrie, bringing her back to Laura. The sound at the end is Sarah Palmer yelling for Laura on the day that she finds Laura's room empty because she had run away the night before. Laura is hearing her moms voice call to her from downstairs because she is home in her bed, safe and asleep.
Cooper saved Laura. Laura's death never happened in the "real" world, instead she was drawn into a sort of dream dimension possibly created by the white lodge.
Cooper and Diane entered this dream dimension and fucked, luring Judy into that dimension from the real world. Losing his memories and identity, Cooper sought out Laura (who had lost her identity too) and brought her to Twin Peaks, where she heard Judy/Sarah calling out to her and her memories came flooding back. In that moment, by confronting her trauma, she destroyed Judy and likely "woke up" in the real world (mirroring Audrey's awakening).
Essentially Cooper sacrificed himself and Diane for Laura to be able to live and defeat her demons. It's a pretty touching ending.
>inb4 youre wrong xd
There are several interpretations but they all boil down to a few basic facts.
Also that overload and sparking of the house is a shattering of Lauras dream, which is more like a nitemare she was trapped in by Judy/Sarah.
Laura was the dreamer
Had the same interpretation as I did. So that must account for something.
The only thing I would disagree with is Cooper losing his memories and identity. He was still a determined FBI agent who knew of Lodge abilities (he tried doing the curtain hand wave thing, along with asking what year it was because he knew he was somewhere detached from time). Also he knew about Laura's past life and her home/mother.
I've seen a few real edgelord interpretations online which boil down to Laura being killed by Judy in that moment so none of what Coop did mattered.
Twin Peaks has always at its heart been about recovery and finding hope in tragedy. It was never, ever a hopeless story.
I don't mean he lost everything. He is still the same person on the surface. However several things have changed. He's clearly lost some of his joie de vivre, humor and compassion. The fact that he doesn't enjoy his coffee at the diner and is more interested in being trigger-happy and fucking shit up was a big clue to me.
Those people are fucking idiots. Lynch deliberately showed Sarah stabbing the picture of Laura but being unable to damage the picture while time fucks up and kind of loops.
They just didn't pay enough attention.
>TP is the best tv of the year
>Wasn't even nominated for Golden Globes or Emmy
Yeah, sure thing, sweetie.
I think the not enjoying coffee part could have to do with the fact he's in a nitemare created by Judy
It's not a good cup of joe that he likes, it's the creation of an evil entity, trying to emulate something from the real world.
I guess. Diane did however lose her identity and succumb to the Judy dimension, so I assumed the was happening to Cooper.
Also even the way he moves in that episode is kind of awkward and robotic. Like a cross between Dougie and Mr. C. Hmmm...
Yeah I think he's starting to lose his own identity, but I also think those years he spent in the red room kind of toughened him up and cemented his resolve. Like when he got back to the real world after being Dougie, he was all business. Now as Richard he's still all business, just fighting an uphill battle this time.
>get fucked multiple times by local pedo as a kid and have parents actively cover it up
>live life identifying with Laura and wishing I had died like her
>2017 was the year I finally recovered from the trauma, stopped being a suicidal fuck and started enjoying life
>2017 was the year Laura lived
Dougie shedding a tear is such a low key beautiful moment. I love getting lynched.
True. Diane was stuck somewhere too but she was more vulnerable than him, I think.
I feel bad for Diane being dragged into all this but honestly Laura is worth more than her.
Even my pleb-ass friend who almost dropped the show because of Dougie was crying for him at the end.
>having sex with your own daughter
do Americans really do this?
What shithole do you live in where people don't fuck their own daughters?
I know this feel user. I got diddled as a kid by a relative and it really fucked me up, I never really got to confront it because my parents also basically swept it under the rug, I didn't even go to therapy.
Years later when I first watched Twin Peaks I felt a kindred spirit in Laura, she's always been one of my all-time favorite characters in fiction. I'd love to meet Sheryl Lee and thank her some day, I hope she knows she's helped people like us even if indirectly
I'd hug you, user. It's always nice to know you're not alone.
Wish I could meet her too. I've also always wanted to meet Kyle Machlachlan, he seems like such a great guy in every way.
When your daughter is that insanely cute, yes.
Jesus Anons.
I wasn't sexually abused, but the first love of my life was. I found out gradually, and it made her life pretty much impossible. It's fucking terrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I'm glad you found something to make it easier.
Good on you for not letting it consume your life.
>have qt daughter with insane sex drive
>she's getting fucked dozens of times a day and it's still not enough
>she would probably rub her puss raw against some tree bark if she thought it would get her off
>give her a loving daily fuck to take the edge off of her sex drive a bit so she doesn't go out and get herself in trouble
Is there anything wrong with what Leland did? He was trying to be a good parent.
careful you don't cut yourself on that edge
You are the IDEAL viewer for me. Bravo!
It would have been edgy if I said he should have killed her after banging her, I'm talking about parental guidance here
Keep trying