You now realise that Breaking Bad is an entire decade old

>You now realise that Breaking Bad is an entire decade old

1982 to 2000 is the same time span as 2000 to 2018


>tfw people born in the year 2000 are now adults.

Life goes by fast when you just sleep and shitpost.

Yeah but no one watched it until the final season anyway.

>we are now closer to 2030 than we are to 2000

Almost. The first episode didn't premiere until the 20th.

>there will be pornstars born in 2000 this year

breh i realized this 3 weeks ago when AMC started showing the 10 year anniversary marathon

get your shit together



get this disgusting fat man out of my sight

This is the ideal female (male) body. You may not like, but this is what peak performance looks like.

never post this again if you know whats good for you

>listen to a song on youtube
>posted 9 years ago
>wtf,this is a new song,it came out in 2009
>wait a second...


i never saw a single episode

>listening to 2009 shit
You're 16, right?

I'm 27 and nostalgic.

what? how does listening to something from 2009 mean hes 16?

Cause he hasn't developed his own taste yet

what the fuck are you on about


That you're a fucking faggot if you still listen to pop songs off the radio when you're 19

dear Lord...

What the fuck, stop this.

This... thing... is the actualization of pure evil.
A harsh foreshadowing of the future where the majority of "humans" who remain in America wander a futuristic hellscape as a 56% obese infertile consumer. A consumer not restricted by race, by gender, by marriage, or by morality. A perfect slave who's only purpose is to see and to hear advertisements and then to seek out the means to purchase those products.
All bulwarks against such slavery are coming to fruition.
The ability to act with historical culture will be discarded due to race mixing.
The ability to walk will be discarded due to obesity.
The ability to keep religious values will be discarded due to public ridicule of religions.
The ability to breed will be discarded due to male and female being deconstructed entirely and humans meeting in the middle as an obese brown immobile impotent slave.
This is the future of America, and all Western countries if they don't change their course.

no one here has said anything about pop songs on the radio you autistic troglodyte, you are literally making shit up

nice digits
also ten years of this guy's death

>Mad Men first aired over a decade ago

hold me bros ;_;

Yes, I'm sure that user went "man I better listen to that one song from an album I liked on youtube instead of just playing it in my music player of choice"

and hersheys dont cost 10 cents anymore

>every single song released in 2009 was generic pop

You don't get to have an opinion on what is and isn't generic pop if you still listen to that shit on a song by song basis


