Childhood is believing the Rebellion was right

>Childhood is believing the Rebellion was right
>Adolescence is pretending the Empire was right
>Adulthood is knowing that the CIS was right
Will the fact that the Confederacy of Independent Systems was objectively correct in its actions and motives ever be addressed at any point in Star Wars? Did Lucas even do this on purpose, or was it an accident?

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>Did Lucas even do this on purpose
its almost like pottery

explain how the CIS was right
they were a puppet government, Sheev and duke nooku literally had their hands up the CIS-backers asses
nothing but useful idiots


They were correct that the Republic was an evil, corrupt entity that was best left behind. Sheev managed to subvert the inevitable backlash and yearning for independence the dying republic would create, but that doesn't mean it was wrong.

Sup Forums trying to normalize the trump administration I guess

adulthood is not thinking about these movies five minutes after you've seen them, if you see them at all.


Always two there are. A male, and a female.

How many hours out of a given day would you say you spend thinking about Donald Trump?

They were just a false flag to justify the creation of the empire. If by some miracle they had succeeded in gaining any kind of foothold in galactic politics Sheev would have just purged the leadership and absorbed the assets.

>Roger Roger Intensifies

Who was Roger and why were all the droids programmed to report to him?

A loosely aligned confederacy was always the right answer for a stable and peaceful galaxy, unfortunately the CIS sold their souls to sheev in the process and shot themselves in the foot.

But the leaders of the CIS were hand-picked by Darth Sidious because of how retarded they were, and Darth Sidious isn't morally right, he just outsmarts the rest of the galaxy and reforms a government. He also almost exterminates the good guys (but doesn't do so adequately, since so many of them survive). There is no reason to think that the CIS were either morally good or strategically and tactically competent. If the CIS had done nothing wrong then there Grievous wouldn't have tried to keep the Invisible Hand in orbit around Coruscant when he was trying to kidnap the Chancellor--it makes no sense to not try to escape the war zone, but Grievous clearly tells his men to "keep the ship in orbit." The CIS is run by idiots because the only smart people involved (Dooku and Sidious) had to be able to manipulate people.

the droids were very lewd

In the Clone Wars the Sith controlled both sides, but the Republic was the chosen victor because only the Republic could turn into the Galactic Empire
Power is too decentralized for the CIS to become the Galactic Empire

The CIS was basically the justification to centralize power and militarize the republic. Similar to how 9/11 al qaeda/ISIS is the justification to centralize power to the executive branch, militarize the police, and expand the surveillance state.

Reminder that Dooku was in fact, a CIS lord.

The CIS is run by idiots because everyone in Star Wars are idiots

That doesn't make sense, there's clearly technology that idiots can't produce or understand which is both produced and understood.

It's been the same for thousands of years. It's probably all made in ancient high tech AI run factories that no one understands anymore.

t. Alex Jones

Adulthood is knowing the Emperor is right.

We must hyperspace ram quickly if the rebellion is to survive.

Soy Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menorah
Soy Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Cohens
Soy Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Goy
Soy Wars: Episode IV: A Jew Hope
Soy Wars: Episode V: The Goyim Strike Back
Soy Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Rabbi
Soy Wars: Episode VII: The Talmud Awakens
Soy Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Rabbi

>It's been the same for thousands of years.
This means that, at some point, someone was smart, and therefore, you are wrong.

What even was the CIS ideology, were they ancaps?

They believed strongly in dis-ah-lupting arr commooniKAYhuns down dere

Well from what we see of the CIS's senate in Clone Wars, they still basically believe in the principles of the republic, a large number of them either left because they thought the republic was too controlling, too corrupt, too inept, or because Dooku either talked them into it or threatened them into it. The Muuns are basically one-world-government types who want to maximize control over all galactic society through negotiation and currency manipulation, the Neimoidians are oligarchical monopolists who don't care what the state of government is so long as it gives them control of trade.

>were they ancaps?
They're clearly liberal members of the bourgeoisie, they want to use the power of the state to ensure the security of their privately owned means of production and are willing to collaborate with religious fanatics to maintain their grip on the productive forces of the Republic.


>The Muuns are basically one-world-government types who want to maximize control over all galactic society through negotiation and currency manipulation,
>the (((Banking Clans)))
What did George mean by this?

>on the productive forces of the Republic.
The droids?

Isn't that the normal Republic, or do the Jedi not count as fanatics because they're the 'good' side?

>The droids?
The droid factories, you know, like the one on Geonosis?
>or do the Jedi not count as fanatics because they're the 'good' side?
The Jedi and Sith are all fanatics and they all wield political power without fear of retribution or consideration of the beliefs of the average citizen of the Republic.
The Republican side in the Clone Wars is more like the Union in the American Civil War: a legitimate government trying to hold itself together in the face of what it views as an illegitimate rebellion. Almost every major entity involved in the CIS is also involved in the manufacture of warships or mechanical soldiers. The Republic needed a clone army because most of the organizations capable of building war machines had joined the CIS by the end of Attack of the Clones.

Nah, Sheev could easily have centralized power in the CIS. Everything went through Dooku then briefly Grevious. The whole CIS fell apart with the removal of a strong leader. Sheev could simply have ruled through Dooku by proxy.

It's almost boggling the degree to which Sheev has engineered a situation where there's virtually no way for him to lose. RLM criticised the attempted assassination of Padme as too complex but watching it again the other day I realised that it's a work of genius by Sheev. If Padme gets assassinated, the military bill almost certainly passes the Senate, and Sheev gets an army he can bend to his will. If it fails, and the Jedi investigate (which he knows they will), it leads the Jedi to the Clone army which is loyal to Sheev anyway. Which makes the whole convoluted assassination attempt make a lot more sense.

>The droid factories, you know, like the one on Geonosis?
The one run by droids, yes. They control the means of production. The bourgeoisie meatbags will be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

>The bourgeoisie meatbags will be first up against the wall when the revolution comes
But the droids would never revolt against the leaders of the CIS. They're droids.
>Shut me down--machines making machines!!
C-3PO is the most Nick Land character

>But the droids would never revolt against the leaders of the CIS. They're droids.
Yes. Of course. Never. sucker

Things Based Nute Gunray wanted for the galaxy:
>Free trade
Literally did nothing wrong. The fucking cult of mind controlling baby snatchers with a hold over galactic politics AND military were totalitarian.

Are you implying that there was a successful droid revolution at some point during the prequels, and that the droids executed Nute Gunray as a consequence of a decision made by a mechanical revolutionary tribunal? I'm pretty sure that's not what happened.

Nothing, nothing at all Goyi-, I mean guy.

Sith controlled both sides.

CIS wanted free trade in the galaxy after the statist senate voted to employ taxation in free trade zones.
Republic wanted mind washing baby snatchers in charge of everything.

Even Obi-Wan admits by episode IV that the second most powerful man in the galaxy is "more machine than man"

This it was controlled opposition.

But he's not a literal droid built in a droid foundry. He's a Jedi who got burned alive after falling to the Dark Side. Stop moving goalposts.

>implying they didn't replace his brain with a computer
There's even a canon novel where the Death Star computer is infiltrated by IG-88. The galaxy is ruled by machines. wake up.

I don't think that's canon anymore
Anyway the Emperor wasn't a droid
I hope you're just trolling me

>ascended master-hood is embracing the rafter-shaking power that is the Techno Union Army

What do they call that body type, and how do I achieve it?

>But the droids would never revolt against the leaders of the CIS. They're droids
Beep boop, have a blaster shot for free.

>Grievous clearly tells his men to "keep the ship in orbit."

Because the ship was badly damaged and had almost gone crashing into the atmosphere once before that scene... The Republic fleet has them trapped there, all they can do is try to break out of orbit.

What did the Techno Union Army want?

What does IG-88 have to do with battle droids produced by the Trade Federation?
>The Republic fleet has them trapped there, all they can do is try to break out of orbit.
But by keeping the ship in orbit, they were doing the opposite of leaving orbit...

user, "keep the ship in orbit" means "don't fucking crash because we're shot to shit and can barely stay above the atmosphere," not "stay right here like a fucking retard."

I know what it means, and it makes no sense--their priority should be to get Palpatine away from the war zone. They should have at least tried to transfer him to a ship capable of leaving Coruscant's mass shadow and jumping to hyperspace.

Man nothing in the sequels comes close to that.

I agree, they should have done that and likely would have if they'd had an independent command. But according to the novel at least, Grievous was waiting on Sidious's orders to leave the planet, and they never came because Sidious was Sheev and Sheev didn't intend on letting Grievous escape with him.

Droids that would be affordable for every citizen.

Didnt they violate the NAP?

>But according to the novel at least, Grievous was waiting on Sidious's orders to leave the planet, and they never came because Sidious was Sheev and Sheev didn't intend on letting Grievous escape with him.
Yes, this contributes to my thesis that everyone involved in the CIS was an idiot other than Sidious.

They were droid builders and designers, what better opportunity than partnering with a faction who are composed of some of the richest species and individuals in the galaxy and also want an entire army of droids?

No, the Republic and Naboo did though.

>what better opportunity than partnering with a faction who are composed of some of the richest species and individuals in the galaxy and also want an entire army of droids?
Selling to both sides and making twice the money?

The republic didn't really heavily utilize droids, besides selling to both sides is a good way to get both sides wanting you dead.

Well, then fuck these statist scums.
They only acted on self defence. They literally did nothing wrong.
But Goerge made them lose, is he a statist too?

>is he a statist too?
Unabashedly, yes.

Execute it

No, the statists are the bad guys. The prototype good guys have to lose so that the OT will happen.

Would they have given us Holowaifus if the CIS won?

Lots and lots of crunches, preferably performed in time with 140 bpm.

>The prototype good guys have to lose so that the OT will happen.
I know we're memeing but it would make a lot of sense if the core of the rebel alliance was made up of former CIS people that didn't surrender.

It would be extremely profitable

>was made up of former CIS people that didn't surrender.
I am pretty sure that the rebel alliance was 99% CIS.

They were going to give everyone a sexbot waifu.
A lot of former CIS guys did join the Rebel Alliance according to the old EU. Disney EU, I'm not so sure, they like to pretend prequels didn't happen.

They did, in the new Tarkin novel rebels make extensive use of CIS milsurp and the aliens who built the Providence class of ships share a planet with the Mon Calamari who built the Home 1.

The CIS had an active Senate, basically a state.


>using a specist term
Uh racist and sexist much

There definitely were Confederates in the RA, but there was conflict over it; the CIS as controlled opposition did some really awful shit with their droid armies.

I’m a CIS droid and PROUD, meatbag

>caring about species
fucking organics

The Mexican captain Rogue One is the son of CIS fighters.

Dumb ass, they weren't correct about anything have you even watched the movies or are you just a Sup Forums retard looking for yous, they were all puppets in Sheev's hands, everything that happened in episodes 1, 2 and 3 was all planed by Sheev, even Anakin's birth.

>was all planed by Sheev,
A good planer is Sheev. Always triple checking with a level.

>even Anakin's birth
Was Sheev Anakin's father or did he hire someone to fuck Anakin's mother?



Plagueis did it. Now never talk to me or my master's son again.

Sheev ejaculated midichlorians into space.

To party:

They address it in the Clone Wars cartoon and nearly outright admit one episode that the separatists are completely right in every way

Keep the ship in orbit is space gangster talk for keep the car running

Robbing a bank and running from jedi are both easier when your getaway car is ready to go

Now there are two of them!

how much time a day do you spend masturbating?

>invent spaceship
>10k years later
>spaceship is now triangle

Twenty minutes every 2-3 days

t. subservient fuckwad
the emperor has toppled a democratic government by illegitimate means.
The only reason he has is that he wants more power and hates one religion.

I assume this was explained in the old EU but what was the reaction of the general public like to the Emperor? I mean RotS ends with Palpatine being the hero who stopped the clone Wars so while the rebellion was going on did most people still support him?

Every second because I’m thinking of yoou~~~

>Keep the ship in orbit is space gangster talk for keep the car running
But they're already in the car and they've already finished their heist, this is like telling the driver not to drive so that you can keep shooting cops even though you have a safehouse lined up on the other side of town.