christ i can't stand this fucking show
Christ i can't stand this fucking show
Good, it's awful
it's so fucking fake. This shit doesn't happen
dont watch it then
problem solved
Neither does the shit in bond films but that doesnt make them any less enjoyable.
Worst part is how all the side characters hype him up as a "great writer," but then you hear samples of his writing and it's shit. I couldn't finish season 1
I stopped After Season 7, Episode 12.
Couldnāt stand it anymore
how does someone who wrote one book even get all the endless attention he does? From hollywood a-listers nonetheless
was this guy a beta? seemed like a slave to pussy
>Who is Ernest Cline
shut the fuck up
fuck, he was
ITT: butthurt virgins can't hold back their jealousy of fictional success with women and sperg along those lines
I love it. But I completely understand and respect your opinion.
It's not for everyone.
Yeah, the characters in the show got a really twisted view all around on the creative process.
But they all also have the most awful taste in all other creative media, so why wouldn't they like Hank's shitty writing?
Kind of liked it at first, but it quickly became so stale, he meets some chick, makes some funny self-deprecating comments, they drop their panties, rinse and repeat. Oh, and once in a while his agent does something embarassing.
i watched the first episode and couldnt do any more, the writing and the dialogue were excruciating
it's like the fantasies of a 15 year old boy and a 55 year old writing together
every single person in this thread saying "its awful" and that you didnt like it need to understand that if youre a shy beta you cant watch shows or films where a character has any semblance of respect from others, or someone whos attractive, or successful, because youre intimidated and your whole failure of a life flashes in front of your own eyes.
Then you realize that this show or movie is not hugbox approved and that mommy or daddy isnt here to pat you on the back even though you ended up spending 12+ hrs a day on a chinese cartoons forum with other failures and that youre never going to make it out of here without the help of a firearm.
tl;dr if youre a beta you are only allowed to consume media revolving around losers because you reflect what you watch onto your own lives and when the image doesnt match you get angry and make posts like these
and before you ask why im here: i came here to laugh at you
i know it would've been nice if they threw a tranny in there every now and then for change
What a shit show and his daughter is was more robotic than small wonder.
I sure hope you're not talking about the "getting laid" a lot part. Because that does happen and it happens a lot. Now with you obviously, but still.
Yes. It's amazing.
I have been to theaters with less projectors.
It wasn't made for you, bitch.
Tits or GTFO
his daughter makes me want to curb stomp something every time she's on screen though
otherwise yeah, the show is definitely failed normie and robot-filter
>still writes after that an essay about his period
I know a guy who unironically hank moody's
he unironically gets laid off of it
*Fucks your mom*
mom AND daughter
>it's so fucking fake. This shit doesn't happen
nigger, I could tell you my drunk stories for days and you wouldn't believe them. Of course it's exaggarated, it's a show, but there are genuine Chads bang 5 girls a month
>hank moody will never be your father
why do i have to listen to 15 year old betas tell me i'm beta? Look a little deeper
Unironically this.
Thanks mom.
Posts/attitudes like this are unironically why Trump won
imagine being a newfag underager trying to be hip and "with it" running all over Sup Forums with your soypuss on fayah hoping everyone else is as underage as you are
imagine being (You)
sweetie, I sure hope you're not mixing garbo stories about that one time you pushed it into some drunk landwhale, and chads
Hugboxes are for liberals, not conservatives you stupid fuck. Stop being so fucking lazy, you can't even come up with your own shit.
I unironically like this post
completely unironically you understand
Did Showtime actually produce and release this ad?
Americans are fucking retarded sheep who are easily herded like niggers onto a slave boat are unironically why Trump won, why can't this board handle a show about an alpha being an alpha, too butthurt to even consider the idea that not everyone is a perma virgin beta like yourself?
That people actually gets triggered by this 3/10 bait is fucking retarded.
You should all feel bad.
It was a different time.
6 more years
virgins have always been the easiest people to bait
How is he going to campaign after impeachment?
I'm a virgin, I like Californication, and I didn't fall for the bait
Times are tough ;_;
Next president Pence
no way trump is getting a 2nd term
they'll pin all the alt lite shit on him and double up on the anti-white shit
you're getting oprah
Supposedly it's based on his life. Wall to wall pussy.
Sounds great, but everyone is trash and scum.
> "I will NOT fuck you"
> psh whatever
> *fucks her*
what did hank mean by this?
>5 girls a month
I'm not chad, but that's not a tough feat - I just live in NYC and use multiple dating apps. I had a roommate who looked like an Abercrombie model, he'd bring a new hot Asian babe to the apartment every other day.
>but everyone is trash and scum
I've nearly finished the first season but had to stop. The story itself is alright but I just don't understand why people like Hank as a human being. Even when he doesn't have money to pay a whore and is being beaten by her pimp - she laughs at his bad jokes like he's the best guy in the world. Each episode has this exact same warped reality. A woman who robs Hank returns all his stuff and sleeps with him again. A car saleswoman sleeps with him in an alley for telling a man to go fuck himself. That pornstar with a kid just invited over some man in a wrecked car because he was talking to himself and he said he was a writer.
I don't feel bad for Hank at all. It's like some adult rated Truman Show but we don't get to see the behind the scenes and Truman will never find out it's a show. Oh and Truman is an asshole all day everyday
> looks like a model
> bangs asian
pfhfhfhahahaahahaha, what else did he do?
I thought it was fun. I obviously have gripes with some shit, and it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good in my opinion.
What will lead to his impeachment? Non meme answer please.
>Anybody who didn't like it is a virgin neckbeard
A show about pretentious California characters. You're a fucking idiot for liking it.
I'd rather not watch a bunch of whinny libs cry about every little fucking detail. I hate their culture too.
And typically when you use tl;dr you're supposed to give a brief summary, not another fucking novel.
There are some shows only chads can understand
not chad detected
>Ernest Cline
that book, with the right writer is a potential nestalgia bomb. In the right hands, this is a potential several hundred million dollar blockbuster.
I enjoyed it but I also concede that it's basically just a blatantly obvious male fantasy, even rivaling James Bond if based purely on the amount of fucking Hank Moody does.
I liked Duchovny as a smarmy dick with a heart of gold. I liked Runkle even though he was kinda beta where his bitch of a wife was concerned. Outside of that, I watched it for the tits, and it didn't disappoint. Between Susan Sarandon's daughter and that chick that plays the young actress in season 4, I almost didn't want to watch porn to beat off for a while.
>Hugboxes are for liberals, not conservatives you stupid fuck
Sup Forumstards actually believe this lmfao
but Sup Forums and r/the_donald are the biggest hugbox echochambers online....