What are some good mysterious/noir like movies like pic related and a cure for wellness where the protag is tasked with...

What are some good mysterious/noir like movies like pic related and a cure for wellness where the protag is tasked with investigating supernatural stuff?




supernatural/satanist stuff
End of Days
Devils Advocate

Do you know more ?
I have watched those already.


The Name of the Rose
Angel Heart
That Medieval Sean Bean and Melisandre one about the Plague.

wait, are you the same guy who posted similar question few days ago?
list more movies you already seen from that thread

Lord of Illusions

Ok thanks also its called black death.

That's probably a different user I was banned for two days.
Anyway I've seen the ninth gate,a cure for wellness,dagon, in the mouth of madness, rosemary's baby, devils advocate, constantine and one about a girl who had to babysit a house but actually its a trick by satanists to get her pregnant by the devil, I forgot its name though.

Oh captain archer from star trek plays in that one.


Nice movie but watched it already.

This thread is relevant to my interests

If you liked the 9th Gate check out Polanskis other films


Like the killers?
Its the only other one of him I know.

watch it again

Not a detective movie but it has Satanic stuff.

Chinatown and Frantic, both investigative movies. Chinatown obviously being a famous one

Is this good it looks interesting.

Thanks I'll check it out.

Heard about chinatown but it isn't really supernatural is it?

“The Ghost Writer” from 2010 is very good too, but its not supernatural, more of a mystery thriller but with the same atmosphere

I actually saved the link to a thread asking the same question:

For me, this is one of those movies that I remember seeing as a kid on tv. I watched it two days ago and loved it.

>Is this good it looks interesting.
One of my favorite movies. It's subtle and very well paced, with an atmospheric small town setting.

Oh nice with pierce brosnan and ewan mcgregor,I'll check it out thanks.

Doesn't surprise me honestly.
Ninth gate is really a nice comfy movie,there are occasional threads about it here.

Is it really supernatural?
I get the idea that it ends with 'it was all in their head' or something like that.

>Is it really supernatural?
Without going into too many details... probably a better word than supernatural would be "paranormal". It's subtle, but I'd say that most people will come away from the movie with the impression that something weird actually happened.

The Wicker Man
The Devils
The Sentinel
Sleepy Hollow

Alright thanks I'm downloading it now.
Its pretty hard to find movie like the ninth gate. Most of these movies are generally low on the investigation part and high on the horror.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I also am a big fan of the Ninth Gate, and it's hard to find movies with that noirish supernatural detective vibe done seriously and well, rather than in a comic bookish way. Mothman Prophecies isn't quite noirish detective as much as Ninth Gate, but it has shades of that and does what it does, in my opinion at least, very well.


holy shit this. I watched the first hellraiser again last night at 3am. it must have been 6 years since the last time I saw it and it was fucking great.

Also 8mm, not supernatural but dark enough