Why are cinema snacks so fucking expensive?

Why are cinema snacks so fucking expensive?

Personally I never buy snacks from the cinema because their too pricy. Popcorn isn't really that nice either.

I load up a plastic bag with Haribo and Quality Streets. So much cheaper and tastier.

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Because they make shit from the box office. Concessions is how they make their money.

crab fishing is expensive

You could just pop round poundland and get one of those bags of bags of popcorn

They don't allow you to bring outside food so they can upsell their snacks to you if your hungry. It's a gross tactic but it works otherwise it wouldn't be around. That's why the meme exists where people sneak in their snacks

Why do you have to eat while watching a film?

I just watch the movie because anything worth paying to see is worth my undivided attention. I also stay until the end of credits. Cinemas hate me?

At live theater shows, I often get a black coffee

Good thing we don't have this shit in Europe.

nobody cares about europe though

We used to sneak in snacks at the theatre at my cottage when we were kids. Pop and candy and the like. We would open the pop can at a loud part of the movie to conceal the sound. Once however my cousin was drinking pop from a can and the theatre manager came up in the row behind her and took it right out of her hand!

Really? I wanted to see The Force Awakens there but the monoglot I was with didn't want subtitles covering part of it so I had to wait until I was home. The 501st guys in Madrid weren't allowed to carry blasters so they looked awkward xD

Because you fucks are too poor to afford anything.

You do.

Because going to the cinema is a fun event and guzzling sweets adds to the experience.

its no meme its just reality

they only thing i would ever consider buying in a theater is popcorn, everything else im bringing.

>not going to the drive in for 9$ + 2 movies, and you can bring in snacks
what are you? Chumps?

no u

>Not smuggling a big bag of Sour Patch Kids from Price Chopper and $1 bags of jelly beans into the kinoplex

ANY successful enterprise involving food has one thing in common: they sell actual lowest common denominator foods with insane markup. The lower their cost, the higher the markup. Have you ever actually popped your own popcorn in a kettle with kernels? That shit is literally PENNIES per cup. A small popcorn where I am is roughly $5, yet probably cost the place $0.11 in oil and corn to make.

The ranking usually is like this for a fast food place, for example, in order of decreasing profit

soda>fries>main menu items like sandwiches. For example, my manager at Arby's told me they used to make literally a couple cents per sandwich when this "5 for $5" deal was going on, and that really the deal was only there with the hope they would buy a fucking drink with one of the choices, or on the side. Otherwise, the company was losing money if we gave out too many sauce packets or something.

My mom took me to a triple feature once because I'd been asking to experience that novelty.

I usually go to a comfy multiplex and then the bf pays me back more than the cost of admission without ever being asked because he knows he earns more than me.

>mfw people don't tip the popcorn guy

Why has nobody found an unbranded photo of Robert yet?

Are you willing to pay the steep fees for stock photography, for a meme? The watermark makes it funnier anyway.

How expensive could 1 (ONE) image be?





Alcohol is the worst offender. I mean I guess I understand when it’s super-high-end spirits, but when places charge like $6 for a pint of Bud Light, (and more for imports and craft) it’s infuriating. I can get a 36-pack of Bud Light for like $22 at Total Wine, and I KNOW the restaurant is getting a way better deal per ounce form AB InBev than I am. It’s insane.

It would be cheaper to hire a professional to shoop the watermark out

That doesn't give you the rights to use it commercially, which is what stock photography is made for.

Theaters only make about 12% of box office sales. They make all their money from concessions. That's why they're marked up so high.

>t. Regal employee

A small technicality

>eat meal at home before film
>no need for snacks
>make the trek across town to the kinoplex
>peckish after the walk
>fuck it
>"1 large crab legs please"


You're not paying for the drink dumbass you're paying for the experience and the ambiance you want to go buy a 36 pack for the price of 3 drink and sit in your bathtub and drink alone, or do you want to hit on broads and laugh with your friends

Did you ever get assigned to guard the popcorn mines?

Not true though. You're not allowed to do it in Germany and other places either. But people still bring shit packaged in their bags with them. On the other hand, people don't eat as much at the movies as Amricunts do.

How else do you think they can pay the popcorn miners, crab fishers, cinema nuclear physicists, and theater lake managers?

Well the popcorn miners and crab fishers are indentured slaves so there's minimal expenses there.

Crabs are expensive
