Jim Carrey replaces the lead actor in the last movie you’ve watched

>Jim Carrey replaces the lead actor in the last movie you’ve watched


Dumb and Dumb When Lloyd met Lloyd

>ingrid goes west

Seems like it'd be up his alley

>blow out
im ok with this

>Ben Hur (remake)
Eh, might be better than the shit we got.

Bright. I guess he's Will Smith now.

>For a Few Dollars More
I don't get it. How old would he be in it? Like six?

Jim Carrey in Birth of a Nation. He looks good in a hood.

>Animal House
Would anything change?

I'd watch again for the awkward spaghetti bath scene.

my children go unvaccinated and die

>Jim Carey as Detective Spooner in i, Robot
That would have been really interesting. It was a fairly comedic part which he could handle well, and I've seen him do serious stuff before, but the film calls for a lot of anger from the lead and I don't think I've seen that from him before.

I watched The Hitchhiker, and Carrey as the psychotics hitcher just seems more logical. Of course, it becomes a dark farce no matter which part he takes...

Honestly makes it better.

Edge Of Tomorrow

Would of been interesting

>The Truman Show
Huh, thats convenient


idk, good I guess

>Ace Ventura

That's deep user.

I only watch Jim Carrey movies as it is

>tomb raider
It could work

LotR: RotK. Does he play Frodo or Aragorn? Either way, it's still very different.

Alien: Covenant would have been awesome

It becomes unwatchable

I don't see any changes

Kagemusha, so you tell me.

Jim carrey playing tiny mexicans.

>bad boys

>Replaces Redmond Barry
Honestly would make it at least watchable.

>Jacob's Ladder


Wellllll guys and gals, somebodyyyyyys been murdered on the train! And its up to me, Hercule Poirot, (whispers) the world's greatest detective (yells) to find the murderer!

I just can't stand seeing him anymore. I'm going to have to hide this thread.

>Jim Carrey becomes Tonya Harding

Might actually be funnier desu

>Training Day

Would Jim Carrey be a succesful Narcotics Detective?

>under a white sheet the whole time
I'd be alright with this.

Replaces Adrien Brody in Predators.

>blade runner 2049

holy shit no

I don't know if that would work to well

The last movie I watched was "The Beaver." I don't think Mel Gibson would like his hand up Carrey's ass but I could be wrong.

>Dark City
So it's like a darker version of the Truman Show?

>Guardians of the Galaxy

Meme Lord, meet Meme Daddy.

>Punch drunk love
Considering he was doing serious stuff around this time he'd probably fit in pretty well

>Being John Malkovich
He actually fits the film.

same here
>tfw no scene where joi and K talk to each other with their butts

>Hot Rod
The film becomes ten times better and funnier.

>Modern Day Carrey plays Pennywise in the IT remake

Fuck yeah.

They all die of small pox.

>The Virgin Suicides

Jim Carrey as 14 year old blonde jailbait

lol at first, but then pondering deeply

Who killed Captin Alex

I dont like where this is going.

The russian ark, nothing changes, i can't see him anyway

blade runner 2049
he would unironically make a good runner

>Implying it wasn't already

>The Great Wall
I'm not sure what to think

would be too overacted

yea no, it would be horrible 2bh


> Jim Carey as Pennywise

Would watch

>He becomes the new Jigsaw


Jim Carrey as Anton Chigurh

Would watch.

>Barry Lyndon
Would be absolutely kino

>citizen kane
does this mean jim carrey wrote, directed, produced and cut the final print of citizen kane? could be kino if it's old and wise jim carrey

>Phantom Thread

Molly's Game

well thats awkward but it would work just fine

I got The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. It's funny to think just how much of an opposite Jim Carrey is to Clint Eastwood.

>some documentary about Karl Lagerfeld

>Requiem for a dream

I'm not sure about this.

>Jim Carrey as The Jackal (1973)

Or the schlubby French detective trying to stop him, depending on how you want to look at it.

>Gangs of New York
he better take Leo's role, because Daniel Day Lewis is the only way i can imagine bill the butcher


I'm not too sure about this.

Jim would have been great as K

breaking bad

>"It" is now a "The Mask" sequel


Why would anyone watch the Ben hur remake?

That newest Pirates of the Carribean. Don't even know what he'd do? Replace Depp?

Pic related.

Is Jim carry, jim carry or is he Truman?

>The Last Emperor
As an adult, or the kids too?
does he still suck tiddy?

> I, Tonya

Unironically the movie would be 100x better with Carrey

No sir, I don't like it.

This would be the funniest shit

>Ju-On; The Final
probably not that different

Jim carry's the show

>actor named dickinson
>movie about homosexuality

so is Bruce almighty all over again kek

.....I have no complaints.

>Solo: A Star Wars Story
Nothing changes.

> Holy Mountain


>My Left Foot

>John Wayne in The Searchers



>The Fountain of Life

You know what, that would actually be kino

his #times up, he'll be next on the witch list after that bitch from bridget jones pulls a fast one because she needs money

Sin city. He would probably fit right in these days.

>The Disaster Artist
>starring Jim Carrey
desu it would've been a better movie

>Brawl in Cell Block 99

That’d be great

>Killing of a Sacred Deer
Could be good

>leaving las vegas
it would be alright, i guess


five easy pieces

becomes a comedy
desu jack nicholson is the only actor who couldve pulled it off as well as he did