This is a kids cartoon

>This is a kids cartoon
WTF is wrong with Fr*nch people?

Other urls found in this thread:

>after intro ends

That's hot.

why are americans so afraid by nudity but completely fine with showing graphic violence to kids?

>why are americans so afraid by nudity but completely fine with showing graphic violence to kids?

Puritanism. Looking at nekid grlls will get you to hell, conquering the savage lands and killing them all will get you glory. Basically the same morality as in islamic nations.

based french providing fetish feed

And people say anime is full of fanservice...

Yeah yeah yeah
Where’s the porn?

What are you trying to say?

Why even bother with mosaic when you can clearly make out the details underneath?

Trolls de Troy is based on a comic spin-off of Lanfeust de Troy in which Trolls are ultra violent creatures, eating humans (and pretty much everything).

In the comic itself, she's constantly nude and eat people too.

>normal thread
>french poster comes in

That sounds awesome. That's an ideology of strength. Much prefer that to passivity.

I'm sorry, where is situated? Which country, France or America has BBC as one of it's most common search terms on pornhub?

amerimutts should stay in their containment threads.

Based France.

>WTF is wrong with Fr*nch people?
They're fucking french.

>49%er brings up his fetish out of nowhere
Every time.

My dad's family are norwegian immigrants so I grew up with stories and fairy tales about trolls, and they were never sexy grill trolls. Just fat bare assed dudes who torture gnomes andhave big red kike noses.

The french molest their own children. Fact.
The french have the highest child rape in the planet.
The french are born pedophiles. Fact.
"French" is direct translation of "child rapist oui oui" from latin. Fact.
Lingua franca indominus rex

Why is the animation in French cartoons always so bad?

She's not a troll. She's human.

That's a troll

>child rapist oui oui

It's a low budget small comedic cartoon.

Being one of the most obvious trolls ever, or just plain retarded?

We just don't know

If its French why are they speaking English, huh?
Stop spreading misinformation

Why do frogs draw like japs?

French pederast task force are here.
Muslim eyes can only view 10 frames per second

Because France and Japs are drawing stuff together since the early 80s

Why are non-Americans so quick to equate two utterly dissimilar things in a flawed effort to prove the superiority of their beliefs?

But allow me to explain it to you, since you clearly don't understand:
So called graphic violence is, in fact, not actually graphic and is known to be fictional, thereby resulting in a distinctly different impact on the viewer than actual violence. Despite what some people seem to think, graphic, real life videos of death and injury are not common and are not considered acceptable. There's a difference in experience between a videogame and a day at the Colosseum in ancient Rome that would be obvious to most people.

Nudity and sexuality, however, do not have the same inherent distinctiveness. You can't put tits and dicks everywhere and say "No guys, see, it's just fiction. It's not REAL sexuality!" as if one can't pop a boner on e-hentai. Although one could argue that cultural differences could render certain things fully acceptable in one place and unacceptable in another, that raises two other issues: 1) if we accept that premise, then logically, everyone should shut the fuck up about what Americans do and 2) it doesn't apply in this case, since nudity is not even wholly accepted as fine and non-sexual even in the countries where it's relatively more tolerated. In those cases where nudity occurs, even then it is usually restricted and requires justification.

what the fuck did they do to troll de troy

"poping a boner" doesn't mean you're having sex

You forgot the dozens of other fetishes that show 'covered' TF/furry, growth, latex/form fitting costumes (surprised they didn't give them more 'definition') fat, stuckage to name a few ( I think someone was even eaten by a plant)

French are fetish indoctinating kids, one fetish at a time

Then stop posting how you're not a virgin, snail pederast

>see a group of French tourists
>only 40% of them are white
>most of them have a non-white boyfriend/girlfriend

Jesus Christ

It was stupid from the start. Pic related.

Only early Lanfeust was good

> everyone should shut the fuck up about what Americans do

sure, as long as americans shut the fuck up about what everyone else does.

We need more of this.

Adherence to a philosophical principle does not require reciprocity, you know.

that's not the start. it was stupid but it didn't take itself seriously either

>French Children Cartoons
wtf is wrong with France

>you need to stop being a faggot. Now watch me be a faggot!
Fuck off, faggot.

What about rape trolls from Berserk?

based frogs

>The Virgin American approved violent comic"""""""""book"""""""""""""

The French RAUNCHY Chadmination

>Tfw will never get a show about feet
Feels bad senpai.

>he doesnt know about french anime


nah, it's really not. It creates a culture of sexually-repressed psychopaths or insane theocracies, which is what the Puritan societies were.

In the same comic, there's much more detailled child nudity



Thank you based France.

>he has never seen the banner of the site

>Even though I acknowledge being a faggot is unacceptable, I'm going to willingly continue being a faggot until you stop being a faggot first!
It's supposed to be a decision regarding actions based on underlying principles, not a social exchange, brainlet.

Translation is weird, in French he just says he saw her naked.

And if you want french anime going too far...

I fapped to the troll rape scenes.
I'm sorry, I confess.

Yet here we are, both choosing to be fucking faggots.

>trolls look like niggers

what did they mean by this?

Sometimes, life is a mystery.

> not rather fapping to the loli witch doing a nuru massage to Guts


um I don’t remember this
Which chapter is it from?

is it because they're sexually repressed that americans constantly think about sex even when watching children cartoons ?


It's not that we're "repressed", it's that cultural decorum dictates that we repress ourselves in this regard whilst media and entertainment flood our senses with sex stuffs at the same time.

Two scarcely compatible things. Tell me these two things go well together.

i wanna FUCK this smol cat

If you get sexual thoughts as soon as you see an ankle or a nipple then you need to get checked

>get raised as a witch
>be taught to communicate with the spirits of the world
>learn to work together with spirits to bend the laws of the world
>first thing you do with this power is give yourself a bigger ass
god damn schierke


Chapter 34
Chapter rule 34

But seriously I don't remember. It's the arc in the "alliance" city just before THE BOAT

Why the fuck is it in English? I was all prepared for some comfy little French girl voice acting with subs. I am disappointed.

>I am disappointed.
I'm gonna speak for everyone here and tell you to fuck off of our board you deviant

It's probably a dub trial.

Huge coincidence they picked the naked episode to do that.