What the fuck kind of ending was that?

What the fuck kind of ending was that?

Kubrick was a hack.

book was better

Next step in human evolution.

It was an amazing ending, fucker.

One of the best ending I ever loved.

its not such a good ending when you find out that Kubrick ran out of money so never got to make the ending he wanted. this was just a fudged ending with the remaining $500 they had left.

>the entire movie is a birth metaphor...

Not really
Just overrated by rabid fans

Kubrick is basically accesible arthouse

t. brainlet

It's cool as fuck after the 2 hours of silence
also technically impressive
the context of the story becomes irrelevant for most viewers, including me, it is just a nice short film.

did they ever make a sequel where they feed the giant baby.

The Earth is a giant tit.
SpaceBaby is there for milkies.

Yarp. The Discovery is a giant techno penis.
The pod is a sperm that pops out the end.
The Star-gate is a vag and amazing orgasm.
Space Baby is a Space Baby.

The inference is that the Space Baby is as advanced from Dave Bowman as a human being is from a spermatozoa.

The movie is blasphematory. The old man in the baroque room is supposed to be God. He portrayed him as an old man who was bored as fuck. Then he breaks his cup which indicate something happenned, a human found his way up there. It's silly

w-w-what did he want to be the ending?

In that spirit, I can't wait for the big screen adaption of this.

space baby grows up and gets a job moving asteroids.

>he frequents a film board
>just saw 2OO1 for the first time
what's next? The Godfather? fookin plebs

Then what are the monoliths? This explanation is stupid, just go with what the book said.

Kubrick used a shit load of phallic imagery in his films. You're the stupid one. The monoliths are the advancement of man/technology, it's pretty straightforward if you're not retarded.

>yfw you realize 2001 is the story of a retard (Hal) who does some things he shouldn't have and has to be put down like Lenny at the end of Of Mice and Men

tfw it was a cover for NASA so you spill the beans on the mystery school ideology

No, they are tools left by an advanced civilization to aid humanity.