this one was somewhat successful r--right!?
Are we getting a Power Rangers (2017) sequel?
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sequel to what? did I miss something?
That movie was watchable and I hate Power Ranger shit.
I wish ;_;
>mfw i just realised there was power rangers movie in2017
Power Rangers (2017)
No fucking chance. See-aryaah
>autistic black ranger dies
I still can´t believe that they literally made on of them retarded
and wasn´t one a lesbian as well?
retarded genius!
and yes
I stopped watching around the halfway point. I just didn't find the characters interesting at all.
Pink a Cute
>pink bullies her friends almost to suicide
>later on in the movie she drops a giant piece of debris on her friends car, destroying it
>hah that’s what you get!
Why was she such a cunt
I sure hope so, that movie was pretty good. Make the next one with more Rangers and better use of the old tunes and it's gonna be great.
Billy wasn't exactly retarded. Retards can't function in society, he was just maladjusted. Plus the kid was a genius.
Yellow rangers isn't confirmed to be a lesbian, despite what tells you. She said her parents believe in labels and don't accept something about her, not what that something is.
>that scene where instead of raising their hands like normal people they do that weird “one finger salute to the sky” that Islamic people do
What did Saban mean by this
He was on the autism spectrum; and before a kid who needed him to get his house arrest anklet came off, didn't seem like he was functioning too well in society. Sounds like a retard to me.
that actually doesn´t seem that far fetched. I heard that last year a guy was fired for hiding Islamic text about killing non believers in a x-men comic
Yeah. There was a part where the red ranger was trying to rally the team back together after a defeat and he says something along the lines “who’s with me?” And one by one instead of just raising their hands like a regular human would do, they each do that finger point thing
I hope not. It was soulless and completely lacked what made the original charming and cheesy fun.
I remember this being pretty good. My only personal gripe against it was a lack of fanservice, and that's arguably a good thing. I don't remember how well it did at the box office, but I would certainly get hype for a sequel.
They should have set it in the 90s and brightened it up a bit. People will forgive a bit of cheese if it's nostalgia-banking
It was better than I expected, but nothing different from any Marvel origin story
>turning the sweet, bubbly pink ranger into a mega bitch cunt
WTF Saban?
The DVD sold well, and more importantly for Bandai it led to some of the highest toy sales in years.
So maybe.