Why is Russian television so white?

Why are there no black people in this russian La La Land skit from their biggest talk show????


Plenty of Kalmykians,Tatars,Uzbekhs,Kazakhs,Volga Germans etc in Russian television now fuck off

Because it's old as fuck and blacks die if the temp drops below freezing.

There are like 2 blacks in Russia.

>Why are there no black people
Just appreciate the fact that they aren't there. Niggers are not necessary.

How cucked are Russians that their greatest writer was a black man?


>both parents are white

Whiter than you'll ever be

Why are 4channarians so obsessed with black people?

t. mixed native american and chinese

i-i-i'm white you guys! asian is still white!!

>hurr durr cucked
It's Russia. Here you either die of cold, hunger and misery or convert to being a Russian.

Slavs are the most feral white people on earth, blacks get the shit beat out of them in Russia and go missing as well.

>>both parents are white
Hello Amerimutt


And you are purely white, right?

Well for starters, my great grandfather wasn't a nigger

>And you are purely white, right?


That's quite possible in Europe, muttfriend.

i want a fat assed russian gf!!

Why is Russian television so shit?

Does it matter? You are still inferior to Pushkin

Are you dumb?

Russians are culturally still in the Stone Age

russian/ukrainian pop music is primo fap-bait

Because the public either knows better than to watch it, or is happy with it as it is.
Give clay or I use nuke.

Moscow got 6 minutes of sunlight in December, black people wouldn't survive.


Because white Russians don't reproduce black babies