TFA was and is still good

I can understand people's problems with The last Jedi, even though I didn't personally hate it.
But it will be hard for people to convince me that The Force Awakens was a bad movie or reboot, it was done very well done and will serve as an iconic movie of this decade.

I've already seen A New Hope though, I bought a movie ticket to see something new...

Name one scene that's even as good as the Podracing in Episode 1.

Nothing about these new movies is cool or fun or memorable

>But it will be hard for people to convince me that The Force Awakens was a bad movie or reboot,
Then I'll probably just start ridiculing you at some point.
>it was done very well done and will serve as an iconic movie of this decade.
So what? 'Iconic' and 'good' are very different things. Plan 9 from Outer Space is iconic.

The only thing which directly compares to A New Hope is the Starkiller base, with Han Solo joking about it. Any other connections are just cynical or overthought.


You literally cannot argue against this.


>Any other connections are just cynical or overthought.

I didn't think that people actually liked the podracing scene, I thought it was just a meme.
But anyway, you have to get out of that headspace to look at TFA hopefully, did you not like it when you first came out of the theater?

TFA is not good in any respect. Even many redditors can recognize this.

>I didn't think that people actually liked the podracing scene,
That was his point, nothing in TFA is even as good as a mediocre part of the Phantom Menace.
>But anyway, you have to get out of that headspace to look at TFA hopefully,
What headspace are you talking about? "look at TFA hopefully?" What does that even mean?
>did you not like it when you first came out of the theater?
Not that guy but I had a bad taste in my mouth after leaving the theater, yes.

>Muguffin antagonist wants is stored in a droid
>Old mentor character is killed in view of young protagonist before final confrontation

I like it, but you're being silly.

Name ONE good toy that came out of this movie


I mean to say that hating a movie before rewatching it is going to make the experience shit. I like TFA when I watched it because I wasn't being cunty approaching it.

Both points in the film have completely different intentions

this guy knows

>I mean to say that hating a movie before rewatching it is going to make the experience shit
I don't care about the experience around the film, I care about the quality of the movie. TFA is crap.
> I like TFA when I watched it because I wasn't being cunty approaching it.
Are you saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a cunt? I'm having a hard time understanding you because of the way you're mixing tenses and pretending you don't think you're better than people who prefer non-sequel Star Wars films to the sequels.

So what?

>t. soyboys

ANH and TFA are very similar in basic plot structure

but the themes and core thesis statement of the two films are entirely different

TFA being good only hinged on how they dealt with all of these hanging questions: why is Rey so fucking OP in everything she does, how did Snoke come from nowhere with so much in so little time (Palpatine had to legally take over the Republic, thus giving him endless pre-established resources and power), how did they get Luke's lightsaber back, why is Luke off alone, where are the Knights of Ren, etc etc etc. The entire movie was cliffhanging you along that left you needing answers. TLJ not only answered nothing, it retroactively ruined TFA and broke Star Wars lore.

>but the themes and core thesis statement of the two films are entirely different
No they aren't

>directly compares to A New Hope is the Starkiller base
So 2/3rd of the movie?

It was the worst sw film before TLJ

you just need to read the new DISNEY (tm) books that tell the stories--you know, like the one where poe dameron farts at a wedding

They carry different consequences in the plot
it makes a different movie
sticking to a safe formula for a movie is nothing new or bad.

>Le soyboy
You need to go back

I can't blame TFA for the retroactive puzzlement TLJ caused.

>They carry different consequences in the plot
You're right, the happy ending of TFA is a ruse, for reasons that are never made clear during TLJ.
>it makes a different movie
>sticking to a safe formula for a movie is nothing new or bad.
But in this case it doesn't help the film at all. It only hurts it. It's insulting to fans and people who don't already like Star Wars have no reason to care about the new characters.

Yeah, can we get a fucking redo? I don't want to really hate what TFA does, but judged by itself in a vacuum, it's alright. Judged with TLJ, it's just garbage.


>but judged by itself in a vacuum, it's alright
It has the worst characters of any film in the Star Wars franchise. Poe and Finn are both obnoxious quippy bozos in TFA as much as they are in TLJ, people just don't admit it because they want to like something about Star Wars at this point.

Disney are rebooting Star Wars for a new generation of fans. Our 40 year old space movie probably doesn't hold up for kids as much as the new ones, it's okay to go back to basics in some repsects but to elevate and modernise other aspects.

Kylo Ren is one of the top 5 sw characters imo


Jakku = Tatooine

BB8 carrying info to resistance = R2D2 carrying info to rebellion

Movie begins by portraying the ruthlessness of Kylo Ren = Movie begins by portraying ruthlessness of Vader

Finn Chewy and Han go to save damsel in distress = Luke Chewy and Han go to save damsel in distress

Master Luke is secluded on isolated nature planet = Master Yoda is secluded on isolated nature planet

Starkiller Base = Death Star

Must shoot specific site on Starkiller base to initiate destruction = must shoot specific site on Death Star to initiate destruction
(They even have to go through a fucking trench in TFA... cmon)

Father Son conflict of Han and Kylo = Father Son conflict of Luke and Vader
>hurr durr, but it's reversed! that means its orginal
fuck off

Han falls into abyss after being stabbed = Luke falls into abyss after his arm is cut off

Protagonist Rey is an unlikely, poor, tech savvy "chosen one" = Protagonist Luke is an unlikely, poor, tech savvy "chosen one"

Han Chewy Finn and Rey go to cantina for help = Luke and Ben Kenobi go to cantina for help

There are probably several more but if you refuse to acknowledge these, you're simply a Disney cuck or a stubborn fanboy. Daisy Ridley's acting was shit tier, there was nothing new that was introduced in this movie that deserves any interest whatsoever. Rey as a character is the literal definition of Mary Sue. For a movie that was blatantly recycled from the OT, it's laughable that this movie is worse than 4 and 5.

There were many flaws, but it was a decent movie that left room for growth. Rian just was a pathetic loser that not only decided to fuck everything, but left another to clean up his mess.

>Disney are rebooting Star Wars for a new generation of fans.
I don't give a fuck about a new generation of fans, I have liked Star Wars for almost my entire life and I think these movies suck. Why shouldn't my opinion count?
>Our 40 year old space movie probably doesn't hold up for kids as much as the new ones,
The old ones were good movies that were appropriate for children to watch, TFA, R1, and TLJ are all rated PG-13. They're not really appropriate for 'children' at all, even less than the OT and PT. If you actually watch these films, they're very dark, if I had kids I wouldn't let them watch TLJ for all sorts of reasons.
>it's okay to go back to basics in some repsects but to elevate and modernise other aspects.
If it's done well, that's fine, but this isn't a well-done 'modernization,' it's a poorly written, badly cast, lazily directed shitshow.
He's the only good thing to come out of the sequels, but he's not enough to make them worthwhile.

Yoda isn't in ANH
Father-son conflict isn't in ANH
Falling into abyss isn't in ANH
just to clarify

>TFA was and is still good

No. The main characters were and still are ugly guy, not-young-and-handsome-anymore guy and tranny marysue. I want young and handsome Jedi main character like Luke and Anakin.


Wasn't he just the director tho?
I'm sure the production staff are mostly to blame
and Rian has a good previous record of projects. Let's not pretend he's bad at his job.

This doesn't defend the lack of originality present in TFA. It's a reboot of the OT, that is my main argument.

>Wasn't he just the director tho?
He's the only person credited as a writer.
>I'm sure the production staff are mostly to blame
Why are you sure of that? Do you have knowledge about the making of this movie that the rest of us lack, or are you speculating just like the rest of us?
>and Rian has a good previous record of projects. Let's not pretend he's bad at his job.
Looper was mediocre
I haven't seen Brick
Breaking Bad is the most overrated piece of television of all time

TFA was mediocre and TLJ was its only hope for it to stand on its own. Things like Rey's parentage and what Luke and co. did in the previous decades weren't answered, just to name a few. For example if Rey's parents are no one that means she's just a one dimensional character and a Mary Sue.

TFA is just as bad and maybe worse

but Disney had to destroy our childhood hero and got buttfucked

So they are literally paying for it

Your opinion can count for some things
but inevitably, Disney already have SW as a corporation, like Marvel Comics, we can't change that.

regardless of opinions of the most recent movies, is it unaninmously decided that the first two star wars movies are the best ones?

This. I cant imagine when kids play star wars they imagine themselves rey, finn, rose, etc.

Too many cooks. Star Wars doesn't need a story group. Just give the reigns to one man for better or worse.
It's too late now, though.

They imagine themselves as a broomboy.

Just speculating

that's more or less what TLJ was, though, and people threw a shitfit

IX is going to be even safer and more sterile than TFA, I imagine they'll retcon Rey into being someone's daughter and Snoke will come back to life and reveal himself to be plagueis

>Your opinion can count for some things
Unlike yours
>but inevitably, Disney already have SW as a corporation, like Marvel Comics, we can't change that.
I don't care about changing it, I just think these movies are garbage. The only thing that really bothers me is the PR and the geek culture around them.
Please stop speculating


it's "reins" not "reigns", just a friendly reminder, you illiterate donkey

>You know The Last Jedi is terrible when people are saying that even The Farce Awakens was a "better" film.
You seriously can't make this shit up. I think I peed a little.

>mary sue
>random guy actually using a lightsaber in combat
It's even wore than TLJ, because in the latter Daisy at least wears something that gives a good view at her ass.

Don't care about fanfiction.


this. disney's abominations are literally non-canon very-expensive fanfiction.

>7th in a series is a reboot

>mary sue
Kylo was injured in battle, and force teleported to intercept them which took a load of his power, she even barely won the fight because of her force sensitivity. You saw what a civilian like Finn fights, he gets rekt because he's a dork.

Kylo would beat her in a fight at full strength

Every time someone tries to deny that Disney decides what is and isn't canon, I feel a strong wave of embarrassment on their behalf.

Lets just be glad that Disney de-canonised the old EU, at least.

>Kylo would beat her in a fight at full strength
no, you idiot, in chick flicks nothing beats a deep dramaticallymarysue breath. NOTHING! IT'S UNDENIABLE IRREFUTABLE CHICKFLICK LOGIC!

So shills are throwing TLJ under the bus now in an attempt to avoid TFA's image from being damaged... interesting.

It was literally A New Hope, but worse.
It is completely pointless and shouldn't exist, if I feel like watching The Force Awakens, I just put up A New Hope instead, because it's the same story, but done better.
There's no point to it, it's redundant, and its almost a crime against humanity they decided that "we'll just do ep. 4 again" and considered THAT a good continuation of the saga, the same story we've already been trough, but worse.

I will always say that as bad as TLJ is, it's mostly just because of bad execution, and by definition cannot be worse than TFA. TFA as a concept is completely fucked, utterly redundant, and lazy to a degree I can't properly put into words.

They nuked the entirety of the EU, and I thought that was fine, leaves lots of space for telling their own stories and not be constrained by all the ridiculous bullshit in the EU, and they can always bring back the good parts of EU anyway.
And this is what they replace it with, a complete retreading of the original saga. The same story, told again.

I just explained how Rei isn't a marysue
stop browsing plebbit

Why should anyone be glad about that? The old EU was objectively better than the new canon. The new canon is designed to fill in the gaps that the movies leave, whereas the old EU was just a bunch of stuff that was published to supplement a pre-existing film trilogy that already told a coherent story.

Will you agree that she is Mary Sue once she beats Kylo in Ep. 9?

I didn't think so...

The old EU included sequels and spin-offs to everything related to Star Wars and it's trilogies. It is a mess that only someone who writes for Wookiepedia could enjoy.





What, seriously,what did TFA offer other than:

>non-existent character arcs
>main characters that did nothing
>uninspired production design
>incorrectly used dutch angles
>another Death Star
>bad character development
>Dr. Who-tier creature designs
>nostalgia baiting
>awful CGI
>wishy washy """"""""""""""""""""""villain""""""""""""""""""""""
>bad pacing
>forced quips
>muh boyfriend
>major plot holes
>toothless villains who don't do anything even remotely frightening
>a predictable, derivative story
>even more dumb, forced quips
>no many ass pulls to count
>disgusting colour grading
>lens flares
>"yourrrrr a dead man tell that to kanjiklub" - in Scottish accent
>nooooooooooo it was Snoke, he seduced our shhuuuuun
>the OT actors phoning it in in full-on "well, it's a paycheck" mode
>overused filming locations that were easy to spot that even Game of Thrones do a better job making it look like they are set in a fictional world
>that fucking tentacle monster sequence
>an incoherent post-ROTJ universe that's such a convoluted mess that it makes AOTC look as straightforward as ANH
>that horrid helicopter shot
>orange Yoda
>hurdur "mystery boxes"

It was an utter, unredeemable trainwreck, and the only reason why people are afraid of saying that the emperor is truly wearing no clothes, is unlike in 1999 for TPM, we're inundated with the opinions of idiots (reddit) and the never ending torrents of shill reviews on RT and the nerd blogs, all desperate for those sweet disney bux.

>force teleported
I'm sorry what?

>The old EU included sequels and spin-offs to everything related to Star Wars and it's trilogies
Yes, but they weren't functionally equivalent to the new canon's stories, which exist to fill in gaps in this new film trilogy that have no parallels in the OT.
>It is a mess that only someone who writes for Wookiepedia could enjoy.
Clearly that isn't true, because I've never written for that site and I enjoy the old EU.

If she beats kylo in ep. 9 I'll revoke my statements.
I've seen some stuff about "Reylo" tho and maybe they'll hook up to conclude the trilogy instead of a rehash of RotJ

>The old EU was objectively better than the new canon.
much much MUCH better
because they have two young and handsome jedi twins not tranny marysue



Kylo was on the hangar when he killed his dad, he magically intercepts Rey and Finn on the surface of Starkiller base, they even stop in their tracks and Kylo appears in fornt of them. Force teleportation is the only explanation.

i just explained how kylo can be beat by a marysue
stop denying chickflicklogic

>force teleported
....come again?


>Force teleportation is the only explanation
not true. bad chickflicklogic writing is another explanation.

is this a meme or just an obnoxious thing you've concocted in this post?

see and

Your headcanon is fucking gay

>Only George is allowed to produce canon

>Force teleportation
Otherwise known as shitty writing.

It isn't shitty writing, it is an aspect of Kylo Ren's immense power, it is character building and intimidation.

If force teleportation is a thing, why didn't Kylo just teleport to Luke's location.

>Kylo Ren's immense power
If he has such immense power then why does he submit to that pussy Snoke for so long?

Of course in my headcanon I just pretend TFA and TLJ never happend as well, I've always done that back with the expanded universe and the most grating parts of the prequels.
But on a list ranking the official Star Wars movies, that's where I'd put them.

He teleported from a hangar to the surface of the planet, he isn't OP and he doesn't actually know where luke is, y'know.

Force Teleport??? When is this apart of SW???
OP is clearly baiting guys


chickflicklogic exists. just watch chick flicks and shows. like in flash when villain tries to kill iris and barry tells iris "i can't be with you anymore because i can't protect you if i'm near you so we have to cancel our engagement" so in chickflicklogic you can't defend someone if you're right beside them you have to be far away and actually you're still beside them you're just cancelling the engagement and basically that's how you protect someone who's getting to attack you by cancelling your engagement. if you're scratching your head and screaming whathehell you yammering about then you're getting chickflicklogic.


Is English your first language?

Literally just switch 2 and 1 and you've got the definitive list. But there's no point adding fan fiction to the bottom of the list.

Snoke is seemingly more powerful and it is in Sith tradition to have a master-student dichotomy, and Kylo's sith legacy was achieved when he killed his master, like how sidious killed plagueis, and vader killed sidious.

But he knows where Finn and Rey are? how? Force Clairvoyance?