Why did Anthony Cumia fail to succesfuly transfer from radio to podcasts?

Why did Anthony Cumia fail to succesfuly transfer from radio to podcasts?

Why does r/opieandanthony think that they are welcome here?

he needs a straightman

>content is boring
>shitty guests
>keith the cuck

Those two and Howard Stern are the reason I think Americans are on the whole stupid fucking monkey people. They do horrible things to stupid fucking people and every single person who knows them either regrets it or should. If you find that shit funny then you were raised wrong.

pretty much this, you have to be one arrogant fuck to hide your podcast content behind a paywall.

Just visiting reddit was enough for me to think America and western Europe are mentally and physically addled simpletons.

A weak people are destined to fail.

Pretty much this. He needed the opster to keep him from droning on and on too long, he also needs another smartass like norton to riff off
of, or goof on him when he's acting like an idiot.
RIP O&A. I've been listening since the early 90s when they were doing a poor beavis and butthead impression, saw real rock tv when it originally aired, and got my ass wow-ed on RT 3 MA in my 1985 volvo.

Because the only talented people on the O and A show were Colin Quinn and Patrice

>paid subscription
>sharing a network with these faggots
>Why did Anthony Cumia fail

Nah opie was always shit, it was comedian guests that would rip on Jim Norton that made it good. Jim and Ant really arent much fun if there isn't a wild card between them.

there's not enough Opie hate on this board

Because his politics gets boring fast even when you agree with them. I listened to his show for a week when he first started but I quickly tuned out.

I like morning with Bill Schulz. Ant, Bill, Pat Dixon, and Michael Malice would be a good Red Eye like show.

baba booey

I still sub, mainly because I drive a lot and just listen to the audio which can suck for some bits because you need to watch it. Has more good guests on now than he did when he started it from his house in RI since people are more likely to go in when it's in NYC.

Has Colin Quinn been on since he spilled his drink and became a meme?

Simple answer.
It's the cameras. Back in the days of O&A it was just audio and we never really got to see what was actually happening during the show. Now it's a modern video podcast and we can see what a terrible host Anthony truly is. Perfect example is the Colin Flaherty and Ron Bennington episode. You could clearly see that Anthony had no idea how to deal with the situation. Say all you want about Opie but at least he was a solid host who could handle awkward situations without being a complete autist like Anthony

>"I needed you that day Opie"

alcoholism, pedophilia, domestic violence, etc.

>still crying about Colin Flaherty

Get over it, faggot.

I can't believe both of them are dead.

That was when he was still angry and bitter over being fired, he's lightened up quite a bit since then.
