JJ Abrams Developing New Sci-Fi TV Show

>the Abrams drama is about a family — consisting of a mother who works as a scientist, her husband and their young daughter — who all get into a terrible car crash. After the mother winds up in a coma, her daughter begins digging through her experiments in the basement and winds up transporting to another land amid a world’s battle against a monstrous, oppressive force. Her father then follows her into this new world.


will it be any good Sup Forums?

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>is about a family

god i would fuck the fuck out of her

post the full pic faggot

Of course it won't be good

>JJ Abrams

Pick one

plz do this OP

>tv show
His movies are ok

>it turns out thier all dead

JJ abrams is the biggest hack on the planet. He has never made anything good and i dont know why they keep giving him chances.

Not OP but judging by what we have so far it's probably gonna be her spreading her overly detailed, disgusting looking genitals, as well as her ridiculous looking butthole.
Also she's gonna be shiny.

obviously, that is why we are asking for source

>will it be good?
Only if it will not to preachy like the oppressive force is drumpf


Need image

White mother and black father?
Ah, but that's racist. Needs to be a black mother for Science Diversity.
But can't be a white father, because slavery. Can't be Mexican because nobody will watch it.

How they gonna race mix this? Won't be any chinks because they just burned JJ on nuWars.

>mother's daughter battle against a monstrous, oppressive force
It's the patriarchy, isn't it?

White male husband and black male wife, transdiversity is the highest level.

Nah, the invention from the basement lets the daughter enter her mothers coma induced hallucination, father follows, they work together with whatever the mther is like in her own dream to awaken mother from coma, plot done, next

JJ promises a story full of mysteries, and boxes too


JJ hasn't had an original idea in his life

He fucked him so bad

>mother blablablabla
>daughter bla bla bla
Im not the target audience. Wont watch.

Yeah, does his guy has a vagina growing in his braiins, it's fucking pathetic.

Lat time I trusted JJ on TV I got Revolution, which wasn't bad per se, but didn't resolve itself well enough.


Other version is better

Link it your pieces of shit

Go to fucking the rule 34 site and look up Rey you cunt

xxx is down and paheal is shit


JJ doesn't have the brain power to fix the pile of shit he's been left. Writing has always been his weak point and he can't help but dig his little jew hands into the story because he get paid extra for writing credits.

is luke "dead" dead, or dead for good not going to come back somehow dead? I'm never watching this, I'm just curious what people would anticipate in the finale now that they killed everyone off.

>n-not that source! baby no likey!


you don't see many father son relationships in movies or tv

I really liked Fringe. Though he probably wasn't too heavily involved in that outside the pilot



Paheal has the pic autist

I like Armando's work.