Are gems too OP/perfect for a fictitious race?

Are gems too OP/perfect for a fictitious race?

Consider everyone I've seen has been a stupid piece of garbage I'd say no.

No, because their not "alive." they can't reproduce without another terrestrial planet to suck dry. If you cut off their means of production their numbers would stagnate, and it's really not that hard to kill a gem. I bet a bullet would poof one with no problem. Then just smash it's gem. done and done.

> they can't reproduce without another terrestrial planet to suck dry. If you cut off their means of production their numbers would stagnate
That's a pretty weak argument. Most every other species needs continued access to resources to even stay alive for more than 3 days but they just need a dank pond to reproduce.

They aren't elves.

OP? Hardly. They're just a bunch of bureaucrats and technicians and outside of the Diamonds, a couple of elites, and the OP MCs, most gems don't even seem to be particularly strong, smart, or powerful. Their technology is Star Trek tier.

Perfect? They have a clean and efficient form, but they're all psychological and ethical babbies. They're going to go down like a cliche morality tale, mirroring the Borg.

My opinion is that their feats are so all over the place (one character could look like they could tank a meteor in one episode and poof on another becouse she sat on a tack) that it's imposible to classify, also what this guy said

>Perfect? They have a clean and efficient form, but they're all psychological and ethical babbies.

Orkz would Krump 'em roight gud.

yeah but who wouldn't the Orkz beat?

I wanna see The Beast fight Alexandrite, even if it is painfully obvious who would win that fight. I just want two giants to fight

But what if the Gems absorb WAAAGH! energy?

>can get incapacitated by just slashing them or sticking a sharp object in them
>can get put down for good if you straight for their gem

Having a subclass dedicated to precognition is about as OP as they go.
Aside from that, they don't rank terribly high on the list of OP races, especially as a race that's still subject to emotions. and they're far from perfect.
Humans have even been far more OP in some settings too
Also gems have no competition in universe so the odds are fairly skewed.

>literal womeme race

I mean Gems straight up have time travel on their side I feel like they really don't have an upperlimit as far as feats go.

Gems are as individuals probably decently strong as far as races go, they just aren't as militarized as actual OP races.

if they're so OP why haven't they just wiped out the protagonists and taken over Earth exactly? I dont watch the show anymore but from what I've gathered there's good gems and bad gems, Yellow Diamond being a bad one. why doesn't she just, ya know, kill Steven and take over? if she's so Op? or is Steven like the chosen one or some shit and he's gotta bring balance?

>or is Steven like the chosen one or some shit and he's gotta bring balance?

Basically this. They try to pretend like he isn't special but he's also annoyingly mary sue.

Because Plot.

>have time travel on their side
>Don't use time travel to solve all their problems

It was retconed OR it works like portal to alternate universes/realities in which case

>They don't use it to find out how and who shatered pink diamond

So its probably useless

I'd it would most likely be retconned. That entire episode is a can of worms since the original Steven, our Steven, is fucking dead because of it. Besides, most of the magical related stuff has been retconned into just Gem technology.

weak plot in this case, then. at least provide a believable reason.

>Humans have even been far more OP in some settings too
I still don't get how humans managed to be top dogs in Star Trek in 100 years or so

They're so flawed, incompetent, and oblivious that it stretches believability that they could be as capable, advanced, and intelligent they're supposed to be.
Most rank and file like rubies are literal retards, their pearl secretaries and executive assistants are even more bimboish and there for entertainment more than function than ours, the technicians show no innovation, and their leaders are like petty teenage girls.

This, humans have had to be dumbed down to the point of global retardation just to make them look better. I call it the BLIM BLAM effect, you're not good just cause everyone else is shit

It really stretches believability considering it's a world where we bombed apart global civilisation and were still recovering when we developed the interstellar tech that everyone else already had.

Same Steven, different time dib shit

Well it definitely is a different world that seems much more peaceful from what we've been shown. Parts of africa including ghanna are attached to south america instead, korea is part of america and it appears that the geological event that formed the siberian plateau never happened, perhaps from gems draining shit.

I mean the gems don't even hide their activities yet there's no whiff of a powerful centralised government showing any interest.

>the tyranids are not a threat because they need planets to suck dry for resources

On paper/what a typical SUfag would say is because the cluster, a geoweapon made of millions of gem shards was incubating in the earth. So the evil gems were waiting for it to hatch and blow up the earth instead of doing it themselves for some reason.

Why would they do it themselves?
All they want is the cluster they dont care about Earth or the Crystal Gems.

They think the cluster will destroy earth soon but steven neutralized it. Its why they send gems there to check if it activated.

>Also gems have no competition in universe
So a Mary-Sue race, but not an OP race?

Sometimes the fusion stuff reminds me of a scifi series that involved a race of alien dog-like creatures with a kind of mini hivemind thing going on. A pack of about 3 or more of the dogs made one person, but a single dog was only slightly smarter than a normal dog.

So their personality would be a fusion of their component minds, and sometimes when one was added to a pack, or one died, it would drastically change the person that was the pack.

Sometimes they would purposefully put together pieces that were once part of another "person" to make a new mind that had specific characteristics.

They would sometimes live a long time by inbreeding in a pack, so the mind and personality would be preserved and not altered by adding members from other packs, but that would only last so many generations. So they were potentially immortal, but their actual minds would alter enough through generations that it meant little.

It was such an interesting concept all around.

We don't know because we have never seen any other aliens.


>if they're so OP why haven't they just wiped out the protagonists and taken over Earth exactly?

because thats no longer the plan, after the gempire lost the civil war on earth they skedaddled outta there rigt before firing a mutant ray on every single gem remaining on the planet

however before they left they buried some kind of gem monstrosity inside the planet that would emerge and destroy the planet a couple of thousands years down the line

they dont take earth because it has an expiration date, its worthless, its only purpose now is to feed the monster they created, the monster they believe will crack open the planet soon, what they dont know is that steven hugged and kissed the monster into submission, if they ever find out, its game over

>That entire episode is a can of worms since the original Steven, our Steven, is fucking dead because of it.

there are multiple realities in which Greg and the Gems grieve their loss of Steven, shortly before Earth explodes

And there are other realities where the Gems turn against us.
Or realities where the diamonds are the rebels, Greg is a sleeper agent from homeworld, Earth commits genocide against the gems because earth turns against the gems, etc.

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

I think the book series is called Zones of Thought. Two of the books involve the dogs and their planet and the humans who crashed there.

The first book is half about the humans who crashed on their planet and other humans who eventually go looking for the crashed ship while some galactic crisis is going on.

The second book is only on dog planet.

The third book is a prequel about the a character from the first book and also spider aliens whose sun for strange reasons seems to turn off every century.

One of the main elements to the series is that there are different zones in the galaxy that have limits on the level of technology and intelligence. It's a weird concept but strangely doesn't seem to be explored in the books themselves as the author seemed to want to explore it.

I didn't care. The hive mind dogs are much more interesting.

Then they'd become Orkz, because the only ones who can REALLY beat Orkz, are other Orkz.

But Commissar Yarrick isn't an Ork.

Meme magic only works when you a lot of orks thinking the same thing. That's why "da red wunz to fasta" works, it's common knowledge to every ork in the galaxy.
Yarrick does the things he does because he has the biggest WAAAGH! in the galaxy thinking he's the coolest guy ever.

>the coolest guy ever
Sly Marbo Isn't an Ork.

Are you sure he isn't an Ork Kommando playing the really long game?

>I bet a bullet would poof one with no problem
That may work with old time run of the mill gems (Jasper survived a spaceship core engine exploding on her and the following shipwreck from fucking orbit with just a few bruises) but modern gemworld gems have all sorts of OP bullshit at their disposal. They mastered dimensional ripping space flight. Have energy shields armored exo skeletons and manipulation of momentum that could render all solid ammo based weaponry disabled.

Maybe, but think about this:
Who created the diamonds?

A peaceful solution will be found at the end. The Crystal Gems and all of Earth are hopelessly outmatched by Homeworld. I can see they'll figure out a chance to defeat the diamonds thanks to a convoluted plan surrounding a key event or weakness they're going to find but at the end the Diamonds will be prepared for it and turn the tables capturing almost everyone with Steven needing to find a non-violent way to save the day.

I'm pretty sure it's Sly Marbo disguised as Tzeentch disguised as Creed using an Alpha Legionnaires skin as a suit, who is in turn disguised as Kaldor Draigo who is disguised as an inquisitor who is disguised as an Ork Kommando who plans to kill Sly Marbo.

The Quintessons.

The Forerunners.

The Old Ones

>If you cut off their means of production their numbers would stagnate
How can you prevent them from reaching other planets. They're practically a type 2 civilization bordering towards a type 3.

>no method of controlling them
>no off button
>left to their own devices will try to take over the galaxy
Yep, that sounds like the Old Ones' style.

The Great Beings.


Oh, easily a 2.5. Easily.

They turn planetary cores into teeny tiny Dyson Spheres to power their fountains and billboards.

The only remotely competent homeworld gem that we've seen so far is Aquamarine, and she's a functional sociopath.

Oh boy! An user who hates SU posts yet another annoying obvious bait thread intended to start more edgy SU hate/drama to get any mention of SU banned for good!

Like i said here Its all over the place, she survived that but she got squashed by smoky quartz, then she got pierced by a sharp metal piece, they're as strong as the plot need them to be. The technology doesn't really count in a discussion of them as a race, as a empire sure, but not as a race.

Now Dat's jus' confusin'.

They're pretty OP but far from perfect.
Think about it, they have no need to eat or sleep or really consume any resources at all and yet it's implied they ruin whole worlds just to increase their numbers. This would mean either they are getting killed for some reason and desperately need to replenish or they just go about expanding because it's their instinct.
I'm fond of the idea they are getting their ass handed to them in a war.

A Rick with a giantess fetish.

>then she got pierced by a sharp metal piece
She had a horrible case of rock cancer by that point. We saw Jasper becoming the same type of corrupted gem monster as the two she found in the snow and those were poofed by her pretty easily, even Amethyst got to poof one solo. One even got poofed by chain reaction of a hit received by Jasper. No matter how powerful they were before, corrupted gem beasts seem pretty unstable.

>I'm fond of the idea they are getting their ass handed to them in a war
Yellow seems too bored for the leader of a falling empire on war with a superior for.

Not going to debate that, it does make sense, but my point was that's its all over the place to the point theres people saying "They could survive a nuclear explotion!" or "They can run at 5 times the speed of sound!" or something similar, and that's retarded, but there's no argument against it either, becouse there's never any defined limits to check, it variates between "Really strong" to "Invulnerable" so often and for every character shown, so what's the point?

>tights with flats

God the Pearl in Rhodanite must be a waifu


Kryptman did nothing wrong.

A Pearl got launched to the skyes far and fast enough to become a twinkle and to take several seconds to fall back to the ground relatively unscathed and they're supposed to be among the most fragile gems classes.

Are you proving my point? They also showed the holo-pearl slicin a tree in half with a ballon sword, it doesnt matter how fast or strong you do that with a ballon, that just doesn't happen, its cartoon physics, they're as strong as they're need it to be.