Do you think she has a chance of returning? Or will Disney actively retcon Darth Bane's story too?
Do you think she has a chance of returning? Or will Disney actively retcon Darth Bane's story too?
If she did she would be black
Darth Bane is canon according to The Clone Wars. So who knows about her.
That's a big lightsaber.
Darth Bane?
>you will never see Banekino
>they will never cast Tom Hardy to play him, completing the cycle and officially establishing that SW and DKR are in the same cinematic universe
He is, but he seemed quite a bit different from his comic/novel depictions.
But that can be discounted by saying it was just an illusion. Bane wasn't buried on Korriban, he died, and his body was destroyed, on Ambria.
Star Wars villains are always white males, retard
>Do you think she has a chance of returning?
Pretty sure whoever her apprentice was ended up killing her.
Darth Bane's story along with Revans are kino.
giv sith gf
>a random era that isn't new republic or old republic but just plain republic
Why does he wear the mascara?
I just finished Revan's story. That was depressing. Good, but depressing.
where should i start with the books, is there a diagram/guide any where to use?
It was in style. ALL the Sith lords were doing it. They would add great emphasis to it's importance too. Even when force choking someone with one hand they would check for runny mascara with the other. It was a true mark of a Sith.
Here's a timeline. Read the Darth Bane series and see where you want to go from there. The old republic stuff is pretty good too.
>tfw you started with the Hand of Thrawn duology and was so confused with the setting
fantastic books though
Sith lords age terribly though