Guys, there’s nothing to worry about. Put all of your fears to rest. Solo is going to turn out JUST fine
Guys, there’s nothing to worry about. Put all of your fears to rest. Solo is going to turn out JUST fine
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*slurps mouse dick*
Disney is going to service me OMG
I'm gonna cum inside this movie.
It's already obvious they won't be wasting money trying to market this dud. DOA.
Well I wasn't sure at first, but thank God for social media for changing my mind!
I will buy all the things and cry when I see the trailer because Star Wars means so much to me as a person
It's who I am!!
Oh FUGGGG this is going to be bananas I'm gonna shit my fucking wife's boyfriends boxers I'm wearing right now! HAH mine were dirty!!!
>Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys
But it's so pointless. I hope it flops so they start choosing what spin offs and when to release them more carefully.
>Looks like this could be the 'fan-service-movie' some of the older Star wars fans wanted from Episode VIII
I just wanted a movie with a decent plot, writing, and acting. Is that so much to ask for?
>yeah, we’ll show you a trailer if you write something positive on Twitter, whatever
It’s what every soygoy dreams of
What a disgusting post. Shit like this is spot on.
Pre TLJ:
>Let the past die, Kill it
Post TLJ:
No thanks Mr Mouse
I hope to fucking god this movie is decent, it's not looking good but I'm still holding out some hope.
I know i'm probably a fool for hoping for something good, there never was much hope, just a fool's hope.
>Alden Ehenreich is amazing as Han Solo
Yeah so amazing he needed an acting coach
>"Look like this could be the ' fan-service-movie ' some of the older Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII ;-)"
Jesus they're getting desperate
what happened, I thought they didn't want male fans?
Turns out they were wrong.
Who knew alienating a predominately male fandom would backfire?
Who could have seen that coming?
Why is a grown man typing as he imagines a 15 year old girl would?
will it be raunchy?
too bad that all my hope in the franchise is lost and TLJ having been the final straw in my eyes. won't be paying for any future movies, fuck that. even if it got 100% ratings and Sup Forums started a Solo circlejerk, I would wait until that shit gets a digital release, preferably Yify because that's how much respect I have left for the franchise
>Han, old buddy, I just signed us up for a dangerous smuggling run.
>What are our chances of surviving this, Lando? Tell me the odds
>I got this new starship for the mission. Check it out. We can't possibly fail. I call her... the Millenium Falcon.
>What a piece of junk!
I'm genuinely really excited for this film. The memes are gonna be off the roof. TLJ was just a warm up
I had a feeling for a while that the PR campaign for TLJ was just as much about it as it was setting up this exact narrative for promoting Solo. Didn't like the junk in TLJ? Go see Solo, it's what you like!
Of course it's probably not going to work.
they lost me for good unless its
And they couldn't make Rey a likable, believable character? Do they think catering to male fans means catering to well-developed characters or something?
>more fanservice movies.
>more nostalgia bait.
Jesus fucking christ disney, can't you come up with anything original that doesn't suck?
>fan service we want out of TLJ
I hope this faggot gets hit by a bus
I now legitimately believe that they had boardroom meetings where they decided that the in-between side story films (RO, Solo, the cancelled Trank film) were gonna ape the nostalgia angle hard while the "main" films were gonna ape the original trilogy but also try and blend the style with marvel films to get "a new audience".
It's the only explanation
They had these same kind of Tweets for TLJ
I don't understand why they're releasing it so soon too. Why not stick to one sw movie every Christmas. Two in 6 months is weird scheduling
they been playing this on cable all week
that and soldier with kurt russel are my lone wolf 90s kinos
so accurate
>the "fan service" movie some of the old Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII
I didn't want fan service, I wanted a good movie.
Still no trailer though....
I'd like to be catered to by Felicity.
Reads like a marketing press release
>Donald Glover as Lando
I'm lmaoing. I don't get how people even seriously listen to his music. I still see him as that quirky youtuber comedian before getting on Community. I can't parse the fact that he's now playing in Star Wars. Lmao
I genuinely thought a woman wrote this until I saw his picture. No wonder this is the guy they chose to preview the movie.
How about this?
I'll genuinely believe Ms. Frick if I see another sneak peak review of a movie that she saw that was terrible, just utterly awful. As in,
>'I just saw a Sneak Peak (USP reel) of "Ghostbusters - Answer the Call" and I must say I'm really really down of how freegin awful it looks! (nothing about the story yet) LOL
>The girls are terrible as Ghostbusters, and the supporting cast is just as cringeworthy. The tech and special effects looked unfinished, and it definitely will not compare to the classic old Ghostbusters!
>Looks like this could be the 'diversity-service-movie' 2017ers want. I'll skip the official trailer when it comes out, but you already knew that, right? OMG! (Sony sucks).
There...If i see that, then I can think that they might be honest about this. If not, it goes into the propaganda pile.
Is this for real? This couldn't possibly be more full of shit. It oozes paid asshole.
>I unironically think the villain of a movie is telling the audience its meaning, even though the rest of the film beats you over the head with the message that he's wrong
he’s getting called out for it in the comments. There’s been no one else to corroborate his story, so he’s most likely a shill
>Star Wars
>movie is 4 months away from release
>not even a teaser trailer
>not even a movie poster
are they waiting on TLJ backlash to calm down?
That adult "man" is typing/talking like a love struck 13 year old girl.
>looks like this could be the """"fan-service-movie""" some of the OLDER, MORE WHITE, MORE PATRIARCHAL, INCOMPREHENDING, SOON-TO-BE-EXTINCT Star Wars fans who don't even know how to WATCH FILMS wanted from Episode VIII :) ¦:¬) 8^) :vD
>I just saw the Han Solo movie
>I-it's really really great
>It will placate the fans we deliberately insulted and alienated with VIII
>P-please see our movie
The backpedaling begins.
too little too late
Suck a fucking dick
I want this movie to flop so fucking bad
>Last scene of the movie
>Han and Lando looking at a Corellian freighter in a hanger bay
>Lando says "She needs a name"
>Han "You think early people ever imagined how fast man would be able to fly?"
>Lando "Back then the fastest thing they ever saw was a falcon and now we can instantly travel faster than one of those could in a millenium"
>Han "What did you say?"
>Cut to credits
how did these guys in a galaxy far far away know what a falcon even is?
>$3 million in merchandise
wait, really? $3 million worldwide for all the merch including toys, clothing, mugs, bb8 robots and all that garbage? seems pathetically low.
>Solo flops because it's a shit movie
Disney execs:
>"well, i guess nobody wants to see white men no more!"
>greenlights Phasma movie
Very cool
i hope Emilia Clarke becomes known as the franchise killer, her career can't die soon enough
The possibility of shit like this is terrifying.
hyperspace ram your expectations shitlord
Same reason a race of fish people is named after an earth fish meal
whatever they do to Han’s character will never be accepted as canon anyways, so they may as well go all out with this shit
Hello darkness my old friend
>be 28 yrs old
>expect 1-2 star wars movies a year for the rest of my life
grim future
Trank film?
And how a character is named after an earth flower.
I hope he meant thrawn and not josh trank
DIdn't Woody Harrelson die? I thought he died before he could finish filming the Hunger Games series. Does anyone else remember this happening?
Honestly spot on, minus the going on reddit the next day to make some ironic comment on how they wish they died
Such a miserable existence, I don't know how people can live like that
You're thinking of Philip Seymore Hoffman
Jesus fucking christ
no harrison, no solo for me personally but how is anyone going to go see this while knowing all the shit thats been going on behind the scenes?
I can FEEL the soy
Shit, indeed I am. I thought this was a "Mandela Effect" scenario but it's actually a "the wrong kid died" scenario.
>of little import
How long are they gonna squeeze the william lemon?
let me guess, its the best star wars film since empire
the public doesn’t even know this goddamn movie exists
quality post
>posts soy runner 2049
>"This is the one they are going by artistic integrity entirely, fucking plebs!"
I want off the ride lads.
This. My white collar office coworkers are the most normie of normies and every time I ask one of them if they're going to see the Han Solo movie the response is always
>Wait what? That movie comes out in May? Did I miss the trailer?
Why were there a bunch of snakes and iguanas and shit on Dagobah?
>Han , to Lando, motions his thumb toward Emilia Clarke
>"you came in that thing? you're braver than I thought"
Bravo Kennedy!
>How long are they gonna squeeze the william lemon?
as long as he draws breath. assistants have been writing for him for years anyway.
>greenlights phasma movie
>she appears for literally 5 minutes before disappearing to never be seen again
I can still hear the cheque cashing over all the emotes in this shillpost.
They were scheduled to release a film directed by the josh trank yes the one who bombed the fantastic body horror four and then threw a shitfit after. He was slated to direct it before f4 "nigger Johnny blaze" bombed harder than ISIS.
So what would a flop be like 300 mil? 200 definitely
for Disney Wars, anything less than 400m domestic