The Prequels suck because they use so much shitty CGI instead of pra-

>The Prequels suck because they use so much shitty CGI instead of pra-

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>The original trilogy had so much craftsmenship now they just do it all with comp-

Must have been before the fans destroyed George

So they had practical effects AND still relied on shitty CGI? Jesus Christ prequel fags think it through next time.

Is that Thanos on the stairs?

it's too bad it looked like cgi crap in the movie

They weren't 100% CGI, but the CGI they did use was awkward and really hurt the movie. Everything on Geonosis just looks awful.

$1.25 has been deposited into your Disneybucks account

The real mystery is why the prequels looked so fucking bad despite having so many practical bigatures and models. Did George run everything through a filter or some bullshit?

Why do you think they did with CGI that they should have done with practical effects?

>You think the prequels are bad? Oh ho ho well I bet you think Disney Wars is good!

NuWars is even worse.

they scrapped the Gregg Proops/Scott Capuro Make up look in favor of an entirely CGI alien. Lucas changed his mind a lot.


>Sup Forums now loves the prequels
what happened?

Sup Forums has always been contrarian.

If the internet existed in the 1930s you would see users openly trashing jim crow and the klan

Disney made a Star Wars movie worse than all 3 of the prequels and redeemed them.

It's the same reason why Sup Forums turned into Nazis, no one here has any genuine opinions, it's all just impotent butthurt toward the mainstream. Normies like nuWars therefore the prequels are epic kino plebfilter.

They were shot in 1080p on digital cameras. Phantom Menace in the only one shot on 35mm film.

They stopped being the worst trilogy

I don't think the prequels suck. They were okay movies, I mean I'm sure I only love the original series because of nostalgia goggles.

In a race of two people if you don't come first you come last, you fucking loser

In a race of three people you can come second and hey that ain't half bad there fella

A combination of enough time passing to where nostalgia has taken hold, and Disney Wars getting worse as they go on, causing people to reevaluate how they look at the prequels.

It's really just as simple as Nu-Wars setting a new floor/zero point so low under the Prequels that it makes them acceptable relatively speaking. They're still not good, they're just better than Nu-Wars which no one thought could be possible.

>Did George run everything through a filter or some bullshit?
Sort of. 2 and 3 were filmed with cameras that were still brand new technology and had lower resolution than film, which throws off the look a little bit. And throughout the series, George intentionally approved an aesthetic that was was shiny and somewhat unnatural-looking because he thought it fit the story.

But the biggest reason why everything looks like that is also what everyone seems to be missing about all of the practical effects (which is actually kind of hilarious, because this can all be traced back to one youtube video that explains this clearly): most of those practical effects were miniatures that were composited into the movie with CGI. So yeah, technically all of the sets and backgrounds aren't CGI, because they weren't rendered completely in computers, but the actors were still filmed in from of a blue screen, and those effects were added in post. They still weren't actually there for the actors to interact with, and their presence in the movie is still the result of CGI.

the shitty sequels happened

>Episode II and III are forever stuck in 1080p because he shot them on crappy early digital cameras

They're better than the prequels, don't get me wrong I like the prequels out of nostalgia but the disney ones are better written and have actual characters.

It's a shame, can anything be done about this?

>$0.02 have been deposited in your account

the sequels are shit and the prequels arent great

ewan mcgregor alone is better than all the sequel characters combined

Do I really need to dig through my reaction pic folder for a bait image for this will a pity reply work for you?


great guy

I actually feel bad for George. His prequels weren't fantastic, but the meme lords came in and really battered the poor old dude hard and he's a very sensitive if profit hungry soul.

Trump won.

I rewatched it recently and near TFA and TLJ it's a master piece

wait for the disney reboot in 10 years

It's only in hindsight that we realize the prequels being so much fun and so memorable is what made them so meme worthy.

>so much fun and so memorable
There's a dozen memorable moments from 6 hours of long, boring talking scenes and dull action sequences.

Dayum nibba my phone does 4k lmao

TPM doesn't get that complaint, the other two are where it's really bad and noticeable

Reminds me of that Tom Cruise hanging off the side of an airplane as it's taking off, He actually does the stunt, but it look's fake in the movie

other than Jar Jar and the gungan's, Episode I was a really good movie for me

Neither of these things are why the prequels were considered inferior in quality.

Go fuck off somewhere

>They're better than the prequels
Here's your (you)

good to know these aren't just normal every day facts, that factual information is actually not binary but on a scale? fascinating.

This shit. That and r/prequelmemes made awfulness of the prequels into some kind of nostalgic and wholesome remembrance that we can't help but feel better about by shining a new light on them. It's almost like, "man, remember that retarded shit we did as kids that we thought was amazing but looking back was actually retarded but still somehow kinda cool?"

It's that.

Pretty much this. It's sad that by comparison, the sequels are so bad that the awful as fuck prequels actually look good.

They're terrible though. Through and through. But at least they feel like star wars.

>Technology didn't exist yet so they couldn't use it!

you sound this retarded

six years ago when Phantom Menace was rereleased Sup Forums was shitting all over the prequels. Back then prequelfags were too young to be on Sup Forums. Now they're at least 16 and can post their retarded opinions.

I have no idea why there aren't more people that think both the prequels and the sequels fucking suck. It's the only opinion that's not totally insane. For some reason it's a become a one of the other thing.

but surely it exists in higher resolutions if it was shown in movie theaters?

That's because Star Wars hate has shifted from "George Lucas lost it" to "Disney is ruining everything." So many people are blaming Disney for how they feel about these movies that they refuse to admit that George did a lot of things wrong, because it ruins their narrative.

you dont understand

George was just memorized by post processing and how special effects could generate his minds eye with out budget or engineering challenges. To an old man eyes not accustomed to cgi it looked awesome.

It was Stoklasa

I really loved the prequels since the very beginning, and I also loved Disney's Star Wars movies.

But still, nothing will beat the original trilogy.
And the original unaltered editions are better than the Special Editions even if the Special Editions aren't bad, though there are some awful changes.

Many 4K Ultra HD films are just 2K upscales, and 2K is just a bit north of 1080p.
Hell, pic related had a 4K Ultra HD upscale and it was only finished in 1080p.
And the 4K Ultra HD version looks better than the 1080p version, even if the 4K version is just an upscale.
The 4K Ultra HD version of Your Name. - Kimi no Na wa. found a way to make the 4K version much better even if it's just a 1080p upscale.
And if they can find a way, then surely Disney can also do it.

It would take a retard to think that resolutions would never change even though they had already done so multiple times.

And then it would take an even bigger retard to pick a soon-to-be obsolete technology when there exists a medium with a far higher resolution than literally any digital camera that could exist.

not that bad. average 35 mm flicks have even less detail than 2K ones

most people can't even distinguish between 2k upscaled at 4k and natively shooted at 4k, eg. every modern disney movie cgi

It's more like:
>George knew it was a limited format that would result in a worse-looking movie, but he went with it anyway

George basically treated the prequels as a technical experiement and used them as a way to explore digital filmmaking and different ways to use CGI. The story and writing were pretty much secondary, and all he cared about was being able to play with his new toys.

This. The OT used to be the only thing we could compare the prequels to, but with nu-wars on the table now, all of the things the prequels got right are easier to focus on amidst the things they got wrong

Well the obviously conclusion they should come to is that George wasn't the sole person that made the originals great. He didn't even write or direct Empire. Kershner and even Ford himself were constantly tinkering with dialogue. And I know this will piss off the SJW boogeyman faggots, but it's agreed upon by everybody who was around for the production of the first Star Wars movie that George's wife totally saved it from being a shitshow in the editing room.

The prequels and the sequels are guaranteed to be inferior because you can't rise above something you're trying to recreate. All of those movies are kissing the feet of the originals constantly. Of all the shitty things about them, first and foremost, they will never be considered superior to the original three because you can't establish dominance over something while you're on the ground kissing its feet.

The problem was the digital compositing.
Phantom Menace looks better because it's shot on film, so there's a lot of depth to the frame and a lot is shot on location.
Attack of the clones and revenge of the sith were shot on digital, and composited digitally so they end up looking flat flat flat and cartooney.

No one cares about the damn pod race crowd. It's the clone troopers that needed real world effects (read actors inside suits). They look like shit and they're going to look worse every decade.

Should have used good old fashioned film.

>that scene where the clone hops on top of the Droid and shoots down on his head

>500k q tips
What a waste of time.

Not at $18 an hour, it isn't.

And I bet they just threw all those q-tips away

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 looked much more detailed and vibrant in 4K even if it was only mastered in 2K.

Though native 4K films are better than 2K upscales.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut was downright amazing in 4K, and so was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (which had the added bonus of 60fps), and of course, The Christopher Nolan Collection.

My favorite animated 4K release would be Loving Vincent since it's on 4K HDR on iTunes, and it's actually captured at 6K and finished in 4K.
However, Italy will apparently get a physical 4K Ultra HD release, so I may import it from Italy even if I already have the US Blu-ray and iTunes 4K download.
Actual 4K is better than 2K upscaled from 4K but a 2K or even 1080p upscale is still gonna be better than 1080p.

Native 4K > Almost 4K > 2K upscaled to 4K > 1080p only

Kill yourself

>tripfag is a fucking idiot
Color me surprised

Phantom Menace has a lot of practical effects and on location shots. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith had way more CGI.

>comparing a fucking cartoon to a live action movie

is 18$ an hour supposed to be a good wage? i am confused...

>practical effects are bette-

That thing is so ugly. Did they store the puppet under George's sink for 35 years?


>Is that Thanos on the stairs?

here's another pic. apparently all of the little dudes that weren't qtips were micro machine figures. the kid's playtoy things. the movie was still a fucking hot pile of dog shit though.

Combo of standard /tv contrarianism and literal retard children who grew up with that horseshit now posting here, nothing more


Episode 1 was the only one that went practical for the most part - Yoda was still a puppet too. AotC and RotS were both CGI shitfests. They're all terrible movies though.

The original trilogy is better because of pra-

Can someone gibe me the rundown on why the prequels are considered so bad? Still haven't watched them (only OT so far) and i'm kinda curious if i should just stop here.


The prequels were shit but the sequels somehow manage to be even worse

CGI should only take the place of effects that would otherwise need to be done with stop-motion or map paintings, since CGI will always beat those two things.

Basically this. It's partisanship. NuWars haters feel the need to elevate Lucas because that would somehow make Disney look worse, when they can both be awful.

The prequels did nothing wrong.

Please respond

Just watch the Plinkett reviews because they're fun to watch.

People will cry "contrarianism" but I always liked them and I don't give a fuck

>inb4 "edge"

Red(dit) Letter Media did a 19 hour review where he nitpicks everything like a faggot while sucking OT-cock.

Despite many of the faults he was willing to overlook in OT being crippling to him in PT, he did everything in his power to hate them.

He overemphasizes minor things for comedic effect and essentially turned millions of people into contrarians overnight.

This wasn't originally in the movie, you child. It also goes to show what an autistic hack Lucas was even before the prequels.

>more than an hour for a review
Might as well watch the movie then desu.

Faggots who were 8 when TPM was released now feel safe to parade their shit taste around just because disney is bad too

You tell em

Just watch them, and you'll see. They're not boring though, and they're actually very watchable. They're just plagued by a host of issues that prevent the trilogy from getting anything higher than a C+.