Let's go to Chris in Tampa

>let's go to Chris in Tampa

Other urls found in this thread:


>just started listening to O&A
>every show is mostly Anthony and then some Jim riffing with him and the guest
>Opie does next to nothing besides going to the phones and ruining the flow of the conversation, getting mad at something, or missing the joke Anthony and Jim made
>find out they fired Anthony who was unironically carrying the show
What the fuck was Sirius thinking?


>that drawn out “s” thing he’d do


Lel I just listened to a whole episode with them and Patrice.

Fuck it was so good. Opie is cringekino

ha ha very good *shuffles papers*

I hate it when I'm listening to a clip and I just hear this low rumble of the bass in his voice, I know a fucking boring comment is coming to ruin the vibe. Not gonna pretend like he's worthless, he is actually decent as a "guy", just a fratboy who's too big for his boots though.



Is there anyone from the O&A show who didn't turn out to be a giant faggot in the end?


Chippa is still rockin' it, I've heard.

I still don't understand how this board has enough of an O&A crossover to support these threads. I only found their shit like 3 years ago spontaneously.


What is the best bit and why is it Lady Di's internship

They were the only ones keeping the stand up comedy scene on life support.

>tfw you start listening to ron & fez and immediately realize the countless hours you spent listening to opie & anthony were wasted on valueless trash radio

>tfw now that louis ck is falling from grace and artie is about to die we can finally have the anthony and louis show


I listen to the bit where they try to make Fed's cat say cookie at Least once a month
It may be the best piece of radio ever


Because you spelled Tony Danza wrong.
It was the best thing they did on their own without comedians.


This one for me


Anthony doing Muhammed Ali doing racist standup


Whoopi Goldberg killed the show.
She just really made the whole "pests" thing look as lame as it was.

What is Sex Bagel doing these days?

Abruptly fired by sirius, has his own show on iHeart, been on the aa show and the chip podacast

Doing much better than the fat titted FAGGOT opie

podacast isn't funny since lauren left

>Hello bububu-boyyyys

living the life

one of my favorites desu


who is the girl?

>based Pisslord

I miss Ron and Fez. Kino radio. Hicks, Davey Mac, even Earl

The Norton and Vos roastes are gold

>jocktober NEVER EVER again

drowning his cares in ghoulash

Faggot Sam made Jocktober be worse than it needed to be

Joined later by Punished Bill Burr.

What do you mean? what happened with her and the show?

i remember being 13

>Hearing a Opie and Anthony episode without it having as a guest-
>Colin Quinn
>Patrice O'neal
>Bill Burr
>Louis CK

What the fuck are you doing my man.

Finishing that time travel movie script hopefully

>no Rich Vos

They had successfully built up that pest thing like they could just bully anybody they didn't like.
They started it with Whoopi when she got a radio show but she came into the studio unannounced and O&A bitched out big time. All that shit they were talking they didn't say any of it to her face, she cucked them hard. Even Patrice was there and he shut the fuck up and he never shut the fuck up.
After that the loser energy of "the pests" was just lame.

I was you two years ago then I signed up for compound media only to see the error in my ways last year after investing 60$ into that unfunny podcast operation.
>Patrice is dead
>Jim and San are unfunny
>vos is getting worse
>bill burr turned into a generic comedian
>Anthony hit the wall and a hard place repeatedly and bites woman's hands
>opie is actually the only one with a family and a young wife

Anthony only seemed funny because Opie was such a drip

And now look at him
He couldn't even visit his dying mother, that's the kind of guy he is.

Wew, i really only listen to think when these guys are with comedians the thing all these shitty radio shows do of "the _____ show Army" and all that has always been pathetic to me. Not to mention the times when they have on some kind of mentally ill person in and it's supposed to be hilarious. So fucking boring

Don't talk shit about Bobo AWRIGHT

which one?

Weird how Nopie episodes were still gold...

Hang up you metrosexual!


>In the end Opie winds up as some run of the mill shitty rock DJ at a nobody station

Seems about right.

>It's a "Im going to watch the 12-hour video of Patrice talking about movies video again" episode


Louie....... Beansh!


Is Opie the new Scorch?


I worked my way through that on the winter. Patrice is such a fucking pleb but he kept it entertaining all the way.

Definitely something with Patrice


Don't insult Scorch


No, Scorch has a radio show.

True Scorch is top tier hustler
Always get dat $$$

Trips of truth

Looky looky ms. cookie

>opie is actually the only one with a family and a young wife
Cucked by Bam Margera

Oy vey, women never cheat.

I needed you the day
I needed you man

I would love to know how much of my life has been spent listening to O&A

pretty sure I've listened to at least one show a day , every day for the last 7-8 years

White trash Ryan Seacrest

The East Side Dave Show and High Society Radio (Hick's podcast) are both podkino

and if you've never binged the whole thing before, the Davey Mac Sports Program was the single greatest thing to come from the O&A universe, and probably the greatest thing mankind ever created


Opie is insufferable and his personality is repulsive in every possible way. His entire personhood can be summed up as "an offensive and incomprehensible noise." He is the dumbest rambler that I have ever seen. Opie has no sense of humor or mirth and absolutely has to ruin every funny moment on his show by interjecting with some idiot opinion, or by completely failing to notice the humor in front of him and forcing the show/guest(s) into a new topic. It is like he is deaf and blind and just sprints around knocking shit over while laughing loudly. He just HAS to make himself the center of the attention in every situation even though he has never once in his life deserved to be. He is also EMBARRASSINGLY DESPERATE for attention and ego gratification and it makes me cringe every time I have to hear him open that fucking idiot mouth of his. I couldn't in my wildest imagination create somebody more off-putting than Opie.

Anthony has a natural sense of mirth and knows when to let some humorous situation play itself out, even if he isn't at the center of it himself. He makes as many antiquated references and jokes as any other fifty-six year old, and he maintains that outdated hyper-consumerist mindset of the early eighties, but other than those minor flaws, he is a decent host and a "funny guy" overall.

Every episode of O&A:
>Patrice: I hate ya'll white people, I'm finna revolt.
>Anthony (with slave-owner voice & megaphone): Oh boy, settle down there ya filthy niggras!
>Opie (who just wants to say "nigger" in front of a black guy like Anthony did): HAHA OH NO THE NIGGERS ARE REVOLTING BOYS, HAHA, UH-OH! ANYWAY WHAT DO YOU THINK ANT, TIME TO TAKE SOME CALLERS?
>Anthony: I don't know, can't you see we're dealing with a revolution over here?
>Patrice goes to tell a funny joke
>Ant and the guests "give up" and take their anger out on the callers
>Opie immediately hangs up on any funny caller
>Show ends

bill burr literally doesnt care about anything anymore and just spends all his time fawning over his family, pursuing a fuck ton of hobbies and just generally being really fucking happy while raking in money from his netflix show, podcast, and casually doing sets in LA which amount to about 7 hours of work per week. it sucks because hes not funny at all anymore but he probably did the best out of all of them considering most of them are dead, dying from drugs/alcohol, or total failures.

sucks that ron chose his boring as shit daugher to co host with after fez. shouldve just kept the show going without him, the rest of the guys were always solid

both genders cheat user

i dont know if this is pasta but its completely true. its absurd that Opie ever had a successful career in radio and I suspect its purely because he discovered Anthony who had a natural talent for radio

Hicks is worse than his daughter. At least she puts the repeated opinion into different words.

just listening to a compilation of little yimmy laughing cures the shittiest of days

it's a shame that Shelby couldn't get along with them. he and Pepper made a great team, and shelby had some killer sneaky lines.


I'm so glad that never happened and now he's just wasting away doing his stupid Pop Up Shows on Facebook (with barely anyone watching live) and nothing else. He deserves to get no attention.



An autistic, girl voiced halfbreed youtuber gets more views on his videos about the livestream.

And he's not even Sam

did anybody else find that getting into the O&A universe directly related to not being interested in any movies or tv?

I don't care about actually watching anything. I just want to generally know what's going on. it's better to listen to people talk about things than to actually experience them.

I watch Sam's YouTube show sometimes.

No unless its shitty movies and patrice talking about them, which I can listen to all day

For me?

I think I just listen to J&S out of habit at this point, although Vos was great as usual.

>it's a Peatrice rambles complete and itter bullshit advice for 2 hours straight while acting like everything he has to say is the most important thing ever

I fucking hate that assclown. I mean just look at him, his face has low IQ written all over it

the only time I turned on Patrice was when he bitched out Danny for not going to some shady movie streaming site on the work computers and played the race card

lol fuck off, shovel-face

Are you a woman or something? How could your radar on quality content be so off?

>blonde hair blue eyes master race
>has never fucked a tranny
>proud family man
>white wife with 2.5 white children
>unanimously hated by Reddit
>bullies the homeless for our entertainment


Yeah all those things...

But allergic to humor.