Dragon ball z

why didn't they just use magnets to defeat the androids

Only 16 and 19 were androids. 17/18 and Gero are cyborgs.

Just because you voiced Buzz Lightyear doesn't mean you can post anime shit here. If magnets don't work, use your other tools to drag your ass and the androids to Sup Forums

>he doesn't know

Competent use of the dragon balls solves every problem in the series.

Enhanced humans are not cyborgs.

Because they are cyborgs altered at the cellular level.

plural noun: cyborgs

a fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.

They're artificial/enhanced humans with modified DNA, they don't have robot parts inside of them except of the bomb.

they're all called artificial humans in japanese so it doesn't matter

Look Sup Forums I know your board is shit but you have to go back.

That's not how magnets work.

That's still a cyborg in a sense. The term used in Japanese is a little funny with how it words androids and cyborgs.

>That's still a cyborg in a sense
Then Captain America is a fucking cyborg.

'jinzoningen' encompasses androids, cyborgs, clones, and genetically engineered people.
Solid Snake is a jinzoningen, for instance

why didnt they just.....you know.... USE THE DRAGON BALLS

Because Dende is too weak.

My mom called DBZ the "constipation show," because she thought the sounds the characters made while powering up sounded like they were trying to push out a troublesome poop.

In the three years they spent training they could have wished that Goku Vegeta and Trunks or Piccolo were immortal. Or just moved the entire population of earth somewhere safe like they did with the nameks.

They have a perpetual energy generator in them, that's mechanical. They also have a literal off switch, something that wouldn't be possible without mechanical elements added to their bodies. Cell is the one who's genetically engineered.

Because Goku is a fightmonger and everyone else is too stupid.

In DBZ:A Bulma suggests wishing to know the location of Gero's lab so they can destroy the androids before they're finished. Vegeta shoots the idea down because pride or some shit.

Honestly, what kind of modifications did Gero did on them? They are enhanced humans but they are not Cyborgs? What kind of modifications went through with them?

Are they the potential that all humans have and could achieve through trans humanism.

Stupid doesn't scratch the surface; before the series began Kami had like 100 years worth of wishes that he did nothing with.


*Dragon Ball on some occasions. GT and Super are weeb as fuck.