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What is the best and worse case scenario for Zootopia 2?

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A new threat that requires the police force to step back and find a new way to solve a crime that they're unfamiliar with and do not know how to handle.

>best case scenario
made by Walt Disney Animation studios with same directors
BTFO's Donald Trump, causing massive butthurt on Sup Forums
>worst case scenario
made as a direct-to-DVD by DisneyToon
is centered around the romance between Judy and Nick

Disney creates yet another movie about urban Americans that resonates with the entire world
A movie about how oppressed preds are and how it's entirely the prey's fault

>Best Case
It doesn't happen

>Worst Case
It happens

Sequels to animated films are cancer.

Best: Rich Moore runs the sequel
Worst: Byron Howard runs the sequel

Plants gain the ability to speak and reveal that they've been sentient for centuries. They claim they've been trying to communicate with the animals via pheromones and then movement but each time herbivore farmers noticed they either ignored it or took measures to stop it.

So the movie revolves around plants screaming for their rights, for all herbivores to eat only suppliments from rocks or bugs to survive, and for the extremely rich farmers who had been profiting off of them to be brought to justice.

The twist ends up being that this came about due to a carnivore super scientist. When this is revealed the tenuous society between animals crumbles, the third party of plantlife only making things worse. There is only one good Part to the ending: The rabbt and fox move to the wilderness, them and a select few surviving alongside friendly plants in true Disney friendship and magic fashion.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way.I don't like indoctrinated people.

As a fan of talking animal media I loved the movie, but seeing how it made was quite unpleasant, like seeing bizarro versions of favorite characters.
btw. Is the documentary still online?

At this point I don't know if sequel is even a good idea, comfy is gone, and there will be always people asking "what could have been?"

I'm not sure about best and worst case but I have an idea.
The movie would revolve around Judy and Nicks relationship, with Judy falling pregnant with Nicks kid. Inter-species kids would be considered taboo and they would have to escape the wrath of the city to a hidden society full of mixed animals. While they initially think of the idea as paradise, they find the conditions there are worse due to the mixed breeds losing all the greater qualities they once had. This means the society can hardly gather food or support infrastructure, resulting in rampant crime. The duo eventually find out the entire society is being manipulated and used by a breed of rats who wish to spread species mixing across the world so that all animals become weak and lose their best traits. This would result with the rats becoming the chosen animals to rule over the world. It's up to the duo to stop the dirty rats before they get their hands on Zootopia.

Slightly off-topic: is there a reason Let It Go plays on the radio to this day, but radio stations never aired Try Everything? What happened there?

Good question but answer is simple: money. Frozen merchandise is selling in billions, it's a terrible feelgood earworm that helps boost sales, meanwhile Try Everything is an okay, in-universe song sang by washed out pop star.
Have you noticed that radio still occasionally plays that Elton John's song about two lions fuck? Meanwhile last time I heard Try Everything was right before Oscars.

>What is the best and worse case scenario for Zootopia 2?

Best Case, it ends up like Godfather 2 and you explore the past histories of Zootopia itself and it's characters, while also looking into the present.

Worst case, it ends up becoming Mulan 2 and the characters are turned into shitty versions of themselves, just for the sake of romance.


>Judy, now a detective, has to go deep cover in prison to get information that can save the city. Little does she know that Bellweather has b\recently been transferred to the same lock-up.

>Cue shower scene where Judy drops the soap.

I only want to know if I should watch it with my pants on or off...

>Cue shower scene where Judy drops the soap

Animated series about Nick and Judy's lives as police officers
>bunch of wacky side characters who're all well meaning but incompetent prey and small preds who're following in their footsteps and becoming zootopia police
>basically a furfag version of police academy

>BTFO's Donald Trump, causing massive butthurt on Sup Forums
You've meant Sup Forums

Best case, new creative team with fresh minds and respect for the old story and characters

Worst case; old creative team with who wants to retread old story ideas like that themepark for predators that nulify the message of the first movie.


Best case: New characters, same setting. References to the first movie can be made, but yo don't need to see the first. For a sequel to be as good as the first, it'd have to be a morality play that takes chances, it's awkward for that to revolve around the same leads.

Worst case: Disney rom-com about race mixing.


Leo the Lion. I think it's on Netflix right now.

The Lion King 2 wasn't bad.

Zootopia is modern Emperors New Groove, not Lion King.

yes, Sup Forums.

Best case: Something as good as the first one.
Worst case: Not as good as the first one and full of shipping bullshit

I don't understand the distinction. Whats the difference between the two?

The fact that it's Disney's B movie that beat it's A movie makes it Disney's new Lion King. The added irony of it beating their brown princess movie makes it even more so.


Well, one is a furfag who's pinnancle of humour is beating the shit out of protagonist, and other is one of best Simpsons/Futurama creators who likes to troll fans.
(Byron directed Bolt and Tangled before, Moore directed Wreck it Ralph)

>BTFO's Donald Trump
Man I don't even like Trump and I think that's just low hanging fruit. Disney's better than that.
that said, what would Drumpf's fursona be?

Box Office wise Frozen is current Lion King.Shit id everywhere.

But the movie sorta vindicated him. Trump was the lion mayor who was unfairly deposed for doing something harsh but necessary. Replaced by a scheming corrupt totalitarian.

The movie came out in 2015 lad I really don't think they'd have lampooned him before he was elected. Plus Lionhearts mammal inclusion initiative doesn't align with what Trumps usually about. I really don't see any parallels between them or a reason to think there would be.

>political bullshit is best case
>Romantic comedy is worst case
Never have I seen a taste so shit.

Zootopia was made in such a way that any sequel after the first movie would feel like a forced cash crab that didn't need to exist. There were no loose ends to tie up or conflict to conclude at the end of the movie. Bellwhether was in jail, Nick and Judy became actual cops, everyone in zootopia is fine about the whole "preds" turning savage thing because turns out it was a plot by the (((ewes))).

>Best case scenario
They reuse the world of zootopia and have a totally new cast of characters telling a different and interesting story without reusing the same themes of corruption and racism that were part of the first movie

>Worst case scenario
Its a buddy cop movie, with the same themes as the last involving romance just because the fans overly shipped nick and judy

>Godly case scenario
Its a Sly Cooper/Zootopia cross over where nick and judy must try to catch the worlds greatest racoon thief

>totally new cast of characters
Can you think of any sequel thats done this?

Back in march 2016 we came up with Donald J. Trunk. An elephant.
Hillary Clinton has a canon fursona, it's a pig

Movie wise, no.

Most likely they'll have it so the babies are born either a bunny or a fox, but not a hybrid

How would a fox-hybrid creature look like?

Pretty cute

Star Wars?

WiR and Frozen are getting sequels despite having closed stories. Id be fine with new protags and occasional cameos/running jokes where audience can't figure out if Nick and Judy are on undercover mission or really dating.

>Sly Cooper crossover
naw, the designs don't fit to each other, but Sly is getting a show, mite be cool.

I disagree

>best case scenario
They get together, no kids ()not biologically possible)
>worst case
OP's pic

New story without racism parallels
Romance is kept to a minimum

Retread of same story and themes
Romance is a major portion of the movie
Shakira/other celeb becomes major character

>Worse then worst
It becomes a musical

>Disney rom-com about race mixing.
I'd loathe it if the movie was entirely about the romance, but I wouldn't mind seeing some progression with Nick and Judy's relationship.

Realistically they'll probably do something where Nick and Judy are brought in by the ZIA to help take down some international terrorist or something, and they'll reintroduce Jack Savage as their ZIA contact, and it'll play out like a standard "James Bond for kids" movie.

Jurassic World?

Oh god that would feel like the transitions from Cars to Cars 2. The first movie was nice and had some good morals in it then the second movie went into some weird international terrorist, super spy bs for seemingly no reasons.

>Best case scenario
A prequel with dark themes like the first draft of Zootopia. We all know a mixed species society can't work without oppression.

>Worst case scenario
Redoing the same shit with even more furry fanservice.

What else better than an orange orangutan.

You know the end credits show him locked up in jail, right?

Best: Interesting caper plot with the requisite twist villain being revealed halfway through so they have time to be fun. Nick and Judy's interest in each other comes to a fore but they're not sure how to deal with it. Things develop organically toward the finale, and then aftermath involves a bit of playful banter which establishes that while things have changed between them, then important fun stuff has mostly stayed the same. It leaves the audience wanting another movie.

Worst: Vapid romantic comedy with lots of awkwardness for laughs, stupid misunderstandings for drama, and a police plot that takes a back seat but is boring anyway. Has a really sappy wedding ending. Barring that, halfway through the movie and after a lot of audience-teasing, Nick or Judy reveals they are gay. The other ends up accepting this and at the end of the movie watches their partner walk out of the station with their new boy/girlfriend who was shoehorned into the plot earlier for no reason. Critics praise the film for being brave and progressive.

Wait he went to Jail? (didnt stick after the credits)Well he can't be sentenced for anywhere near as long as bellwhether

What's the difference?

Here's how I envision it
> zootopia
> inner city
> Try Anything plays on a tv screen
> children on the street watch it through shop window
> breaking news: antagonist intro
> kids disperse
> follow one home, it's poor
> live thru its daily life
> no school, its summer or whatever
> deuturantagonist provocation
> risky behavior leads to discovery
> run away
> more poverty
> kid's ambition revealed
> we're sad, night-night
> news broadcast, plot development
> more poverty
> deuturantagonist being mean
> someone gets hurt due to previous discovery
> go to police
> introduce nick and Judy as second act begins
> cue typical song and dance for rest of movie
> end the movie with that wonderful sloth guy

I just realized I want a Zootopia version of The Dark Knight
>The Jackel won, everything we worked for dies with Nick's reputation.
>They can not know what he did. Zootopia needs their Smug Knight. Sheriff, I killed those animals.
>Judy, you can't, you're not!
>I'm what ever Zootopia needs me to be. Call it in.

>They get together, no kids (not biologically possible)
The next movie will have little to no action and is all about adoption. They fight over adopting a rabbit or a fox. Eventually they decide to adopt from an entirely different species and the movie ends with their happy multi-racial family taking a family photo.

Yeah I just caught it last viewing. He's sitting on a cot, behind bars in a grey outfit. It's when you see whovoiced what animal. The ending interview with the lion throws you off, thinking he's been exonerated. But naw, they ousted him

A rapist Hamster who targets extremely large females who don't realize someone hitched a ride on their pant legs UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE

this, with with longer ears, different coloured fur and more powerful hindlegs

byron, pls

Let me guess what type of rat you are trying to picture here.
who is supposed to be the Aryan in the relationship? Nick or Judy

Best: continues on what the first film was good at and focuses on character interaction and subtle details in body language, facial expression etc.

Worst: Seeing what a hit they have on their hands, Disney suits hijack the sequel to boast how "woke" they are and to lecture the world on morality.

Byron has some good ideas, it just wouldn't make a good Disney movie. Or a movie about racism. It's just be a good movie that really highlights how weird it is when prey and predator live together like us.

we already got psycho pass, making characters animals only made the whole thing more awkward.

>that best case list
What, are they making LA Noire? None of it is bad, it's just odd that you would specifically call out those elements

I think the plotting is a little wonky and the plotting a bit stock at times so for me it's the detailing that set this movie apart.

That would never be approved. Disney is run by Jews and Jews love Race Mixing propaganda....it's just that it doesn't apply to them. That's for the Goyim.

Anyway, even if Disney wasn't helmed by Jews? Disney would never make a movie that goes against Race Mixing. Remember, Disney is a Liberal/Leftist/Democratic/etc shit pile of a corporation and their message and agenda has to be in line with that.

Come on Sup Forums, that's the fantasy scenario. But got it right. Species mixing is a terrible thing if it's viable on any level.

good thing we dont have to worry about it, Zootopia is done, there are no signs of it returning in any form, we're back to Frozen wankery.


Zootopia doesn't have a romance angle OR an annoying mascot character for very small kids.

How did they get away with it?

all the characters are cute animals, and the movie was good

it's not a princess movie (shippers gonna ship, though , it's fine)

they are ALL mascotts

Moana retroactively made it a princess movie
>If you wear a dress, and you have an animal sidekick, your a princess

>look, we're self aware!

yeah, thanks disney.. you are grasping at straws here.

Anyone have that greentext of feral Nick raping Judy and force feeding her rabbit meat?

wrong board, fella.

I'd also like to see this. I want to masturbate to it.

No it was definitely Sup Forums, buddy.

Imagine fucking up a movie SO hard that you completely rewrite the somewhat original story into a buddy-cop movie yet it still makes a billion dollars because it has cute animals in it.

i dont have to imagine that. It happened. Usually previous versions are swept under the rug, in this case they spoiled it entirely.It sucks.

I wouldn't say he fucked it up in the slightest.
The original setting was way more unique and interesting than the shining-diverse-city-on-the-hill that we got. It wasn't perfect, but that's what the creative process is about. It just wouldn't have made a good movie. Maybe as a comic like Blacksad or something, but as a film I don't think they could have done the idea justice.

Original was heavy-handed "muh oppression" bullshit. fite mi

Fox and The Hound

That gazelle is uncomfortably sexy. I'm scared to watch this movie.

i think you got bad and good mixed up

everybody knows that, just one big accusation that whites are evil und racist (represented by prey, duh), no one is going to fite you.
The problem is it was made right under Disney's nose, a DYSTOPIA, made by DISNEY, how COOL is that?

Our only hope to erase this crap would be giant magnetic storm taking over the entire Earth.

Don't worry, she's by far the biggest low point in the movie and looks sexy because the celebrity voicing it literally demanded that it look sexy.

Things can have applicability without being an allegory, you know this, right?

Zootopia is still a Dystopia though. It's just that it sucks for everyone and not just predators.

She also isn't actually a character in the movie. She interacts with no one and speaks with no one. She has a single, badly-written monologue and affects nothing.

eh, go for it.

The animators should have honestly tried to sneak in some claw marks on those horns, if you know what I'm saying

Honestly, this as well as the abysmal soundtrack keeps the movie from going over an 8. Not even the background music is passable. I can just see the team behind the movie finally hearing Shakira's song and just going "oooh no, oh no what is this? she fucked us!"

The worst tragedy in the movie is when she assaults the city with her political opinions


when there's a scene with a boy receiving Yellow Star on his Bar Mitzva it stops being applicable.
It IS an Allegory.

Idea: introduce birds, fish, amphibians, & reptiles to Zootopia. But because their culture is so vastly different from mammals (cold-blooded creatures don't parent), Zootopia struggles to hold up its mission of unity.

The argument is at what point do you tell people of a certain culture no, that's not right?

What does being a different species have to do with culture?

The new Zelda has all the species living separately because, you know, everyone but the Gorons would catch fire if they lived in death mountain.

Reptiles of Peace!

I hate the I laughed
Reptiles are chill man