What are some recent movies about teens and smartphone use?

What are some recent movies about teens and smartphone use?

I’m baby

>He is inside mom he's gonna here me
what did she mean by this?


so what did she do? text the cops?

>daughter gonna get raped


>I'm baby

She heroically asked for help


so did she not even call 911 herself?

No he might here her

He'd hear. It's 2018 and texting is the most used message of communication but you still have to actually call the cops in this day and age if you are in trouble.

Dr. Mom
I'm baby

I don't understand OPs pics

No you don’t they have text numbers to which s fucking google search would show her,


>Moms Edge



>he's inside
wew lad

>I'm baby
What did she mean by this?



>Moms Edge
>he's gonna here me
>U call or something
>I'm baby

ahahahahahahaha fucking Amerifats lmao


>the absolute state of millennials

>I'm baby
What the fuck was her problem?


She's not a millennial...her mom probably is though







>"teen's quick thinking"
>texted her mom before calling police


>tfw your daughter foils the assassins you sent to kill her for the insurance money


She's baby.
Leave her the fuck alone dude

>He is inside mom
Clearly mom was getting a dicking

K...keep me posted

>Teenager is a victim of crime
>Seeks help
How is this newsworthy?

>accidentally texts Pajeet instead
>open bob

>I’m baby

>tfw baby


>Moms Edge

Can someone at least explain the reasoning behind the mothers texts? It's obvious the family are illiterate, but does anyone have any ideas as to what "I'm baby" means? I looks like a typo, but a typo for what? Why didn't she text something like, 'Okay stay calm the police are on there (lol) way just stay quiet" or would that be asking too much of this illiterate woman?

The universe is large, not just large but huge, expansive, enormous, all-consuming and in a word, big. Compared to this giant mass of hope, fear, anger and often pure boredom we are as nothing. A speck of sand in the desert, a drop of piss in the ocean. We cannot comprehend such an immense scale, nothing in our experience or our capabilities allows us to comprend such as things the universe. It remains an abstract, but alluring concept. We are filled with such awe and wonder. Compared to it, I'm baby.


Yeah, she really had time to research her method of obtaining help. Surely, she could google it, instead of going directly to her mom so it was quicker.

>calling the neighbor instead of the police

This brainlet really shouldn't be a mother.

It auto corrected "I am, baby" to "I'm baby"

>A Montclair teenager recalled the terrifying moments she found herself and her little niece in the middle of a home invasion. Savannah Jones, 14, sent her mother frantic text messages after she realized someone was breaking into her home.

>She was babysitting her 4-year-old niece Zoyee Tuesday afternoon when she heard someone knocking on the door. (NANI!?!) She looked through the peephole and knew it was someone who wasn't supposed to be there.

>Savannah said she motioned her niece over to the living room from the kitchen and that's when the door knob started jiggling. She grabbed Zoyee and ran to her mother's bathroom.

>That's when she heard three loud bangs."The last bang, I knew that he was in the house," she said.

>Savannah said she wanted to call the police, but didn't want the intruder to here (hear) her, so she kept texting her mother. As she was doing this, the intruder ransacked a room just feet away from them, dumping items from the closet and drawers onto the bed.

I want to believe that it's a typo for "I'm busy", but I can't imagine a scenario where a mother would say that to their child during a home invasion.

>I’m baby
Why can’t I stop laughing. The thought of a mother finding out her child is in potential mortal danger and all she can do is muster a shitty text “k I’m baby”

Neighbour can be there in 1 minute. Police take at least 30 minutes

>knocking on the door. (NANI!?!) She looked through

>women can handle pressure, they said

>mfw "Zoyee" wasn't a typo

She mean "i am, baby"

How the fuck do you pronounce Zoyee

soy eeee

The criminal was a negro

>She was babysitting her 4-year-old niece Zoyee

>willingly buys a product that cucks him
Fuck off roastie

amerimutt hours on Sup Forums

holy shit ahaha

>Police take at least 30 minutes
What shithole do you live in?

How in the fuck is this pronounced is her name literally
I really hope its just Zoe with some weird spelling.


Don't get mad at me because you couldn't afford an iPhone.

It's smart if the neighbor has a gun. This is why all people need guns.

>How in the fuck is this pronounced is her name literally

most latest android phones cost just as much as an iphone

>After getting Savannah's texts, her mother called a neighbor and the police. The neighbor arrived first and started shouting Savannah's name. "I wanted to yell back. I wanted to let him know that I was in here, but I wasn't sure that the guy had left, so I didn't say anything," she said.

>The intruder bolder, and moments later, police arrived. They were able to coax Savannah and Zoyee out of the bathroom. They were shocked to see the damage left behind.

>Savannah said she is happy she found the strength to keep herself and Zoyee safe. But she can't help thinking it could have been worse.
(she is a mighty strong girl, even though she got out of breath waddling as fast as she could into her moms room)

>"When I do think about it, I do get kind of emotional, I guess, thinking about what could have happened and thinking that he was in the same room with us," she said.

>In the end, the intruder fled without taking anything. Anyone with more information is urged to call the police.

What's to say the intruder was a nigger thug, which scared her enough not to open the door?

>Killing Zoyee

>willingly buys a more/equally expensive product that does less than something cheaper and that cucks him
Fuck off roastie

Of course she didn't call 911

>Call 911
>Cops turn up
>They try to shoot your family dog because it can't do twister.
>miss and shoot you in the head instead.

>Wichita cop responding to 911 suicide call accidentally shoots 9-year-old girl in the forehead

>Less than one week after a Wichita Police Department officer fatally shot an innocent citizen in a “swatting” prank, a second officer has been placed on administrative leave after shooting an innocent citizen.

>The Wichita Eagle reports an officer Shot a 9 year old girl in the forehead after he attempted to shoot a “mid-size, mixed-breed dog” while responding to a domestic dispute involving a suicidal 33-year-old man.

it's obviously "I'm going to baby"

It autocorrected "sheesh I am crybaby"