Christina Hendricks

What's next for her career

Other urls found in this thread:

Red Sonja


milk truck just arrive


cant even tell if this a shop or not

filling this thread up with succulent pictures of course, get on it OP

Someone post more of her body of work to predict any future endeavors she may have

does she have nudes??

God she was awful in that Ice Cube x Charlie Day movie.
Terrible actress.


i googled but nothing. links?

I don't think anyone could have salvaged that trash heap

In an ideal universe, she would dye her hair blonde and be cast as Power Girl in some cape movie.

In our world that won't happen because tits are offensive, so I don't know.

>she would dye her hair blonde
Her natural hair color is blonde.

At least start the thread with a non-shopped image, op.


Hopefully blacked

how jacked could a middle aged fat woman get?

>iPhone mobileposting cancer
>posts shops

to be expected of you plebs

wow a picture of big tits with no head that must be christina hendricks for sure totally

oh what's that i bet you even have a picture showing that a pixel on that original picture matches a pixel on a picture of non-nude christina hendricks that totally proves it too wow


bless your kind heart..

MOMMY!!!!! MILKY!!!! MORE!!!

I stopped reading a few words into the second sentence. You sound like a faggot and talk like one too.

Thought that was scarjo fappening

>I don't have a shred of evidence to argue against you, so I'm going to act like a soyboy bitch and deflect

As much as the effort she is willing to put into the role, I guess. I mean, older male actors still work out (with roid help, obviously, but men need to be huge instead of just defined) for roles.

>People honestly think she doesn't have saggy tits

Oh, honey...

that picture was part of a set the belonged to hendricks' fappening outing
most of the pictures were candid (and clothed) shots, all but this naked picture. she denied that it was hers

seems fine to me for the size

Fuckin bowling balls

and there's nothing wrong with that when theyre that size
you can't have them perky at that cup size

Is it weird that I don't have a problem with big tits having a bit of sag?

These are just too big for a sane person to enjoy

how are those yojimbos even real

Literal 12-year-olds who don't know that big tits sag.

Damn imagine if she was cast as rose in titanic

>that fucking painting scene


not at all
that guy is a pleb

read the thread dumbfuck, of course

I never said there was a problem. I'm just having a hard time believing that the headless pic is actually her nudes.

dumb phoneposter, picture unrelated

also here's a rare guys
V E I N ?

it lines up with veins, ill have to find my 'proof' picture
also jewelry
also matches with her other risque photos leaked at the same time
any big tits look different when lying on your back bro


Inb4 Udder Insanity

It's been confirmed as her for literally years you newfaggot fuck.

I study celeb nudes for a living. It's her. This argument happened 5 years ago. You aren't blowing anyone's mind with your discerning attitude.



>won't have children
Mankind's loss
>married to some weird funny looking Jew
I guess we're all good.

>I study celeb nudes for a living.
dream job

I said how not are

>ywn marry christina hendricks

>I've made a terrible mistake

why live

Do you think she has hairy nipples? I hope she does.

i read she has implants but i’ve never seen big fake tits that are like that

Dennis fucked up so much

Her appearance hasn't changed much over the years. Still hot.

Surrogate motherhood, to me.

>Never married and spread his perfect genes with her perfect genes
>We could have had the next golden god

i assume any picture of Christina Hendricks you see online has been shooped, even the studio promotional shots.

breast cancer hopefully


you're in luck then

what big tit sex fell like


I don't know because I've never had sex with someone under a DD

>t. Jealous roastie

IS anyone a woman in your dreams?

I was there when this went down, people were doing vein mapping and other forensic shit. It was pretty much confirmed as she has a rare triangular vein pattern on one boob. I saw it with my own eyes, plain as day. I believe.


There's also the fact it's part of a set with her face in it.

You guys don't even know the celebrity nudes and sex tapes that exist. All kept secret unless you're rich and in the know.

Weinstein had tapes.

>waifu thread
>30-40 replies, 5-10 images.
>thread dies with barely any images of the actress posted
>this is the rule now

What happened to this place? You teenage reddit fucks make me sick.

>reddit-tier explanation for reddit-tier faggots

I saw the nudes when they leaked as well, but I said to myself, no way thats hers.

I agree with other user. and that little info pic is just fucking retarded.

Wow, you are really smart. To go against the grain for something that's been confirmed through many different means for half a decade.

Amazing. Such genius in my lifetime. The bravery to swim against the tide. Bravo!

hope so

do you think she would send bobs

>Thanks reddit

>he doesn't prefer saggy milkers
lowest test

>I study celeb nudes for a living.
are your folks proud?

She probably told him she didn't want children, in which case he made the right choice.

Whoa mama

Being my mommy gf

poison ivy in Gotham Sirens

Her name is Chair

Well, thanks for this. Just saved like 40 pics. My Hendricks folder was lost last month.

I wish I was her's

patrician. saggers are the best

Jesus of all the actresses to not do porn. It's almost an American tragedy.

I really want a girlfriend with massive bouncy knockers.
They are the best waifus. Breast men are the best men too I've noticed.

fuck off, she doesn't need to do porn.

She needed to donate her eggs to science so we can raise massive armies of mommy replicants.

Sweater puppies

She probably feels like a flesh pillow. Sleeping with her must be the most comfy experience.

Literally every part of her looks so soft and comfortable


Well I think we all want the same thing.

Goddamn she's got scrapes on her feet. Can't her fucking beaner husband afford decent footwear for her? Fucking deplorable.



the only good thing about that movie was the fight, everything else was shit

udderhog thread

FUUUUUCK, nothing would fill my heart with joy more than feeling her soft mushy breast press into my palms as I lift them up from behind her.

>what's next for her career
