How can you hate a smile like hers?

How can you hate a smile like hers?

traitorous wench

is she a virgin?

Because Joel was forced to save her.

she gets riled up when people criticize her lack of control, violently so, when raven had to live with the same fears, and worse repercussions, but managed to live through it

she made a deal with slade, and betrayed all the titans so that she could get some kind of control, and was incredibly vicious with dealing with her former friends, and appeared to delight in it

she realized she was wrong in the ends, but for some people it just wasnt enough to redeem her terrible choices

Yes. Shes pure

pure slut for daddy dicc

>be homeless
>get taken in off the street, fed, clothed, sheltered, shown friendship...
>keep a secret from your new friends which endangers them
>jump to conclusion that closest friend told secret, even though all they want to do is help their new friend
>proceed to torture and attempt to kill those people

it was beast boy'a fault

Terra did nothing wrong!
She's the best character and she deserves her own show.

This! She needs a spin off centered around her slowly trying to gain better control of her powers alone while at school and out

She needs a good smack across the face.
Fucking cunt.

Why is she so ripped there!?

>Terra isn't in season 2 in episodes that aren't centered on her
>Her power is just Raven's but with only rocks
>Team is nice to her but when they bring up the her control is a legitimate problem and danger she spergs out and acts extremely ungrateful
>Unresolved cliffhanger episode
>Blows up Cyborg's sweet car
>Forced meme romance with BB who already had way better chemistry with Raven
>Acts like a total dick to the titans the literal episode after she turns traitor
>I'm dead lol, but now I'm not because I was a popular chaacter

Fuck this character desu, so many teenage girls I knew back in the day self inserted as her because she had problems and didn't know how to deal with them and had the always classic
>I'm misunderstood
thing going on

Apprentice Training

>Forced meme romance with BB who already had way better chemistry with Raven
To be fair, much of their chemistry came after season 2.

And I completely fail to see how it was "forced".

You got any more work from Chrisartguy? His stuff is so hard to find.

Cant let Robin have all the girls can we?

Because Terra is a bitch and a traitor. She's also a slut that seduces older men.

>Blows up Cyborg's sweet car
Oh no! I'm sure she was the first and last person to do that in the show...

like this

She was in the group of women summoned for the games with Starfire and Raven.

>girls watching teen titans
australian schools sucked

It's attached to a remorseless traitor who only changed sides because the guy she sold all of her friends out to was abusive.

>but for some people it just wasnt enough to redeem her terrible choices

She literally stops working for Slade ONLY because he starts slapping her around at the end. Up to that point, she expresses no kind of regrets for what she's done and even says as much at the beginning of Aftershock, Part 2 with no hints to the contrary.

lol no, she was fucked by slade, its cannon

A 1-second cameo doesn't count.
I'm pretty sure none of them were 18 or over.

not in the cartoon, well maybe offscreen

I can because she's a dirty traitor.

I preferred comic Terra's motivations. At least she was intentionally evil, not just retarded.


>I preferred comic Terra's motivations.
What motivations nigga? She had none.

She was working for a mercenary for cash.
Cartoon Terra was just retarded.

>She was working for a mercenary for cash.
No she wasn't m8, she's royally rich and I mean that literally

Straight from the comics themselves.

Wtf I hate Terra now


Did anything ever come of this?



Patiently waiting forever...

We all are ;_;

Stop thinking with the penis faggot


traitorous heretic

That's hard.

>cut the shirt down to vest
>didn't cut the shorts to briefs
I am disappointed in this oversight.

Judas Contract sucked

Rock-Raven hated Goth-Raven because the latter got a nice rack and juicy thighs out of the deal.

Rock-Raven's butt isnt too bad

Lol Raven used to be shy?

How many of Teen Titan's episodes were NOT episodic/self-contained? As a percentage.

Just a reminder that she is freezing to death in the traitors hell where she belong.

I still want to beat her up and electrocute her.

I don't like blonds.

well, then buy a V.I.P pass to hell, grab a popcorn bag and watch how the demons strip and torture her and when you do, please record it for us

Take that back! please

Never! no amount of torture will be enough to atone for your sins, you will never be forgiven.

>TFW two fucktoys


The only fucking going on is between them