This is sad

This is sad

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just admit you just want to talk about a little boys dick while you stroke yer teeny peenor and you can have your thread, user.

it kills itself within the next 5 years

you heard it here first lads

>5 years
That's optimistic

don't worry they promised they would just use part of his colon instad

you forgot the ">", now the post is RUINED


screencapped for posterity

This is child abuse. Period.

You are sealing the fate of someone who can't properly make a decision for themselves and consigning their destiny to one path while closing the door to many others.

You will live to all tranny surgeons and tranny apologists lined up against a wall and shot one day.

>Penis is so small you try to become a woman

You can actually bet on this

lel where?

i honestly thought it would have happen by now.

>doctors concerned about possible complications
what's really the worst that can happen you're already turning it's genitals into a Frankenstein tier abomination.

I need a biological explenation for shit like that.

You take the feminine, hormone-shrunken penis and turn it inside out to make a beautiful neovagina. Parts of the colon can be used as well. Make sure to jam dildos inside it to prevent the wound from closing.

I try to imagine the person posting this thread, shirtless, man boobs, belly, pasty and in the dark. He chuckles in self assuredness that surely this troll thread will give him the dopamine high he craves . He presses alt-tab to go to tor, where his child porn chat room has just pinged, indicating theres been activity

What the fuck has the world come to...

a literal gash

How tiny did her dick get? Before puberty my cock was already around 5 inches although some other kids commented on how big it was
when I hit puberty I showed my 7.5 inches to my mom and asked if it was normal, and she replied that it wasn't normal, but much better than normal

That's a lot of projection right there

This makes me wish for executions.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable suicide and how we're all terrible people for letting it happen

ive seen enough of this site call others for 'projecting' while sporting your anime avatars, talking about trannies, and ironic shitposting. Every single time, you've been a pedophile, no doubt you are one as well

>Lying on Sup Forums

I think it's around 2.5 inches. That's what I heard anyway. He was put on hormones from age 4 I think.

genuine question: why do we give transgender people body altering hormones and permanent surgical operations removing appendages instead of trying to find a drug to remove their delusion of identifying as the other sex?


Does this mean paleovaginas are a thing now?

Oddly specific, is there something you'd like to tell us user?

>posting in Sup Forums and getting scandalized by trannies

The pedophile is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pedophile and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

with jews you lose kek shoulda been reading the stormer jazz and this never would’ve happened

Is that why you're projecting so hard user?


Pretty sure a micropenis is a death sentence for male or ""female"". There's no good options for it to live a normal life now.

woah such original funny post neva bin dun befo

In future in addition to gender preference you will have to specify genital preference and whether or not those genitals are paleo or neo

where is the rest of this story posted


>age 4
wow that's young
When I was 4 I loved to play in the girls' corner at school (played with boys stuff at home). They must've thought I was a giant queen.

Penis pump?

>y-your just projecting

and you pedophiles have nothing else, post it again and maybe this time youll convince yourself, pedophile.


your mom tells everyone that m8

Does anyone else watch this show occasionally? Besides all the tranny shit, it's just so fucking weird. The way Jazz openly talks about sex and vaginoplasties with his fucking grandparents is just...ugh.

Aside from that he is just so spoiled and unlikeable. I remember in the earlier seasons he had normal friends his own age, but now only seems to hang out with fellow lgbtq people. His father has clearly never told the mom 'no'.

If your mother was less stable, and you were born a decade or so later, you might have been converted into an abomination from a young age.

why can some mentally ill tranny get test shots on a whim but if I want it to help build muscle after a car accident I gotta beg for it

how much are they paid for these constant threads?

>transphobes are j-just pedophiles
Did you think your argument wasn't as stupid?

This show is just constant "back to the drawing board" on trans issues. Plus it really exposes how much of the way its treated is motivated by a profit-hungry surgical field.

That's it. It stayed at 7.5 .

and fucking hilarious

Fine I guess I have to post it

traps/trannies have always been a pillar of Sup Forums culture

He can still cornhole with a baby dick

Just shut up cuck you're not funny or interesting.

Is this show lovecraftian?

What sadpanda is this?

Could you theoretically charge the parents with child abuse? How can you give sex hormones to a prepubescent child without consequences?

>penis is so small you cant become a >woman

jazz said herself going through puberty would be torture, even if we wanted to offer a helping hand, she'd say we're being hateful. i don't even know how you would begin to help someone so far down the rabbithole

>has trouble socializing
>on anti-depressants and puberty blockers
>binge eating and weight issues, tries to hypnotize them away
>no libido
>trying to chop his dick off

unintended consequences when you try and mess with the natural order of things.


do you guys think the mom has ever cheated on the dad?

Without a doubt

just protovaginas

down with the thiccness


>I'm not sure how we help these people
You smother them in their sleep that's how


you're vagina can dodge bullets?


Statute of limitations

He said he said, its been over a decade, fucked up body

Only dance for redemption is to become cyborg with bionic dick and get testosterone to maybe grow up and remove all the female flab

That looks very unlikely however because 'she' says she's a woman and the family splurge with the upfronts for the show

Even when she sucked it?

No, user. I'm trying to tell you that once she's killed herself, she won't have to.

his wife is a pathetic cuck, what type of woman would marry a faggot that fucks trannies for a living?

so does IT fuck women or men, i dont understand here

blegh, who would want to stick their dick in that anyways?

Where my boys at

please, my girlfriends dick is over 8 inches, you'res is nothing special.

>I showed my Mom my penis

I would unironically smash his back doors in if only for the funny anecdote.

yes please

Change joi to "boi" and the edit is complete.

You chose a really bad picture to do this

I know man, she doesn't have any quality pics of just her straight on with her shoulders in it, that was the best I had

It doesn't fuck anything, the hormone drugs have rendered it functionally asexual.

god, what a lucky bastard this guy is. fucks the hottest traps all day and then comes home to Lexi Sindel?!


We're living in the future, it's just fucked up in a different way than what we thought

Right here

Right after the show ends and the money dries up

There are children born these days that will have their lives ruined by their parents just for the parents to show all the other parents how "progressive" they are. They are literally ruining the lives of children for their own personal gain. This is somehow legal.

Is suicide a complication?

isn't she going through the surgery though?

This world needs an enema.

who's the lady?
I don't give a shit, who's the fucking person then? google images gives me nothing.