Does Rian Johnson see TLJ as the cornerstone of his career or does he realize the film sucks?
Does he think made a good film?
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He’s a soyboy, who gives a shit what he thinks?
Of course he did. He angered so many jedi boys that he feels proud.l He got to your spine. He made you cry. He took your 10 bucks and rape your childhood. Of course he feel he did well. Because he knows. That your probably dont even remember the name of the Anakins mother. but do you remember the fucking Porgs? They didnt even mention theyr fucking names and they sold like hotcakes forl little... star wars... jedi.,,, boys.
Rian Johnson seems like an arrogant son of a bitch that wants to put his stamp on Star Wars so badly for some reason. Nobody knows who Irvin Kershner is and he still directed the best Star Wars movie.
Shmi... her name was Shmi.
I don't think he ever will. It's like Lucas he can't accept that the prequels were bad.
You had to look it up huh.Thats my boy, thats my good litle jedi boy. The jedi are dead. The books are not burned.
Only for spelling.
You know the sad thing is that if you moved small stuff the movie could have been glorious. If luke would have fighted Kylo and sacrificed himself in a Goku vs Radditz with piccoro doing to final blow but with Luke containing Kylo and Rey and giving advantage to rey. the thing is that it was going to be a given that luke was going to help fighting Snoke so that was too obvious. So there isnt too many oportunities to inovate.
I want to fuck shmi. She look like she had a good body
The movie could have been know what surprised the most after I thought about. They didn't tell Mark Hamill or Carrie Fischer to lose the weight. They didn't make Hamill go through and exercise regiment to teach him lightsaber forms. So instead was we got to fat old people who look like they don't care for themselves.
You could have jedi power fight. ala yoda vs palpatine that was kinda cool I liked that stuff instead of the eternal lightsaber duel of anakin and kenobi. Maybe some lightning vs something new i dont know.
pajeet, I
Hamill not being in shape kind of broke the illusion for me.
If he's like FattyBob then he thinks he's brilliant for making a film driven entirely by its meta-narrative
>Does he think made a good film?
He has never made a good film.
Looper was good
That kid in Looper was a better Jedi than fucking Luke
The script is shit beyond all comprehension. How can one manage to make cash grab rogue 1 look like a masterpiece by comparison?
Looper and Brick
pls no bully. I had high hopes for Johnson. What the hell happened?
Johnson stole from fan fiction.
He is to blame, but so is Kathleen Kennedy.
Yeah, Looper and Brick were great movies. From his twitter page it just seems that he went hardcore SJW and used this movie as an outlet for it since it went along with Kennedy's idea of putting women in the fore front.
This is just gonna be a weird chapter in Star Wars. I think someone is gonna take over Lucas Arts. Hopefully who ever does the Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels at cartoon network. He gets it.
Won't disagree with you there, I used to like him. Just look at this crap and now he's saying that he didn't care giving Snoke a backstory because "that's not interesting", well maybe for him but millions of people were eager to know who he is.
He had ALL the power of George Lucas in the prequel era and like Lucas nobody told him "no" only he's not George Lucas and doesn't know this franchise by heart. ARGH!
This is Rian Johnson's girlfriend.
Let that sink in.
>I could interchange their lines.
So actually write Finn as his own unique character. A brainwashed child soldier breaking his conditioning and defecting to his former enemy has a lot of potential as a character. Consider this alternative:
>He strikes out on his own, but with military discipline being the only thing he knows, he struggles to cope with life on the outside
>He has to develop his own moral compass, since he's only ever followed and given orders. What he adopts is an imperfect blend of what he was raised under (harsh absolutism) and what he aspires to as the antithesis of the First Order (pacifism and defense of the helpless).
>Maybe his unique ideology leads him to Luke, who offers the Jedi teachings as a more nuanced philosophy. Despite not being a Force user, Finn finds them helpful and incorporates them into his own way.
>In his struggle to find purpose outside the goal driven military, Finn seeks to lead his former comrades away from brainwashed service to the tyrannical First Order. This causes him to fall in with the Rebellion (something he initially did not intend).
>Among the Rebellion, he finds the structure and direction he lacked after leaving the First Order. Except the other Rebels/Resistance members are sceptical and suspicious of his loyalties, especially since he refuses to use leathal force against his former comrades.
>Leia is an exception, and demonstrates her own Jedi wisdom in her ability to forgive and accept Finn
>When he faces Phasma, he doesn't mock her. In their confrontation, they are both pleading with the other; To Phasma, Finn is her greatest failure. The only way to resolve it is for him to return to the fold. For Finn, Phasma is his mentor, someone he trusts and respects. He wants to save her, not kill her.
where is her chin?
i think hes like daisy ridley. he doesn't know why this major franchise fell into his lap, but hes just happy to be working
As in "It was Schmee James it was Schmee"?
Could be it. I get this feeling though that he sees himself as a messianic figure. Like he's brining in the new wave of feminism.
Sure, he probably thinks that he made a great movie. Most people in Hollywood exist in a delusional, self-congratulatory bubble, and are too far up their own asses to admit or even recognize their shortcomings
In light of all the criticism he has only grown more defensive and arrogant. He really thinks he crafted a masterwork.
I dunno he doesn’t really seem like the delusional type
he knows he made a movie that people wouldnt like yet he moved forward because he knows how the fanbase works.
*tips third weekender fedora*
Brothers Bloom is his best movie faggots