Hello, Sup Forums...

Hello, Sup Forums. May I please have the image of the black girl’s tweet re: Aziz where she says something like “woah woah woah, I’m not getting rid of Aziz just because some Becky wrote an essay”? I need it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>when she wont show bobs


look at the top of his head

Much appreciated!

too bad the world is not


imagine the shitshow tho if this wouldve just been yr average white male instead of your le funny poo man

What did she Meneefee by this

Have there been any instances to compare? I haven't heard of any white men getting accused on such a lousy story.

No one would defend a white man


objectively Louis CK, was accused of:
asking girls for consent to rub one out in front of them. Furthermore he was acused of compling when the girls said they weren't interested.

>account is now protected
The wailing harpies must’ve gone after her


what the fuck is that shit?

Her picture always pops up at every scandal.
She’s like the watcher of Hollywood


>Can I kiss you :)

W-what is she and just how powerful is she?

I actually think she's a good actress and deserves her awards but just something funny about coming from the bill engval show to winters bone and then super stardom. I'm sure those fappening pics were for harvey

who is she?

You may be onto something.

based assange

How is that anything like Aziz?


where dah white womenz at?

Why are people talking about Aziz now?

he may or may not be the end of #metoo

seriously, who is she?

So, it doesn't compare to this guy at all, then.
At least you tried.

Red red wine you make me feel so fine

because his case isn't cut and dried -- the fault seems to be with the woman. And the interaction between them the next day paints him as a pretty good guy, and her as someone who failed to communicate and decided to accuse him, anyway.



I always thought it was strange that Aziz usually had a good looking head of hair when mine is very similar but it's thinned badly on top.

Guess it was all hollywood magic.

Where's that image which is this pic next to that pic of that black guy grabbing that white girl who's covering her nose?

there's literally no reason to get bent out of shape over half of those

When will Matt McGorry get outed

what a mcgorry mark

>Hollywood magic

You’re right, what Aziz did was worse.

Angry Joe

Is Assange talking about himself here?




That's funny

Sometimes I'm jealous of Tom's fantastic hair, face and body, but then I remember I'm like 5 inches taller than him, so at least I have that going for me.

how big a gift would get me entry into vagine?

He was their boss and they feared loss of job

what was the point of that whoa whoa whoa

why was that relevant? what does it add? twitter has chracters limit and she spends it on that?

that looks like a child about to give fellatio



BASED black man

somebody get this BASED nog a watermelon and some lean

modern romance expert

Open bob

The only thing that pisses me off about Aziz is he isn't that funny, he's alright, and he totally ripped of Hannibal's cadence and delivery and tone for many of his jokes.

It's implying slow your roll

Louis CK is a Jewish Mexican, not white.


Pot. Kettle. Black.

it would be a non-event if he was white. depends on whether he's attractive or not. if he's old and ugly, then he'd be crucified.

Always one inbred in every thread that claims MUH WHITE GENOCIDE

They increased it to 280 last year

Drumpf is going to get CREAMED in the special election in 2018, get ready for President Hillary, neckbeards!


lmao stfu cletus ur not funny lol

One? Haha this board is filled with mad whitebois its gonna be more than just one bud

I'm not white but I'm not sure how you can deny this unless you think that genocide = gas + vans and camps or some shit.

Not really. Look at how they're going after Matt Damon for having the audacity to say that we probably shouldn't be treating all of these things equally (as in: grabbing a tit isn't as bad a raping people). He condemned all of it, by the way, but some SJWs are acting like he's endorsing assault and whatnot.

she's unironically right though
white women almost ALWAYS win out if it is her word against a man of color's

>muh sisterhood
>oh shit senpai, she whyte tho

daily reminder

no one is talking about Matt Damon. it lasted for a day..just like his pal bin al-flecki. nobody cares. Louis ck got his ass handed to him in a hi hat. and Aziz has been ALL over the news. I mean we're still talking about it. what do they have in common? unattractive.

Manlets don't deserve to reproduce.

Prove me wrong.

In America he is

>systematically bringing in millions of third worlders against the the wishes of many of the people from the host country, pumping out propaganda telling them to racemix themselves out or not have kids at all, tell them from the time that they're young that they have no culture and that their culture is bad (the one they apparently don't have), and guilt trip them for things that they didn't do isn't on a fundamental level done with the intent to genocide a group

>Article II
>In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
>Killing members of the group;
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Daily reminder that my Asian ass knows you're an idiot, DeQuan or self-loathing Billy.

>systematically bringing in millions of third worlders
okay, so who in the US has decided to undertake the mission of importing third worlders? this is no small feat so presumably it would be some sort of defined organization. how are whites forcibly moved to reproduce with non-whites?

the only truth in your post is that greentext wikipedia, cuck.

Whats, what's going on with the top of that curry beaner's head?


I'm Asain too you brainlet retard. Changing demographics via immigration is very specifically NOT genocide according to the convention. No one's stopping any race from having children of their own race. But I'm pretty sure you believe in an all powerful Jew-Illuminati, so talking to you is pointless.

Are demographics changing via immigration in any non-white country?


European countries don't even crack the top 10 in terms of immigrants per capita.


>against the wishes of many of the people

yeah, racists. this doesnt make it a globalist conspiracy, every decision they make re: refugees is well known and accepted by the majority

>some articles written by single people and published by a single news source

So who told them to print this? And they kept silent about being forced to feature white babies and support immigration? No news source on the planet would just blindly publish stories forced from "on high" without someone leaking that. These people are hungry for "whistleblower" shit like that.

It adds flavor. Something you white bois ain't never heard of.

All white men in this comic are bald, "standard" stickmen with #FFFFFF white skin. While the black characters need distinct nappy hair and brown skin, in order to set them apart.
This comic is kinda racist.

stop getting angry over trivial things.

no, shes a woman so im not going to let it slide

>accepted by the majority
of who? german women aged 18-30? you're a metropolitan american liberal i assume?

Know what movie set this is from?



I AM a German female 18-30 you retard

show us your tiddies