Did you end up feeling bad for Gus after we discovered what happened between him and Hector?
Look at me Hector
Every character in that show is scum except for Walt Jr. and Hank.
No he was living a sinful lifestyle and Hector was really the hand of God.
He was a gay fagola who ended up becoming what he hated
Was it really confirmed that he was gay?
Hector kissing at them isn't confirmation and if was confirmed I'm sure the Don of the Cartel wouldn't have even shook hands with them let alone invite them to his safehouse and discuss business.
Why did he play with children toys? Was he autistic?
>lives alone
>no wife
>no kids
>went apeshit for the rest of his life when Don Magic Juan over there killed his "partner"
He was a faggot you retard
No, neither one should’ve been here in the first place
No idea if he doesn't have/had a wife/kids. He gave Walter that speech of how a family provides whether they love him or are in his life. For all we know he was divorced with children and maybe lives in a different state.
This, but unironically.
I'll admit that I kinda was rooting for him and on his side and didn't want Jesse to kill him while they were escaping the Cartel's pad.
Nope, he was fine taking the cartel's money as long as he wasn't the one getting killed. He literally cared about nobody, even Walt liked his kids
Dude Walt went to his house and there was nobody there
hank literally did nothing wrong
walt jr. was a cunt sometimes but its understandable from a kid
This, but unironically
100% correct
Cheetos Cheetos
Not fritos
There's a CHA sound
Hector was a belligerent asshole but Gus was always passive aggressive. In Better Call Saul, wasn't it implied that Gus knew that Nacho swapped his heart medication with a placebo?
Ultimately, Hector really was right about Gus all along considering Gus tortured him all through Breaking Bad, taking glee in his incapacitated state.
Who the fuck names their kid "nacho"? Did he have a brother named "burrito"?
I honestly feel bad for most people in the series, but not him. I felt bad for Jesse multiple times, even though he was a complete fuckup, I felt bad for Walter, even though he was an asshole. I felt bad for Marie, when she was looking after Hank, despite her being a cunt most of the times. But mostly, I felt bad for Saul after watching BCS. He's a twat, but he's such a great character, I can't help but like him.
His name is Ignacio. Nacho was his nickname.
>Reading comprehension
it's pretty crazy to rewatch BB after so much Better Call Saul
I do believe that BCS has raised the bar. It's not as easy to get into, but it's just an amazing show.