>tfw you realize every time you make a new thread someone else's thread dies
Tfw you realize every time you make a new thread someone else's thread dies
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw I make threads I know will get deleted just to kill other threads
ya touched my chocolates. now ya gotta pay
good i love to murder
Not every time. If at great has been deleted you can create a thread without a thread being purged because the board has room for another thread.
>tfw haven't made a thread in over 2 years
can't be bothered
i am become op, destroyer of threads
Not necessarily. If the mods delete a thread before it expires it clears up a space on the board for a new thread without deleting an old one.
then this thread will disappear and a new thread will take it's place, Sup Forums is le flat circle.
>post in a thread
>it dies
>not constantly spamming cia threads
I miss sam so much, i hope hes doing well
i can't make new threads because my IP is region banned from making them
MDE is disbanded and sam is fucking done. His 10 years of creativity are up and he's only scamming people out of their money with his shitty vlogs. Don't follow any of his advice btw unless you want to imitate his failure as a human being.
Will you recognize me?
Call my name or walk on by?
Rain keeps falling,
Rain keeps falling...
Is he even alive? Did he go too far and had antifa take him out?
List of upcoming MDE projects
Posted 11 months ago
>Currently working on: merch --> HtB 2nd print run -- > Jaihoo book --> big video project (similar to KSTV) --> HtB2 (sequel) --> 'The Game'
He finished the merch and HtB 2nd print run
It's simply the circle of life, OP. Why obsess over it?
>get numbers
>nobody checks them
what is this place coming to?
We have... forgotten...
Sam Hyde is like a father figure to me
Dead threads, more like head dreds
Is that how it works?
I did not know that.