Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success while adult Bart is always shown as a failure...

Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success while adult Bart is always shown as a failure? Bart might not be a good student, but it has been shown countless times that he is good at problem solving, thinking outside the box, knows how to make friends and network, and he has a strong entrepreneur personality that can innovate and make situations to his advantage. Lisa on the other hand is shown to really only be a good student, but struggle at any sign of adversity. Her success comes more from being a big fish in a small pound.

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It's not real and the show has more than one writer, try not to think too hard about it.

Because jokes ha ha

Bart is also lazy, destructive, mediocre, hates to learn, have problems with authority, and can't manage his money.

A male loser is funny but a female loser is misogynistic

>Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success while adult Bart is always shown as a failure

because you're stuck on outdated morality where you're as valuable as your job.

also Bart ends up on the Supreme Court

What I see there is a free man who stayed true to himself and can do what he wants, when he wants, sitting next to a corrupt politician who is shackled by her public image and gains money by actively exploiting the general populace.

failure according to what standards. If you can wake up every day and be happy with what you do, that's a success. Bart does not want to participate in a highly competitive environment. Lisa does.

Bart was a supreme court justice once

Bart smoke weed and ruines his life


What are you talking about, user? We all know that Bart grows up to become a construction worker so that he can pay for law school and become a judge.

This. Pretty much every depiction of his future as a failure is from a zombie Simpsons season.

Not just any judge, Supreme Court Chief Justice.

In the Lisa goes to Yale future where she almost married Hugh, Bart worked for a successful demolition company and was paid to demolish buildings

That shit makes bank

True. He really working in destruction.

This x2

Yeah, but he is immediately stabbed in the neck outside a McDonalds and dies.

The supreme court justice thing loses a lot of its charm when Lisa is the President before that.

yeah lmao don't think don't discuss content just watch the pretty pictures lol someone post lisa's feet
no fuck you, you don't get to end the thread like that

Is it possible to put together a timeline of all the future events from the show? I feel like it was just barely doable before the episodes where Lisa marries Milhouse and Bart has two kids.

Nah, the future episodes now contradict one another. To be fair, though, most of them are set up as possible futures, so they're not really canon.

Not really. The requirements for becoming a justice are a lot steeper than those for being president. Bart would have had to go to law school, become a judge, level up to a federal judge, etc. That takes decades.

The only actual requirements for being president are that you're over 35 and born in the US.

Also, if we assume Lisa has been eight since her first appearance in 1987, she's 38 years old now, so she can legally be president after Trump, as ordained by prophecy.

I think the implication is that Lisa opens all those doors for him rather than him earning them himself.

Bart isn't stupid, but he doesn't really have marketable skills. He's good at pranks, vandalism, and generally fucking with people. Lisa is good at music, science, analysis and writing. Those aren't the most glamorous skills but they're a lot more likely to get you a job.

Anyway, there's no reason why we can't believe that Bart has a rough start in his 20's, but cleans up his act later in life and becomes chief justice of the supreme court.

>Bart becames a Supreme Court Chief Justice
>Maggie a famous rockstar
>Lisa a depressed housewife married to Milhouse

The only canon one

So are you saying Bart would make millions as a Youtuber?

t. school means nothing in the real world

>when the writers don't remember the shit they wrote but the fans do

Lisa ends up married to Milhouse.

How is that a success?

>Angry Springfield Nerd reviews Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge

Milhouse doesn't count, user.

The writers who wrote that episode have long since retired and there isn't much canon or continuity in Simpsons, especially episodes predicting anything.

>tfw pretty much married your version of "Milhouse"
>it's actually alright

this picture warms my heart

I remember Bart becoming a Judge once.

I think you make a mistake at cataloging "marketable skills" at age 10 and 8. Unless your parents are insane or you get super interested as an anomaly nobody knows they'll be a lawyer at 10 years old.

But yeah, Bart probably graduated High School, bummed around for a couple of years at a State or Community College, got his act together after one of the million things college lifestyle forces you to(no money, academic probation, drug scare, take your pick), did well as a Junior and Senior, then law school to become a Lawyer.

I think if you're forced to think in terms of the future the actual competition to BE a judge isn't that great. Lionel Hurtz is an incompetent and known as such. The only other Lawyers around regularly are the ones Krusty and Burns keep on retainer and they both likely retired rich. Bart has a reasonably clear path against established lawyers and the current judges would have long since retired.

Bart could make Judge pretty easily with just a couple of decent cases to his name and probably do it at a reasonably young age even if he had to take an extra year or two in school. From there it's political.

>Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success while adult Bart is always shown as a failure?

Because Lisa is female and Bart is male.

Lisa being President has no charm since she would have to sell out to corporations and superPACs just to be Commander in Chief, then spent the next 4-8 fighting with Congress to get her bills pass.

Bart being Supreme Court Justice has more charm because he can be appointed for life. There's a reason why Ginsberg refuses to retire despite being Old as fuck, She's not giving up all that power.

The Simpsons gene

all the males grow up to be failures. but all the simpson women are unaffected.

>Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success while adult Bart is always shown as a failure?

Bart becomes Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in one episode though. It's actually kind of heartwarming.

Yes, I forgot what an incredible success Homer's mom was

That's just more bullshit that newfag writers shoved in because they are never allowed to make lisa a failure

I understood this reference.

There is an episode that explains male Simpsons to have a IQ drop with puberty

I didn't know Homer was the result of incest. Should have guessed it.

considering Bart fantasizes about one day being a drifter, I'd say all potential futures have looked ideal to him.


>Why is adult Lisa always shown as a success
i think you mean bitch.
Why is adult Lisa always a bitch

i see what you did there user ;)

Because it's comedy, and the comedy of the show was that the Simpson men were usually not that bright (though they weren't always outright morons, just naïve of things and prone to act on impulse).

As interesting as it would have been if the show had actually developed the characters and aged them over time, it would have led to many different things, not many of them good (for a profitable work, I mean).

homer's mom isn't related to abe genetically.
so i don't' get your point.

Who's to say the drifter isn't just a stepping point before the judge though? Pretty sure when he imagined wandering around, he was younger than what he's shown to be when he takes up the gavel and gown. Could even be what drives him to finally get his shit together.

>took DNA

>i fucked ur dad lmao
This was not intended as a children's cartoon but sheeeit man

Didn't stop me from watching it before I even knew half the shit they were talking about. Though that line I did understand for the most part.

I kind of want to see a future where Lisa is depressed, mooching money off of Marge and Homer and her only option was to marry Milhouse while Bart is a big success doing something with explosions on movie sets and Maggie is some kind of Donald Trump tier political leader.

>stabbed in the neck three times and died instantly

He turns out relatively well in the Boyhood episode, where he ends up having his own successful body shop.

Yeah, I was gonna say. I liked the future where Bart was happy being paid to destroy things even if it wasn't all that luxurious a life, at least he was content.

I would also take this.

I mean, shit, I know if everybody's happy and all there's no humor or conflict, but how many fucking "Bart is misery" future episodes are there?

Not gonna happen. The writers love Lisa.

Lisa IS a female loser her childhood.

Hell, they flat out admit they change up the town geography as needed and try to spite people who try to figure out what state they're in.

Which doesn't make any sense because it was also shown that Homer's low intelligence is due to the crayon in his brain, plus other episodes have shown Bart to be intelligent and creative when he can be bothered to put the effort in.

Why did Marge say that to begin with?

We saw her not shooting Mr. Burns, so she wasn't a suspect.

Haven't seen the episode in forever. Did the cops/townsfolk see her in public away from the shooting?

honestly this
the writers of the Simpsons are probably left leaning so this isn't much of a stretch

The next future episode should have Bart take over Sneeds Feed and Seed

It's also science. Remember how Jackass creators said they pulled stuntwomen because audiences didn't laugh when women got hurt?

Humans are hard wired to be protective of women since they're the bottleneck in reproduction. Most people just get bothered if they see a girl fail horribly or suffer.

I don't see how anyone can argue this when the Simpsons literally had an episode that said that their bloodline has a stupid gene that only affects the male members of the family tree.

I think it's more a symptom of writing being a boys club so they're very awkward at writing women, especially with sitcoms being stuck on the 50s. The writers are a bunch of suburban middle aged men surrounded by other suburban middle aged men trying to not offend anyone who isn't a suburban middle aged men.

What about Cruella DeVil types or Ursula? There's satisfaction in watching them fail.

Can't tell if anyone else saw her, but we the viewers see right away that she was away from the shooting.

>Bart might not be a good student, but it has been shown countless times that he is good at problem solving, thinking outside the box, knows how to make friends and network, and he has a strong entrepreneur personality that can innovate and make situations to his advantage
Those are completely useless if your grades are dogshit. Where have you heard of a successful businessman who failed out of college? No diploma no job so those skills are useless

Maybe their over the top evilness cancels out the bias/a limit on how much it can force you to care for a girls well being.

This guy took a crack at it

>There's a reason why Ginsberg refuses to retire despite being Old as fuck, She's not giving up all that power.
Actually, the reason is more that the current president is one that is decidedly the inverse of her views and she doesn't want to step down so that the already tilted court balance is turned into a conservative majority for whoever knows how long. Normally, a Supreme Court justice will do whatever they can to stay on the court until a president from their political party can replace them with a justice more in line with their views.

They're ugly so they don't count.

Sounds like the best way to defeat a female villain who uses their looks to get what they want is to get rid of their beauty. Of course, the more dangerous ones have more than just looks to back them up.

Then again, women are more vocal about hating fictional women who are obnoxious than men are. Anecdotal yes, but I know my older sister openly said she wanted to strangle Princess Merida from BRAVE.

Bart does think outside the box but only for prancing purposes. Plus, he's the son of homer so homer kinda rubs off on Bart

steve jobs

it's less that they love Lisa, and more that since Lisa's VA only does Lisa(she's the only main cast VA to do so), they have to wring as much mileage out of her as possible to justify her salary

Its a safe bet that Lisa crushed any sort of accomplishment Bart may have had given her own insecurity

Isn't the Boyhood one where the moral is "Lisa is Bart's inspiration"?

>crazy cat woman
>Patty and Selma

I'm not even a Simpsons autist

How are you enjoying your seven digit paycheck with those bad grades, user?

I love how even twenty years ago this would be the opposite default reaction. Males still make up the majority of higher positions, including government, with some 30% of seats being filled be women in the USA. Any erosion, even if it is just in response to media instead of reality, of male power is seen as a horrid case of discrimination against men. This is the Simpsons, not reality.

Nice meme
He dropped out, and he dropped out of an Ivy League

She's just like a stern dad. Really, what's the difference?

As an older student, there's advantages and disadvantages. Professors tend to like you more, because you can show maturity while interacting with them on a personal level, but you also have the weight of past bad grades dragging down your gpa and you won't be as educated as students who took calculus and AP classes in high school. It's heart warming, but it's pretty unrealistic.

Why? Just because that's the exact opposite of zombie Simpsons? But Lisa seems pretty stressed and unhappy in a lot of the future episodes.

>knows how to make friends and network
not really, Milhouse is his only real friend
he's actually pretty socially awkward

No one is going to admit that when they're rooting for Bart so hard.

I have to imagine that Bart wouldn't drift for long. He may like a lack of responsibility but he's used to regular food, a bed, and normal living and doesn't have circumstances forcing him.

I can see him drifting for about six months post high school after barely passing, having a dose of reality once the winter sets in and he has no prospects, then heading to community college for a couple of years before going to someplace that's better, but not that great.

Is this shit serious?

Can confirm. Aunt was a Chicago judge and when prompted would go into all kinds of shit about judge life. If I learned anything, it's that judges are smart enough to work the system, understanding it inside and out, whether they're corrupt, biased, or well intended people trying to do what they believe is right. Also, it's apparently a boys club in that it is very difficult to reside over certain types of cases if you're a woman. It's amazing how difficult it is to learn about these types of things if you aren't friends with lawyers or judges.

>had a strange attraction to Cruella Deville as a child
>her voice
>her sharp jaw and chin
>her mannerisms

Being les is strange

If that's canon, fuck that shit. Bart is smart, he just rarely applies it. He should earn his position on his own.

Just consider it as an extended timeline. Eventually Bart gets his act together and becomes Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

We never really saw anything to make us believe that Lisa was corrupt.

The only timeline that matters.