Movie Theater Attendance Hits 24-Year Low
With the advent of streaming services this is to be expected. But why was it so low in 1991-92?
what caused that 1990-2002 peak?
maybe if they stopped making piece of shit movies and not making new stars
Thanks for the good news
As they say in finance, 'the trend is your friend'.
Except in this case for Hollywood, it's your enemy.
Actual good movies being made.
Life not being shitty in the late 90s
wew, draw a line from 2002 to now. It's a goddamn 15 year death slope, and still dropping.
people don't want to risk spending 30-50 dollars just to have some niggers sit behind you
2001 - The Fellowship of the Ring
2002 - The Two Towers
2003 - The Return of the King
lower ticket prices
>those comments
is it happening?
No worries, I'm sure once sufficient diversity levels are achieved we'll see a new golden age of cinema.
They are literally doing the opposite in response and have been this entire time;
well yeah, that's the problem
Haha, wow, I went and read them because of this post. I felt like I was reading Sup Forums!
>The Fire Rises!
now do china :^)
>What cost $.07 in 1910 would cost $1.87 in 2017.
Prime age for kino
i knew a bunch of people in the 80s and early 90s that would go to the theater every day just to nap in the air conditioning
Wtf. Yet a movie needs to make 1billion± to make a profit. How did this happen?
is the peak of the early 90's
>97-98 have massive jumps
>2009 is the highest point of the 2005-15 decade
I wonder who's responsible for that?
just wait till 2020 when based Jim does it again with Avatar 2
>abatap 2 will make 6 trillion dollas
Movies aren't good enough to put up with the assholes that go to movie theaters.
Does that graph account for population growth somehow? If not that's even more fucked up lol
I taught it was bitcoin graph lmao
>still higher than 1990 to 1993
I wouldn't have predicted that.
It doesn't. Even with population steadily increasing ticket sales have gone steadily down for 15 years.
Exactly. A brand new blu ray to own is $25. Unless its a 10/10 movie why the fuck would I pay $15 to see it once?
>all the kids moving to the big city
>city is full of the dark people
>therefore theater is full of people yelling at the movie and each other
no wonder they dont want to go to the movies
And that's not even counting;
>Drive to the theater
>$11 dollar large popcorn
>Literally 15 minutes of trailers and commercials
>People yelling and clapping in the theater like a bunch of goddamn savages
>Drive home
This. Black people think they're recording a commentary track for a DVD while watching a movie. "Oooh, my brutha got a truck like dat!", "Don't go in there, don't go in there!"
That's precisely it. Movies today are not diverse enough to satisfy a changing demographic. Diverse audiences want to see themselves portrayed onscreen, not only in terms of skin colour, but also size and shape too. Furthermore, I think we're all getting tired of seeing the same old patriarchy on film, and with the fall of Weinstein we can finally have women in charge who can affect positive change in the industry.
Just wait...when the new Ocean's movie comes out, the ticket sales will skyrocket, and we'll see a new dawn. #MeToo, #FilmsForMe, #EverySizeMatters
you forgot #oscarstoowhite
I remember when there were only previews and trailers before the movie began. That was a good time.
There is a theater in my hometown owned by the creator of The Blacklist. It is a small shitty theater but it sells booze and actual food and it dominates the Cinema 8 and mall theaters and the other one I don’t know the name of.
Hollywood is so self absorbed that it has forgotten the audience entirely, it is just spinning its wheels trying to push agendas instead of stories. Theaters have nothing to offer anymore.
I'm able to somewhat avoid this by living in a boring ass flyover town. Of course by doing this I've sacrificed my mental health.
Yup, I remember it too.
You're forgetting the shitty local theater chain jingle. Remember this guy?
I'd go to the cinema if they'd show something else than cape-shit/disney franchises.
wait you mean they have commercials like on television now? I haven't been to a movie theater in years.
>commercials now play in theaters
What the fuck? I haven't been outside in about 10 years, is this really a thing?
Nigga I remember the old "Rated R" intro where it would show a kitten walking through a scary jungle with drums playing until he got startled and turned into the rated R cat logo.
That shit so old it isn't even on youtube.
Luckily there's still one good cinema left here, it just so happens to be the most expensive one in the entire country too, but that filters out most annoying people.
I dont think they show any commercials, but a shit load of trailers.
It's the only place I enjoy going to the movies anymore.
You literally sit through ten minutes of cell phone ads, coke ads, car ads before the trailers even start these days.
what is inflation?
If that's true then you're at least 45 years old and I want to know why you're still here
i thought they discontinued that shit
what is it now? I haven't been to the theatre since 2010
What the hell is wrong with you normies? Absolutely despicable.
$.07 in 1910 would be 1.76 in 2018 dollars, so almost 5 times the price now.
It's on YouTube: youtu.be
>tfw Based Alamo Drafthouse is saving the movie theater experience
If you read the article they literally raised prices 3.7 percent this year alone because attendance keeps dropping. That's almost double what actual inflation was; 2.1 percent.
I would have gone to see the ratchet and clank movie if it was any good
but you could tell it was shit from the trailers and tie in game
and it was shit
How deep into NEET life are you user
Good. I hope hollywood crashes and dies.
How would you know that sir... unless YOU are 45 years old yourself!
holy shit
thank you
It's because movies these days by-and-large suck complete ass, and that there is almost always a sociopolitical agenda in it.
Because I just looked it up and it played during the 70s...
Haven't worked in years. Self-sufficient and not on government aid so I'm doing better than most, which isnt saying much.
I know its still active because sometimes I open my curtains and become sun-blind from the sun for a good minute or two. Sometimes I hear people talking in the street too. Assuming its real.
Early retirement? Or just live with your parents?
>Self-sufficient and not on government aid
How? Mountain man?
more expensive, dating has changes, more alternatives
>Highest point since 2005 was when Avatar released
Really makes me think
Neither. Currently in crypto and in between such schemes I invest money and time into learning a new trade.
Unironically that is the end-game
Not to say that it's entirely inflation, but if you look at 1975, a movie ticket was $2 in 1975. $2 is worth roughly $9.10 in 2017 dollars. Which is roughly the average ticket price in the US (natoonline.org
Based Jim
Oh ok so you're LARPing. Be sure to always thank mommy for the tendies.
Yeah, the price is too damn high and people don't want to waste their limited free time with their friends on a shitty movie, like you said. I think only blockbusters and horror movies consistently do business nowadays. No need to pay for the theater experience for a drama you can always get for cheap later.
>Unironically that is the end-game
same for me brother
>Blockbusters and jump scare horror movies
People only pay for theme park experiences now in theaters. When all this is over, the last gasp of the theatrical release will be 4D theme park shit
good question...as someone who went to movies during that time i have some guesses
the 90s were a pretty big deal economically...i talked to a restaurant guy once who said that theyre still recovering, trying to get to the days when restaurants were really hopping in the late 90s...good economic times leads to optimism which leads to people spending money more, movies included (just look how the graph falls after 9/11)...also this about the time when cgi was making its presence felt...seeing something like independence day or jurassic park was a spectacle...you got tits in r rated movies back then so maybe they did better also
just some thoughts...good question
>get high speed internet, a flat screen tv, and a surround sound system
>never step into a movie theater again
funny how that works
Theaters started the decline the day tivo was released
Unemployment might be a big reason why
>When you are given a free new demographic in the Chinese middle class but you still manage to fuck it up
Is the movie industry to most retarded business to get into?
I just want to build a log cabin out in the woods and die from natural causes 2bh. It would be interesting to see how long I can make it. Just gonna die of cancer if I live the "normal way" anyways.
Kek. Its insanely easy to make a living if you are in a first world country, you are relatively intelligent, and dont live in some hellhole city.
Also, the population rose quite sharply through these years - the graph is actually worse than it looks
Pushing their political agendas is literally more important to them than anything else. I hope I live to see the day the floor collapses.
Thus but a 120 inch projector screen for your home theater.
This is what happens when you let politics and social agendas infect movies. Politics ruin everything.
Some of the best films of the past 100 years have had strong political messages
>120 inch
just like my clit
Debt hadn't skyrocketed yet
Some quick math
2000 5.39 - 7.81 today
1990 4.22 - 8.03
1980 2.69 - 8.12
1971 1.65 - 10.15
1958 0.68 - 5.86
1948 0.36 - 3.73
The 70s were a mistake, thanks for fucking up bretton woods tricky dick
>$11 dollar large popcorn
>Literally 15 minutes of trailers and commercials
These are the real reasons
Thats a big clit
Yeah, in times when feminism meant equality, not "kill all males" and ending racism meant everyone has equal opportunity not "kill all whites".
There are exceptions to every general rule, user.
give me a quick rundown on projectors senpai, seems better than a regular tv in every way so why does everyone not use one?
>Debt hadn't skyrocketed yet
forgot pic
Man, that's still cheap AF. Here, a ticket is 14+ dollars
>If I use strawman versions of people I disagree with, it means I'm right!
Please, it's slight hyperbole at best.
Leftists are a strawman of themselves, let's not mince words here.