Is the EU really needed though?

Is the EU really needed though?

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It's more interesting than current canon

Some of it was good, some of it was awful. But in the old EU you could ignore what was bad because none of it was technically canon. One of the terrible things about the new EU is that Disney wants EVERYTHING to be canon: all the books, all the games, all the comics, all of it. So when somebody writes something awful, like that one guy who wrote in the present tense and used stupid pronouns, you can't just pretend it doesn't exist.

No. We can make our our own trade agreements without a bunch of twats in Belgium telling us what to do.

Some is. Some is pure garbage, some is fucking amazing and worthy of being shot as a movie.

Not needed because the OT is complete in and of itself, however the good parts of it don't subtract anything and like all fiction you really can just ignore the shit parts. Basically this

Yes soley due to Revan

I want to explore the EU. What novels/comics should I read?

The Thrawn Trilogy by Zahn
The X-Wing books by Stackpole
The Tales of the Jedi comics
Shadows of the Empire, the book and the game
All the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games
Both Clone Wars cartoons

That covers a lot of the good stuff.

there's a tv shows that isn't canonical. it's a lego tv show

Some is and some isn't. I can live without the Vong and the 'shudder' cloned Palpatine. But I do want Thrawn and Revan back.

>Tales of the Jedi comics

We will never get to see Exar Kun brought to life on film. It's a fact

Thanks user. I watched both TCW series and only read The Dark Lord novel.

>The Truce at Bakura
>Courtship of Princess Leia

The Bane books, RotS novelization, Plageious

This. EU was literally pick and choose for your headcanon.

This guy gets it.

There's a lot of stupid shit in the EU. But it was all kind of harmless stupidity. Nu-War's stupidity is malignant.

>Courtship of Princess Leia

The total mess the new movies have made of Han and Leia's relationship makes me extremely nostalgic for the loving, stable marriage they had in the EU.

The Darth Bane trilogy is worth a read if you're interested in how the sith went from thousands to Rule of Two

>Is the EU really needed though?

>film in 2016
>showing stable marriages

Canon is essentially:

>Episode I
>Episode III
>The force unleashed (only the first one)
>original trilogy
>KOTOR series
This stuff:

the darth bane novel

Is it true that Lucasfilm's grand vision for the 30 year long gap between RotJ and TFA is just one long boring peace? Because it sounds like the Imperials are roundly defeated after Jakku and very much defanged. Meanwhile the First Order fucks off to the Unknown Regions until they pull Starkiller Base out of their ass.

Remember in the old EU when it took the heroes a fucklong time and loads of effort to beat the Imperial Remnant into accepting a truce? But hey, now Lucasfilm has accelerated the process via Palpatine's retarded scorched earth tactics, and now the New Republic is so thoroughly unchallenged that they saw no problem with scaling back their fleet by 90%. How absolutely enthralling.

Simply adapting the New Jedi Order books would have been better than what we got. It would have been weird, but at least it would have been different.


Agreed. I know a lot of people don't like NJO, but at least it was something different.

>The Black Fleet Crisis
>The Jedi Academy Trilogy

it was tryhard but I kind of loved it too

They just didn't like the end where they revealed that there was no Dark Side and the Force was all about intent. Reportedly even Lucas hated that. Jason going Sith was basically a retcon of that.

That and making the Vong into luddites was a bit much. If they were just conquerors I think people wouldn't have complained as much.

But if they adapted books they would have to pay people royalties, so I understand why they did their own story. I just wish it had been better.

Just found some old books on a shelf at my parents house. "The last command" by Timothy Zahn and "Showdown at Centerpoint" by Roger Macbride Allen. Any good?
Also found my old Young Jedi Knights books but I'm gonna leave those in the past.

It sucks they waited too long because the new jedi academy, the imperial remnants, the forming of the new republic, that's all far more interesting than a fucking redo of the original trilogy.


>They just didn't like the end where they revealed that there was no Dark Side and the Force was all about intent. Reportedly even Lucas hated that. Jason going Sith was basically a retcon of that.
That actually sounds like a neat idea though.

Anything by Zahn is great. But you'll be lost if you read LC because its the third book in a great trilogy.

Can someone give examples of the awful shit from the EU

I thought of all of those books the SJW would like that one the most. all the men are either stupid (isolder), macho retards(BASED HAN), or naive dumb bunnies(Luke), and the women were WOMYN STRONK FEMDOM PLANETARY SPORT OF DATHOMIR!

Dark Empire isn't all that great. The art's good, though.

The Sun Crusher aka The Ice Cream Cone of Doom.

It kind of was, but it really went against established lore, so I understand why it upset people. Essentially, the big reveal is that there is no mystical space evil influencing people to do bad shit and that the Sith were just naturally evil people. It was trying to add a bit more ambiguity then people were comfortable with.

Jedi Wookies. On second thought, that sounds awesome.

Good looking out user. I was afraid of that. Gonna have to do some more digging.

That's the reason I want to read what really happened after RotJ. I fucking hate that they are resetting the OT.

Is the actual Sith species still canon or is that purged until further notice?

Disney has done nothing with the Old Republic era beyond vague hints. So we have no idea.

how is Disney handling midichlorians

Did anyone else like the while tho yor spaceship origin?

Alright, so I'm already in the process of reading through the EU. I'm still on Thrawn (Last Command) and I'm not sure where to head next.
I know for a fact that I want to read Legacy of the Force (because Karen Traviss is my guilty pleasure) but past that I'm not sure. I do have a few questions.

1. Are the X-Wing books that are by themselves on the timeline able to be read on their own without reading the other previous ones?

2. IS the Correllian Trilogy worth it? Does it expand from Thrawn, or have any impact in later arcs? It seems interesting but I'm not too sure.

3. Is the Thrawn Duology just fanservice for the people who like the trilogy, or does it have actual bearing on future events and the universe. From summaries it seems like the former to me (Thrawn clone, really?)

4. Is there any shorter, condensed version of the New Jedi Order, because I am NOT reading 18 fucking books for one arc. But I do realize its importance on the galaxy. Just wondering if there's another way to experience it besides just reading the Wookipedia descriptions of what happens.

5. Basically any other arcs that include the main cast, or their descendants that have the Star Wars feel. I'm going through them because I hated TLJ, and I just want a proper continuation that Disney promised me.

Help me, Sup Forums, you're my only hope.

Why is he wearing robes? Isn't it pretty well established that Hutts don't normally wear clothes?

Jedi Hutts wear clothes.

EU is too messy.

Fuck you

Dark jedi comic
Proceeds to

"makes a new one"

I never say this but my niggas. These numale and tumblrina critics wonder why I hate nuWars, and the answer is simply people who cared for Star Wars when it wasn't as popular had already written far better sequels and stories.

The new EU is needed for those who are extremely low functioning and need to be spoonfed everything. For most audiences, the sequels stand on their own.

This answers none of my questions.

That shit is for fourth graders. You can be reading something better. The books aren't even pastiches like the movies are, so they're poodoo

This answers none of my questions.

>For most audiences, the sequels stand on their own.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

I don't want to argue, I want answers to my questions.

Well, l wanted to know snoke backstory and how the first order came to be

There was a mention that the First Order was only one of many splinter factions in a book. Wish they expanded on that.

Wouldn't it have been easier to explain the FO's sudden rise in power by saying that the other factions joined them when they saw that their Death Star tribute was better than anyone else's?

Exar Kun is now noncanon

That would've been the obvious thing to do and you know how much Nu-Wars looooooves to subvert expectations.

Sometimes people need to be reminded that the obvious thing can sometimes be the best thing.

>in new canon, every red lightsaber represents a dead jedi

Honestly, it just seems like they forgot about the splinter factions

if they do..
>oh he has a lightsaber like darth maul

Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke Skywalker

Let's be real here. If the next movie contradicts one of these dumb books no one is going to care.

No one will care because the new movies are to be disregarded.

>the EU is bad
"proceeds to make a new one with farts"

More than whatever Disney is shitting up.

Do you consider THIS needed?

>do we need merchandise that perpetuates a franchise built on merchandising?


how do execs like you get a job at disney holy shit.
what are the jewish buisness models all failing?

I think I need to get into buisness for myself, and take down all these shitty shitty as companies.
making horrible fucking creative decisions. that have no semblance of creativity to them whatso ever.

you gonna get murdered
sorry bro

Waru, the trans-dimensional honeycomb god who almost killed our favorite trio. Also Lusa who's literally a centaur jedi


I’ll miss dark force users being able to wield whatever colour saber they liked

Me too, and synthetic crystals fit the franchise's omnipresent machine vs nature themes.

But the new lore is pretty fun with every red lightsaber representing approximately one dead jedi and any white laser sword representing a dead sith and a dead jedi

Why not both though? Why can both be canon? Some red ls being corrupted ones and some others being sinthetic

sjws dont actually like the things they complain about, the vast majority of them have no idea that the EU is even a thing.

>look it up
>it's realé's_wedding

Based brexit poster

>lel I'm a Villain Sue who can analyze a species' psyche and predict their behavior by studying their art xd
>studying their art for, like... hmm? how long does it actualy take me to study all of a civilization's art? 1 year? 1 month? 1 hour just because I'm so awesome?

Imagine, what if he tried to fight a planet or a civilization which is like modern Earth. How hard would he get raped? It would take close to a lifetime to study even one medium and only in its 'modern' state (i.e. an interval of 20-15 years). But no, we get the good 'ole
>every planet has only one culture without subcultures, regional variations, etc, every alien race has no variation within itself
cliche taken to a whole new level when it actually turns out that within every race everyone makes exactly the same art and has exactly the same psychology.
>inb4 'muh globalized worlds'
We live in a globalized world now. And art is more diverse than probably at any other prior point in history.

And that's only one of my gripes. The writing all in all is fanfic level and most of the author's Donut Steal OCs and new races, just like his excessive grimdarkness and 'hardness' don't fit with the tone of the universe at all. You probably have to be below 18 to enjoy these books. Last time I let Sup Forums ruse me.

Star Wars had fart jokes since TPM

is pic related good guys or bad guys

Modern art is not diverse and we have only been global since internet
Star wars has been global for thousands years

I study the force with my padawan, fat fuck

>atmosphere-ripping flatulence
>a four-alarm fart
>deep, meteoric toot
>sounding off like firecrackers
>letting loose
>gassy exclamations
>high-pitched wheeeeeet!
>gut-ripping gas

He would have to be incredibly strong in the force right? There's no way a Hutt could move fast enough to fight regular sith.

>you can't just pretend it doesn't exist
Watch me.
I pretend TFA and TLJ don't exist.
Fight me.

t. four alarm farter


user I think the joke went over your head


since they are mining the EU for characters and locations, i think its needed. saves them having to employ imaginative people