Fuck Marvel

Fuck Marvel


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>A family going on adventures is outdated

I don't like the future.

That guy posts on Sup Forums doesn't he.


>The FF will miss Kirby's 100th Birthday
>"Its okay! We'll pay lip service to the concept while inevitably completely misunderstanding it!"

Marvel can go fuck themselves.

How about you can go fuck yourself?

That dumb fuck is a Disney fucking shill. Ignore his fucking tweets.

Hopefully it's Johnny and Ben searching for Sue and Reed.

I wonder what Kirby would say if he where here today. Even Stan is weirdly quite about the actual comics

>mfw they have their built-in Dr.Manhattan with Franklin
Are you ready for "They disappeared for years but it was all part of our plan for this super cool story guys!"

Stan's eyesight has deteriorated to the point he cant read anymore, so all he has to go on are what people tell him. Being in the buisness for so long he likely knows people will present him with a very biased "Everythings great!" when asked about their books.

Why would Stan care? He's gone on record as not knowing anything about Hobgoblin. How long has hobgoblin been around? That's how long Stan has given zero shits about current comics he has nothing to do with.

1983. Jesus Christ

They better title it "Strange Tales".
And they better meet the Beatles again.

How about you get raped by a dolphin, Brevoort?

I keep hearing people say FF is outdated more and more these days.

Because they were created in the 60's? They're a family? It makes no fucking sense to me.

It's because they're all white

Judging by his posts it seems the latter.

>implying Stan Lee reads modern comics

>"Bring back the FF!"
>Clearly something is happening

SeeThese days, you're not allowed to show a traditional happy family unless it's an interracial couple.

These days you cannot have a discussion about comics without some left or right wing faggot making it about race. Boo who. Black people. Boo who. White people. KYS faggot.

I can't wait for Reed to return as a strong black man

He didn't know any of Claremont's X-Men according to Jim Shooter.


Yeah, even If I have enjoyed secret empire to an extent, the timing is awful, it's almost as if they were spiting on Kirby's grave instead of celebrating him. Well, at least there's a possibility we might get a good Kirby tribute with the eternity war.

Stan Lee is kind of like Trump. Just a figurehead who comes out to keep the masses angry or happy while someone else pulls the strings.

This being repeated in the 90's is what led to where we are today.

The FF were not hardcore extreme enough for readers. No one had a leather jacket, ammo pouches, spikes on their back, or cigars. So the book floundered.

Things have not changed.


I don't know about them being "outdated",
but they really are boring as shit.

I thought if the FF were more like the Incredibles they would be more fun to read.

They are not really set up like a family, they are more of a superteam that happens top have a couple related members.

A superhero family that live in a suburb and fight crime on the weekends, with kids often getting into trouble at school sounds like a more fun read.

Yeah, I've genuinely never understood this "FF are out-dated" meme. Their whole schtick is being a family of scientific-adventurers. The "scientific-adventurer" part should, I would assume, be really popular nowadays. Isn't that the whole point of the whole LE SCIENCE!!! XD meme that's so popular with normies? I feel like every year there's some new "look at how cool the cosmos are!" and a constant stream of "science"-focused space movies like Interstellar and Gravity. So it can't be that, so is it the family element?

I mean, I could see the whole "nuclear family" thing being a bit out-dated but that's not what they are. As far as families go, they're intentionally abnormal.

I just don't get it. "B-b-but they were made in the 60s!" Yeah, but like, so were Spider-man, Hulk, Iron Man, and plenty of other current Marvel mainstays. People rag on their powers being "generic" but all four of them have powers that aren't frankly far more interesting than the generic "super-soldier" or "tech-based" shit that seems to be the powerset of every other Marvel hero.

I genuinely don't understand the animosity so many people have to the F4. Even the people that constantly bitch about "waaah, why can't the rights return to Marvel" only seem to care about the villains and think the actual F4 are boring. What's boring about them? That Reed is a super-genius and super-sciences most of their solutions? How is that any different from Tony Stark who everyone loves?

But that's the thing, they're NOT a traditional family and the inter-family drama is one of the major components. They're not all happy go lucky. Reed and Sue have marital problems. Johnny and Ben are constantly fighting. Reed has his guilt complex of how Ben turned out while Ben is sad as fuck. The reason they're a compelling family is because they're not all perfect and never have been. They have problems with each other but they work through them and come out the other side stronger than when they started.

He will forever be in the silver age. I envy him.

>he quit reading when Gwen died

I mean, we the readers know where Sue and Reed and the Future Foundation are. They're off rebuilding the multiverse one universe at a time.

Eh, I'd rather they just stick to Marvel Two-in-One. The original Marvel Two-in-One remains one of Marvel's all-time greatest ongoings and contains a lot of their best stories.

Ben is jewish. He's THE jewish superhero. He's a Golem for fucks sake. And Reed has autism. Beyond that, their supporting cast is generally pretty diverse.

Reed, Sue, Valeria and Franklin are the core family. Johnny, Ben and Doom are Uncles to Valeria and Franklin, then the Future Foundation kids are like their various cousins. Yes, it's not a traditional nuclear family but that's why it works.

Honestly I'm not all that mad about F4 missing.
They went from exploring worlds and universes to creating them, well, half of the F4 anyway.

They'll just get a shit writer if they get a new series now anyway. Current Marvel has no talent.

Why would he? He didn't create any of them and by the late 70s, he was nothing more than a figure-head. The end of Lee/Kirby FF was essentially the end of Lee's passion for comics. That was the book where Lee and Kirby put the majority of their efforts and while Kirby continued his passion onto other new projects after that ended with the Fourth World Saga or Eternals, Lee completely stopped giving a fuck.

>strong black transexual man

I don't mind Reed, Sue and the kids being off doing their thing. They got their ending. It wasn't a perfect ending by any means but it was an ending that I can live with.

But Ben and Johnny are still in the Marvel Universe and fucking around as they bounce from book to book. There's no reason for the two of them to not have a team-up book together, and if that's what this is then perfect. A book that's just Johnny, Ben, and then a rotating cast for the other two spots is enough for me. Even if it's just used to shill character's they're trying to push. Basically, make it like the old Marvel Two-in-One except have it be Marvel Three-in-One or Marvel Four-in-One or something. Ben + Johnny in every issue, then each issue having 1-2 different characters rotating in.

They still live in a superadvanced floor of a highrise in NYCC, still pretty far from a family portrayal

>These days, you're not allowed to show a traditional happy family unless it's an interracial couple.

The fuck are you talking about? They are freaks with super powers. Sue was ready for reeds dick when she was a little girl. The thing wanted to fuck a blind black woman. And the torch probably got HIV when he was scoring with space alien girls. And they are pretty much the small version of the x-men.

>there are no families that live in a highrise in NYC
Just because they aren't a bunch of suburbanites doesn't mean they aren't a family. They're still super-heroes with the head of the family being the smartest man alive on a planet where everyone has super-labs in their garages anyways.

I think the movies are in part to blame for the animosity towards them.

They completely stripped the sci-fi exploration into crazy new worlds angle and everything that makes them unique, in favor of generic superheroes fighting the bad guy in New York. They made Reed and Sue uninteresting characters and flat out butchered Doom.

Because most normies have never read a FF book in their life, this is the only exposure they've had to them. Now you have a whole generation of people who watched those movies as a kid and now think the Fantastic Four are boring, cheesy and lame.

>then a rotating cast
Can't wait to see Johnny, Ben, Moongirl and Kamala

Actually he cured himself of that, and as usual kept the cure for himself

There are no writers at Marvel right now that I'd trust to write a good FF book.

Hell yes. Marvel Two-In-One was golden.

Plus Thing and Human Torch together are the best characters that epitomize what Marvel is all about at its core. Flawed and downright damaged yet still 100% heroic.

See, I don't really have a problem with that though, to be honest. Marvel Two-in-One was just Thing teaming up with whatever character they were trying to shill that month and that book was phenomenal. Ben's appearance in Moon-Girl's ongoing was fun and they had a relatively entertaining dynamic. Kamala fangirling over Johnny or, better yet, fangirling over Thing thus making Johnny get all huffy because HE'S the hotter of the two would be fun.

Yep, and Johnny punking Ben will literally never get old.

Do you really want modern Marvel to taint its name with the shit they'd produce now?

Stan collects a paycheck and shills for Marlel. He supported the idea of Superior Spider-Man and Nazi Captain America. He doesn't give a fuck.

How DARE you try and invalidate my feelings on Sup Forums with your "facts"!

minorities have terrible homes they can't relate to that.

Isn't this part of Moon Girl's comic in September or something?

I like you and your idea!

They gave them all that back in the 90s. The only thing that made the book significantly increase in sales was when they were replaced with Wolverine, Spiderman, Hulk and Ghost Rider

>Black guy doesn't like a family team of white scientists
