What is the canonical reason that people in Alien have to strip down to their underwear to go into hypersleep...

What is the canonical reason that people in Alien have to strip down to their underwear to go into hypersleep? Serious question.

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so men will come watch the movie

have you tried sleeping in clothes

Humans sweat like crazy in hospital beds. It causes infections. Less clothing would keep them and make them easier to cool.


Also Id imagine in hyper sleep you are getting a lot of shit injected in you by robots and they don't need to deal with navigating around clothes.

these desu

also gib milkies

fire hazards on a ship are important to mitigate. The hypersleep chambers have a high concentration of oxygen and you don't want any clothing in there. Nonflammable clothing is carcinogenic so that's a no go

> All those perky tits
> Literally no ass

Sigourney Weaver is what happens when God decides to min/max a woman during character creation.

>min/max a woman during character creation
Are non Sup Forumsedditors supposed to know what this means?

milk truk

I'll translate it for various boards:

> Uses her ass as a dump stat

> Marinades her tits for ten hours, microwaves her ass for ten minutes

Sup Forums
> Tits are Germany in 1941, Ass is Germany in 2018

> Tits are aesthetic, Ass is never gonna make it, bro

Sup Forums
> Tits are like bags of sand, install Gentoo

>Sup Forums
Go back to Red*it. You've outed yourself and your Sup Forums account has been banned.

>all of this

..nigga you versatile as hell.

Thank you for this. I like you.


the pod regulates temperature, and wouldn't work as well if you were insulated by clothing.

>not using the onion principle and putting on a t-shirt, sweatpants, socks and even a sweater as the temperatures require it
The only way around that I can see is having like five differently thick blankets for the winter. Also clothes are easier to wash than bedsheets.



T-too nice... pls be my gf

check out those boobajaloopas


I'm a 6'1", 308lb, 32 year old male.


2/10 would not watch again

Good post overall

They have to be nude but obviously, they can't show nudes on screen.

Do you sleep with your clothing ?

I always sleep in my clothes what the problem

>He doesn't sleep in a well-tailored suit

this. I'm always in my underwear while sleeping. Anything more or less is uncomfortable

>off by one trips
You deserved it


im 27 and i still wear jim jams to bed

On board the Nostromo there were scheduled times during the day that we're blocked out for what they called "pussy time".

Americans apparently sleeps in clothes.

What is the canonical reason for Sigourney Weaver being so fucking cute?

>forgets the dick


> Somewhere in the multiverse there's a timeline that got this as a movie while we got the shitty Colonial Marines game from Gearbox

Lucky bastards.

It's not fucking fair lads
How long do i have to wait until the custom gfbots start shipping

>Tits are glorious lando-t, ass is like raticate

>tits are glorious euro hatchbacks, ass is like American shitboxes

Sup Forums
>tits are 7, ass is 1

>forgetting the dick

Sup Forums
>tits are 2d, ass is 3d

The cold, hard truth is that it won't happen for us. It will happen for our children, or our children's children however, and for that we should be grateful. We must strive to do whatever we can to bring AI and sexbots to humanity in this life, so that our progeny will never suffer as we have suffered and as we suffer now.

There is an old proverb, it goes like this:

> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

It's an admirable thought, but I say a society grows great when old men design qt3.14 waifu gf sexbots whose vaginas they know they will never get to fuck.

I do it every night.

God white women are so overrated. I'm so glad everyone has cameras now

Why do you post this still and not the one 2 seconds later where she's basically spread eagle centre of the shot?

It's a blue board, so you get blue balls user

Do you have any wank tools right now? If the answer is no, you're probably not going to buy a robot and will forever move the goalposts so you can continue whinging about your homemade problems


Imagine being the xenomorph in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sigourney Weaver, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your white panties and gross flat ass. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real animatronic me." when all it really wants to do is lay eggs in another 16 year old in its dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be the xenomorph and not only hide in that ship while Sigourney Weaver flaunts her flat ass in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus minimus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SIGOURNEY WEAVER GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her strut around in her disgusting granny panties; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of colonists and later alleged space marines for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of LV-426. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to hide there and revel in her "voluptuous"(for that is what she calls herself) ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure because you're a xenomorph. You're not going to lose your galactic conquest over this. Just bear it. Hide in the vent and bear it.

pls no ableism pls k thx :-)

Haha wouldn't it have been awful to be the cameraman here and have to get a big whiff of her musky bush haha

I don't like this post

None of these really explain what min/maxing is except maybe the /tg/ one

Balance doesn't work in video games. So when at all possible, you distribute all of your stats to one specific, necessary stat, and minimize the unnecessary stats to improve how much you can max.

See ultra beasts in pokemon. For example.


If you can't figure out what min/maxing is from the context clues in that post than you are officially too retarded to be accessing the internet.

What is the canonical reason for spidervaginas planting eggs with giant dickheads in them?

try sleeping nude in the summer

best shit ever

I like her hair. Too bad she became a whore. But hey, that's the destiny of all women.

no thanks my cats will bite me on the dick

are you going to lose weight in 2018


Yiff in hell furfag

I was 338 last year. I stopped drinking soda and started IF and walk every day.

I'd join a gym but I just lost my job.

i would ask if i could go full nude

i wouldnt want to get a 20 year chafe due to my thong

>he's never been woke up from hypersleep with hyperdiarrhea,
Pretty common actually.

do you wear hyperdiapers then haha



Boxers only.

have you considered training jiu jitsu? helped me lose a lot of weight and its fun

There's actually a Jiu Jitsu studio within walking distance of my apartment, I've been thinking of going once I am no longer unemployed.

can we just talk about the bonus situation?

>referenced positively

Pretty Good

>grow up with starcrafts and halos
>finally watch Aliens

>and read le culture books

I sleep in pajama pants and a hoodie

Fucking hate sleeping in underwear, tshirts are meh

In Halo (which in the early days was basically just "WE ARE NOT ALIENS"), they had a thing called "freezer burn" that could happen if you went into cryo while wearing clothes, and could result in some pretty nasty injuries from contact. I've always assumed something similar was the reason in Alien, but they couldn't show it properly because rating. In Halo The Fall of Reach (the book) Halsey and Keyes are both naked when getting out of cryo but later the spartans and crew in the games go in fully uniformed.

top tier post

Halo kino when?!

Blomkamp for director

>americans actually sleep in clothes

i don't know how you fuckers do it. in cold winters i'll put on a t-shirt and donald-duck it to bed, but you won't catch me dead sleeping in underwear; i'd like to keep my balls working, thank you very much.

I always wear underwear as I like to keep the crown jewels safe in their pouch.

haha yeah

in 2007 youtube.com/watch?v=SyOAdrxlPVs&t=128s


I recommend getting rid of the ball-munchers sharing your bed with you instead
or at least disciplining them

this post is why I browse Sup Forums.






in all reality, 10-15 years probably, maybe 20.

what is the canonical reason why you are so gay

I can't sleep nude because I get a constant boner if I do and can't get to sleep.

Depends how much you want to spend.

Still a couple of decades unfortunately.

Haha.... yeah...

Is there a canonical reason why my nigga didn't GET HIS FUCKING BONUS?!?!?!

what's the matter?
did your manlet ass just got rejected by whitey?

>Sup Forums
>>tits are 2d, ass is 3d

can only sleep in T-Shirt and briefs.