Was it kino Sup Forums?
The Red Pill
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It was interesting at least. I at least knew it wasn't totally biased when it was banned from screening in Australia by SJWs.
are these shill threads or what
Banned in my country
the circumcision was disturbing, I actually cried
I was wishing the scene would end, but then told myself it was important for it to be there, and it should disturb people.
t. cutfag who wishes he was intact
I have it but I still haven't watched it. Should I?
It's pretty good
so.... is it ulimately a pro-mens rights movement movie? or anti?
>feminist sets out to take down MRAs
>is shocked by what she finds
>takes red pill
>declares she's no longer a feminist
>movie becomes sympathetic to men, the opposite of what it set out to do
>feminists outraged
nice. will watch
some jew realized that if he can get 1 feminist to sell out he can make big bucks on a docufilm
pretty smart desu.
it's trash and completely biased.
It doesn't feel good to be reassured if I realize I'm just being pandered to. Avoid if you're not a Sup Forums kid in search of justification no matter how shallow.
>it's trash and completely biased.
How is it biased when it shows both sides of the issue fairly?
I wouldn't call it biased. Being pandered to basically means
>you're right and they're wrong
but this documentary is basically saying
>yeah nah we're all in the shitter here
so I don't really see it.
What is some documentary kino?
>tfw I once watched a documentary on the BBC about the cultural revolution in China
>tfw I can't for the live of me find a decent torrent since I had to leave but the documentary was really interesting
What's it like to live in a country without freedom of speech?
You can't possibly actually have this impression after watching this doc. It simply nitpicks two sides of the debate and edits them against each other to try and create a hero-villain scenario. And woah, hosted by an EX-FEMINIST??? That's all the credibility I need!
Fuck off sargon.
ok faggot but is it worth watching or not
I found it to be a massive waste of my time and felt intellectually insulted.
But maybe you like it, idk
It truly was an extremely biased anti-feminist/pro-MRA documentary. The way the film tries to manipulate the viewer is kind of intellectually offensive. They mix some legit issues with reactionary propaganda, which kind of makes a disservice to itself.
SURPRISINGLY, they painted Chanty Binx (aka The Big Red) in a positive light, for the first time I saw someone actually giving her a platform to talk and she is honestly not the unreasonably femnazi Sup Forums would like you to believe she is.
All women are like that,Alpha,Alpha fux beta bux,Alpha male of group,Alpha widow,Androphile,Anglosphere,Apex fallacy,Average frustrated chump,Bad boy,Beta,Beta uprising,Black pill,Blue pill,Branch swinging,Briffaut's Law,Build a better beta,Carousel,Cel,Chad,Cocky and funny,Creep shaming,Cuckold,Dark triad,Display of higher value,Display of lower value,Divorce rape,Double blue pill,Dread game,DTF,Egalitarian,Ephebophilia,Equalism,False rape accusation,Feminazi,Feminism,Femiservative,Foreign women,Frame,Friendzone,Frivorce,Gamma,Game,Game denialism,Gina tingles,Go fuck ten other women,Gun in the room,Hamster,Hard no,HB,Herbivore men,Heightcel,Hicel,Hypergamy,Incel,Javier,KHHV,Kino escalation,Last minute resistance,Let's just be friends,Looksism,Looks ladder,Loveshy,Male/Female,Mangina,Manosphere,Marcel,Marriage 2.0,Married man sex life,Men's rights movement,Men Going Their Own Way,Misandry,Misandry bubble,Misogyny,Natural,Nearcel,Negging,Next,Nice guy,Noncel,Not all women are like that,Omega,Omega rage,Oneitis,Orbiter,Paleomasculinism,Pedestal,Personalitism,Pick-up artist,Plate theory,Purple pill,Red pill,Red pill women,Sexual marketplace,Sexual market value,Sexbot,Shit testing,Slayer,Social justice warrior,Socio-sexual hierarchy,Stacy,Target,Thirst,Token resistance,Unicorn,Volcel,Wall,WB,Western women,White knight,Wizard,Zeta
pure virgin cringe
Yes it was good shows that the legal system is totally biased in favour of women.
>8.5 on imdb
What the fuck? I thought for sure a movie like this would've gotten brigaded by angry women.
On average the woman ratings were lower but yeah, you'd be hard pressed to find a documentary NOT rated high on IMDb.
cassie a cute.
they rate almost everything lower though
>Highest with females Lowest with Females 45+
Kek wonder why?
>the older women get the more they hate men
really makes you think
her imdb picture looks like a pornstar
>8 women
>You guys suck at reading.
Why don't you read the whole thing and compare the numbers for males fuckwit before replying
I did. I also did realize that extraplotating from 8 fucking votes is retarded. Not even a 1k women voted. You really want me to run a p-test on this?
He's right though, IMDb demographic votes shouldn't be taken as 100% fact because not everyone bothers to put in their actual gender and age.
If it's important to you do decide which side is more oppressed than the other, you aren't helping anybody. I haven't seen this but if the conclusion is "We MRA now" then fuck her.
>You really want me to run a p-test on this?
Go ahead faggot do it, waste your time and post the results here, or are you just a retard throwing around statistics terms you barely understand?
Triggered much? Also I am working as a data analyst for medical date so uhm, I understand those terms pretty well sweetie. Did you take that picture? You mad I don't like it?
Yeah and I'm a fry cook at Wendys pulling 300k.
That's your comeback? Pathetic bruh.
Althroughout she never calls herself a member of the MRAs, or their 'honey badgers' (which are the female MRA members nickname). She is constantly at odds with herself because the MRA guys speak a lot of truth, and she has found lot's of evidence backing up their claims. But as she said at one point in the documentary which was really telling to me "the truth is somewhere in the middle".
The only definitive thing she says though at the conclusion about herself is she no longer calls herself a feminist.
If anything you can watch the documentary and understand what it is the MRA guys are fighting for, and they are not just nothing but women hating mysoginists. Just like not all feminists are man hating mysandrists. You may not agree with everything they say, but you can at least hear what it is they say, and not what the feminists tell you they are saying.
Nah but seriously I know enough about statistics to know you're full of shit. If you really are a data analyst for a medical date (whatever the fuck that means) you'd know that whatever p-value you pulled out from the IMDB review scores is pointless gibberish. But prove me wrong dickhead, prove me wrong.
I dont know, ask the americans.
it hurts so much that that's under attack like it is
>her imdb picture looks like a pornstar
god, i wish she did porn.
>Interviewer: But what about the legitimate descrimination and rights issues facing men?
>Big red: Cry me a fucking river!
Yep, a completely reasonable person.
That scene moved me as well.
The biggest shock was the very last moment in the movie where she says she is not a femenist anymore
Too little too late roastie--bet she is still pro islam.
>whatever p-value you pulled out from the IMDB review scores is pointless gibberish.
Which is the point you fucktard.
Also if you don't know about medical data analyzing (where like 30% of statisticians end up working) you need to crack a book or something.
naa, it was just a regular old documentary. the only thing that baited people in was retarded bipartisan politics, both sides of the debate hinder actual positive progress
Really brings to light a lot of issues which should be a concern in the mainstream. However, as a filmmaker, she's not very good. It's overly long, a little convoluted and just not very well made.
Won't do anything either way. Anthropologists have known forever that as societies become rich, men's comparative advantage (which is stored in their ability to get resources) falls, because resources are plentiful, while women's comparative advantage (sex and reproduction) skyrockets, flipping the gender power distribution completely. There's no way around it, any more than there was for women during the farming era. We're going to become a female-dominated society. Could be okay I guess.
Cinemas here refused to show it
girl that made it went on some shows to promote it, pretty funny stuff
yea, they've been popping up like crazy
This was a pure /r/incel feelgood movie. Also if anyone not retarded would look at history you'd realize for the most part men and women didn't have much of differences in treatment. From Middle Ages to industrial revolution to nowadays, class and culture have always played a far greater role in what hand you were dealt than sex.
I remember from some history classes in uni I attended by curiosity. Some rich noble women could get any peasant man they fancied and force him to be their boytoy if they wanted, some even led armies in wars about heritage and power positions. Meanwhile being the manliest man doesn't mean shit if you're a slave negro or a snownigger hunted by Crusaders.