Why did Naboo elect a 14 year old to represent them in the Galactic Senate?

Why did Naboo elect a 14 year old to represent them in the Galactic Senate?

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Old enough to bleed, old enough to lead.

To protect her virginity, because senators can't.

cause she had tight ass and pussy

wasnt she like royal family n shiet?

Sheev was from Naboo, was he not pissed off that he had to wait until his thirties tog met elected but a fourteen year old managed to do so?

If there's grass on the green, play ball.

She was the democratically elected queen

Why did the Trade Federation blockade the planet?

Because the writer wrote it in to the screenplay.

Nute Gunray was a space jew

She can sit and speak so she's basically what we have in US congress today. Well... she might actually speak better than Jeb!

How was he going to make money off the venture?

What was the Trade Federation blocking? Naboo looked like a paradise. Why was there one ship in the blockade at the end? Why did they block an entire planet with a dozen ships?

Tutankhamun became paraoh at age of 10. Died at 19.

Cut off supply lines

Have his own men become the sole suppliers so they can jack up the prices

Only lift the blockade if the government agrees to sign a contract making him the official sole supplier

Child rulers were basically puppets to their advisors though

considering jar har binks was able to gain political power it doesnt seem much of a stretch to have padme rule as a teen. its actually pretty biting satire innit

Wasn't she genetically engineered to be in charge?

Once they had the spaceports locked down they only needed a single ship in orbit to help coordinate the battle droids.. I guess they didn't want to get caught having all those big ships in orbit if anyone came a callin

How does that factor into the taxation of trade routes, like in the opening crawl?

Lucas fucked the age of every character in Star Wars. Luke is 19 years old but act like a kid (vroom vroom) ?

Anakin is a kid married with a woman ?

Obi is young then an oldy in 10 years ?

>Child rulers were basically puppets to their advisors though
unless the child is a devil child. and then the advisors will hate it but its okay. the devil child can murder everyone in their way. And once jesus and satan start giving military advice, holy wars are a joke.

The Trade Federation began militarizing to fend off pirates. Sidious began to influence Nute Gunray into militarizing further. Going so far as to create an army.

The Trade Federation was protesting the taxation of the Free Trade Zone. The Free Trade Zone was a collection of mid and outer rim planets that business could conduct business without being taxed by the Republic. The Republic changed course and wanted to start taxing those areas. Trade Federation is up in arms. The create a blockade on Naboo so nothing can get to the planet, as Naboo was a one of the main stops along the mid rim planets to the outer rim, and thus was in charge of collecting said taxes for the routes.

The treaty that they wanted signed was the Free Trade petition that would support turning the Free Trade Zones back into tax free areas. IIRC, Palpatine didn't want the treaty signed. He wanted Naboo to be lost to Trade Federation control and thus weaken the Republic and building up the Trade Federation for the future Separatist movement he and Plagueis were working towards

Having a 14 yo head sounds more like a hereditary monarchy.
Why didn't they just make Naboo a monarchy? Why must Lucas make the protagonists planet a democracy ????



>wasnt she like royal family n shiet?
Did you even watch the film?


To SUBVERT your expectations of what an elected official can BE man

>democratically elected
What was Lucas thinking?

It IS a monarchy and monarchs are chosen from a small pool of royal families. It's quasi-hereditary but there's still the option to chose a better leader after a term of service if the current one preforms poorly. Naboo also trains royal kids from a very young age to become part of the planetary government so I would guess that by their teens royal kids already have a pretty good basic understanding of how the planet should be run to keep everything basically operating.

Well if it was a hereditary queen then she could not become a senator

Maybe he used a subtle dark side influence to help break her will to live after the birth due to the offense. And turned her husband into a robo-corpse to be his fist. All because of the insult of her beating him to it.


First time I've seen this explained. Can you explain the whole clone army order placement?

There are elected monarchs, but yeah the idea of a fully democratic monarchy is retarded.

Because it's a meritocracy with elected positions. But she got the position because she's from a well known aristocratic family. Trust me, it makes sense in space.

So is she elected by people or by electors like in Europe?

Just like Padme was. Manipulated into a vote of no confidence to get Sheev into Chancellor, used to corrupt a young Anakin, had her take on Jar Jar and guilt him to give you emergency powers

It is annoying, because all the explanations for the background make sense but they were either terribly conveyed in the films, or outright not explained at all.

You can tell Lucas wanted to get away from the basic fairy tale style stories of the OT, which I like.

As for the Clone Army, things get more complicated. There’s the original explanation and the new canon explanation.

Originally, Sifo-Dyas was Darth Sidious posing as a Jedi, it’s not like the Kaminoans would know the difference anyway, he pays for it with Count Dookus funding.

Additionally, for an interesting extra bit of old user info, read about the Star Wars Bounty Hunter game. Essentially, Count Dooku auditions various bounty hunters for the Clone program, by assigning them to kill a former Jedi pupil of his, who has fallen to the dark side. Jango succeeds where others fail, and naturally Dooku wants a genetic template of someone who is good at killing Jedi/Force wielders. Jango agreed to be the genetic template and to train the initial troops in exchange for a shitload of credits, and one unaltered clone son

Now, the NEW canon explanation is that Master Sifo-Dyas was a Jedi particularly strong with visions of the future, he was also having his visions corrupted by the dark side through Sidious, similar to Anakin visions of Padme dying.

Sifo-Dyas keeps seeing visions of the republic getting destroyed and as a result, decides it needs an army. Since the Jedi aren’t supposed to be doing stuff like this, and it will be hard to convince the senate to back a Clone army based on his visions, he goes to Kamino and places the order himself. How he does this without needing to pay? The Kaminoans were already in on it, they were in contact with Sidious and were merely waiting for the go-ahead by a Jedi so nothing could be lead back to Palpatine. Also, the fact that all the clone troopers have chips in their heads to make them fulfill order66 show the Kaminoans were in on it

Why didn't the Naboo people just use the autopilot on their space ships to light speed ram the blockade ships until they blew up?

The chips were dumb. They were clones bred to blindly follow orders, they didn't need brainwashing chips.

I'll admit the clone wars episode regarding it was well done though

You can’t lightspeed from the surface of a planet

Harder to accept that clones who spent a decade fighting side by side with Jedi, following their orders and saving and being saved by them, would just gun them down because of what palpatine says

Nobody questioned the Order 66 scene. They're clones, not humans. Apart from a few, most Jedi treated them as expendable. Remember the opening of RotS when Anakin wanted to save the clones but Obi Wan told him to leave them because they were just clones doing their jobs?

Why the fuck wasn’t this in the movies

What the fuck have you been smoking matey?

I mean, they were going after Dooku, the head of the CIS

Not really surprising they left a few clones to do it,

They were doing this jobs, same as when a soldier does theirs

Forgot to add. The clones who served Aayla did respect her, and made her death as quick as possible. They didn't need some brainwashing chips, they were just following orders

Eh? The Clones following Ayala hated her, their battalion lost more troops than most because she was shit

Watch her death scene again, they shoot her in the back and keep shooting her long after she dies

I don't think they were.

I think they went with a monarchy for naboo in episode one, because they needed to justify a young girl as important, so royalty, even a queen.
Then in episode 2 they though, well queens are kinda undemocratic that doesn't really fit with the rest of the republic, so she they decided she was elected. She even seemed to have a normal god damn family on naboo, not like a higher nobility.

Anakin got in there tho

Exactly. They're we're bred to be pure soldiers. Only Boba was the only 'normal' one who probably could think for himself

Was literally all in the first movie you short-attention span brainlet

She was called the democratically elected queen in the phantom menace

Naboo basically evolved straight from a monarchy to a republic, but kept the titles of the old nobility for positions of power

To make her death quick and make sure she didn't suffer. She was extremely close with her clones and their commander. Someone post the exerpt

searched the phantom menace transcript and found no mention of she being called that.

Bibble did say that they were a democracy though so fine

"To state our allegations, I present Queen Amidala, recently elected ruler of Naboo, who speaks on our behalf."

- Sheev palpatine in the phantom menace

Are are all slow?
Am out of the maymay loop?

PALPATINE was Naboo's representative in the Senate.

Sheev said Padme spoke on behalf of Naboo in the senate you mug

Queen > senator

ah okay, that's not what you said at first which is why I didn't find it

You're dumb as rocks. Palp is the Naboo senator. Padme only went there to plead for her people personally.

Fair enough, I didn’t remember the exact line to begin with but I think Sheev’s should be enough evidence that she was definitely planned as being a democratically elected queen even in the phantom menace

Yeah, to show how serious it is, she represents Naboo herself

In the monarchy I live in every King had to be elected for a very long time. It was a common Germanic custom.

yeah and the bibble line as well was enough

Also an old canon detail that because they were in on it Palpatine had the facilities attacked blaming Jedi, then he basically genocide them a 2nd time to be sure this time blaming the blooming rebellion.

Eh, there are democracies with hereditary monarchs too though. Like the UK

Wait, so was palpatine attacking the Kaminoans or the Clones? I’m confused

Uh kinda both. Kaminoians to tie up loose ends and make sure nobody can make another clone army to challenge him, and the clones to make rile up his own clones/stormtroopers.

Why can a 14 year old legalise an invasion?
Who in their right mind would even think voting a 14 year old in a position of power?

Kaminoans, they knew too much and he couldn't risk that they'd ever become sympathetic to a rebellion and clone some new army.

The Clones were just gradually phased out due to them aging slightly faster than normal, and some of them going crazy from the long term effects of the brain chips (or previously clone cellular degeneration).

It's mentioned he took similar steps to outlaw droid production facilities to make sure potential rebels couldn't do that either.

I remember reading a book about how a kid got elected president. Basically he ran on the idea he didn't know how to do shit like get into wars or raise taxes. So would you rather a kid who won't do anything, or an old fart who will try to screw you over?

Its really not that uncommon for the aristocracy to depose and elect the monarch.

Because Naboo was already past the patriarchy phase that still exists in much of the western world where only white men can rule.

Back to the kitchen honey, men are talking.

Great movies

Sheev manipulated the vote because he needed a weak Queen for his plan to work.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was also an elective monarchy, which ended up being its downfall eventually due to the liberum veto. Basically anyone with a vote could "veto" and shut down the proceedings, eventually leading to the three partitions of Poland/Commonwealth.

If I remember the lore correctly they elect a young girl is because they are more "pure" and moral

Why did Americans chose a con man to be their president?

Affirmative action. It was time for a black president