>This is an actual show shown on Eastern European TV
Well done, Slavs, well done
>This is an actual show shown on Eastern European TV
Well done, Slavs, well done
Other urls found in this thread:
Also in Finnish tv some time ago
Like bobs
>Also in Finnish tv some time ago
What was the name of the chick in the Finnish version?
thats udder insanity
what did he mean by this?
It was the same (Ukrainian, Polish?) version. Good for occasional late night fap.
Where the hell do you find big titty Eastern Euro women? I live in USA and I can think of close to 20 hot Czech, Polish, Russian immigrant girls, etc. I know or knew and yet none of them was bigger than a B cup
Why not? They're just tits.
Too many puritans in the States and muslims elsewhere.
Stop being such a puritan el creatura
Now this is kino
>Mfw learning polish so I can go be with other whites in superior slav land
gonna be great
Oh,i remember it(Russian here)
It's called Naked and Funny(Гoлыe и Cмeшныe) i think ,they always broadcast it at late night
anyone have that webm from the czech flick with vika kerekes and bolek polivka?
Why do non-english speaking countries have such terrible humor?
Stay out mutt. Nobody will like you here, we hate Americans
What an intriguing premise.
But you guys are the only ones who aren't cucks
My mothers side is polish, I know Im not full blood, but at least I'm white
Just act border line retarded, you'll fit right in.
better than being raped and killed by niggers here in burgerland
In Norway there's a show that recently aired showing 10minutes of a young couple having sex. The dude was horrible at it btw
The dudes have to be actors. Granted every chick is sporting an absolutely magnificent pair of tits but they're acting like they just saw an alien land in front of them.
>faggot pussy ass whites all fleeing and living in one country
Hahaha! The world is ours, you fucks!
It's spelled "utter," you idiot.
its called surgery
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
As if you wouldn't pull your dick straight out in the security booth or whatever the 2nd setup was.
They've reached levels of kino that shouldn't even be possible.
Thats why they are in US buddy, here they are 4/10.
Not even a tits guy but those titties are delicious
>ricochet noise when they come out
10/10 tits.
How? Language is fucking impossible.
t. man with polish gf
Yeah it's pretty retarded and makes little sense. Guess it just takes practice.
Poland is the leech on Europes asshole
Im paying taxes so some deadbeat slav gibbers have more booze money whilst their government struggles to keep their houses erect
Brexit cant come sooner
slav here. i see your point. i learned english from watching subtitled movies. its just basic memorization and then you expand the vocabulary. the good thing is that there isnt much weirdness in terms of like the same sounds having different meanings depending on how you say them. i think all words have a distinct meaning and its just a matter of memorization and association
Yeah, now you'll be paying for sand niggers to rape your women while your government turns a blind eye and lets more in
what a trade off
There is a guy out there that she fantasizes about. Let that sink in.
it's me lol
Sound effect guy deserves a raise
Not if we close the borders Bartek
Enjoy your free movement and immigrant quotas if you want Germany to keep building your hospitals :)
>Close the borders
>This is still the state of britain even if you dont let more in
Tbh that's a great rack
Post moar of grill
Europe is a different place
Why are you such a prude?
fake tits can't compete with glorious natty tits (e.g the ones in that video)
>White people
Is this footage from 20 years ago?