/who/ - Doctor Who General

My name is Doctor Who General, thread of threads;
Look on my posts, ye user, and despair


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Doctor Who is dead, and so is /who/.


Just finished listening to The War Master. Kind of surprised that they led directly into Utopia at the end, but I guess they wanted to tie that continuity up in case they never made any more. Still, they left plenty of room in between episodes 1 and 2 for them to make more I suppose.

British tv sucks

>we are getting this footage from the Guinevere range of satellites
>*shows archival footage of the space titanic falling to earth in-atmosphere with a fast moving camera keeping up with the pace of the ship*


Roastie who?


Which trip ships are canon?

Gary Russell did, in the TVM novelisation.


Was it ever confirmed why she broke up her previous bf? Did he find out she was cheating on him?

the absolute madman
he didn't mention race though so it doesn't count

I think it's as screamingly loud as an implicit suggestion can be, but fair enough, it's not mentioned directly.

But how would they fuck?

I was under the impression that her husband is military and on active deployment. It's why he only shows up once in a while.

Where did you hear about them breaking up?

Bad bread lads


Thoughts on The Joke Was On Me?

What Who spinoffs or fanseries have blended different series/IPs/universes/etc the best?

You're forgetting Neganon, the ORIGINAL trip ship!

>I was under the impression that her husband is military and on active deployment.


Dunno if he still is, this post is a year old and she has since then posted a couple picture with him

That does contextualise why she watches so much TV come to think of it.

Could s11 address male issues, such as depression, suicide and the divorce courts?

I feel that men's issues are ignored these days.

series 11 is already addressing the uniquely male issue of crying about feminism online

They're actively swept under the rug

any attempt to talk about them is seen as sexism for some insane reason

I was thinking more about the suicide rates.

>caring about suicide rates

I, too, want to see Doctor Who address the issue of male suicide rates. Hopefully Chibnall can find a way to make them even higher.

I liek her
she is vry nice an sweet when cry show bobs


don't cut yourself on that edge, kid

Soon enough all men will be extinct. I don't know whether this will be achieved violently, or simply socially - i.e. destroying gender. But it's a-coming!

Serious question: do you have autism?

No. But there is nothing wrong with being neurodivergent.

Just filter him and move on. You won't learn anything from retards.


confirmed for filthy autistic


There are a million words you can use to insult someone or show disagreement without resorting to ableism.

Fuck off you mentally ill retard

Wow, it really IS newfag filter

You know, using ableist slurs says more about your own intelligence than the intelligence of the person you're trying (and failing) to insult.

I love the smell of a freshly blocked turbo autist in the morning

I would unironically like Paloma Faith to be a Doctor.

crackhead face

What is a 'crackhead face'?


No wait, Marina Diamandis is where it's at.

i don't watch doctor who but i'm just popping by to say i would unironically impregnate both


it was actually fucking daytime kek


My bad

I meant "fuck off you mentally ill r*tard"

>you will never spend a day hanging out with Michelle Gomez and John Simm

Fuck sake.

Jason Levy the fucking pedo

hey look it's gremblo


>12 doesn't like soldiers
>sesska's husbando is a soldier

uh oh

>i’ve been worried about this for some time and how it might effect your opinions of the 12th Doctor.

what the fuck ppl actually care about what other ppl think

She broke up with him so it's all good.


>there are people who actually dislike prickly 12 and think it "gets better" over time
These plebs need to stop poisoning Sesska with their shit opinions

Series 8 grumpy Twelve and Series 9-10 rockstar Twelve are equally kino

Time lordy does not like.

I liked the grumpiness of 12 in Eaters.

Hey you know what's weird? The attempt to apparently sell David Tennant as a "punk Doctor" at the start of Tooth and Claw when he's dancing to Ian Dury and whatnot.
But it doesn't work at all because Tennant isn't believable as an anti-establishment figure and RTD's writing style is way too cute.

oh shi
Which bits of the episode would make her have a reaction so personal she wouldn't even want anyone to see it, despite regularly sobbing for camera?

Just saw the episode where Rose goes back in time and saves her father from being run over by a car. Started interesting but went completely shit after the dragons came over.
It's funny how the best parts in Dr Who envolve time travell and the supernatural thing just makes things cheesy and lame.
Best episode so far in the season was the Charles Dickens one.

I wonder how she will reaction to danny-shit



9 could have pulled it off, even with RTDs writing

so could 8, but less punk and in more of a jeremy corbyn kinda way

bad opinions

>Best episode so far in the season was the Charles Dickens one.
offensive, poisonous, xenophobic ****.

t. Lawrence Miles

It's gonna hurt more than Amy and Rory
A thousand times more
I don't look forward to it

The pilot, the end of the world and the dalek episode were purely about "alien stuff" and were all shit.

wow I was basically just memeing but those are REALLY bad opinions...

Well, the Romans gave succour to tribes that later tried to wipe them out.

*insert unsubtle Trojan Horse cartoon here*

yeah it's an actual lawrence miles quote


>the 21st century is when everything changes

>except it isnt because moff retconned literally every major event that happened in the RTD era, in torchwood and in the sarah jane adventures

Was the refugee camp in Raven inspired by the Jungle?

If you don't like 'alien stuff' you're really not gonna like Doctor Who

Based Moff. All those major events were bullshit.

Nah, I liked the Long Game episode, I just think that the Dalek and that lava monster were poorly made.

>moff retconned literally every major event that happened in the RTD era, in torchwood and in the sarah jane adventures
And thank god he did, could you imagine how boring companions' reactions would be if they already knew about aliens, and the whole 'wonders of the universe' thing that their second episode is usually about? Imagine very writer for the rest of the show sticking to the idea that aliens were common knowledge, just cause RTD chose to have Earth invaded every Saturday night.

absolutely disgusting cringe
kys gay


Will we get an episode set at Waterloo, 1815?


Semi-happened, semi-didn't, semi-forgotten.
I guess.

Don't get you guys and your obsession with Sesska. Pretty sure it's just cause she's hot and cries all the time so you wanna take care of her or something like that.

go back to t*mblr, buddy
and take your fucking thread with you

I predict 13 will say something that is actually pro-Brexit, and not as a joke. The Graun will of course write about it.

Wishful thinking from a triggered Cletus

this would be hilarious desu.

could also be a clever way to appease both sides of the femdoc debate if done right


- lets us imagine what it would have been like to see the episodes without the shitton of spoilers the BBC always released
- is a moffchad, based opinions
- is cute
- is emotionally destroyed by the show so often it's actually funny

nah, the first thing she'll say is how being a white male sucked, and how this new woman body is superior in every way, before invoking her gurl powah and just fix everything instantly, because women are just superior to men.
then she goes to iran for a visit and gets stoned to death for not wearing a burka. just fucking kill me

watching her completely blind reactions is the closest thing to seeing the episodes again for the first time.