Stand still stay silent

>tuuri is going to die
at last

Other urls found in this thread:

wut dis?

Objectively the best damn supernatural comic going on right now. It is almost entirely without peer

I was thinking about this comic earlier today.
Shit looks cash, I gotta pick it up. The $40 hc they have out looks nice, too.
Post apocalyptic Nowegian/Swiss webcomic about spoops and mutants n cats n stuff.

>tuuri is going to die

Oh you and I both know damn well that's not going to happen.

They are going to give her the Danish pre fall experimental treatment, she'll fall into a coma and then they'll save her with some combination of mage magic and bringing the treatment back to Emil's aunt.

>that update schedule

I fucking love it already.

You should check out the Author's previous comic, a redtail's dream. Same great art but imo the story flowed better

Yeah, Minna is absolutely insane in that regard. it's amazing how she doesn't get burnt out from all the worldbuilding, nigh-flawless artwork, and lore bits that go into each page.

New(est) page.

Define "supernatural comic"

Unless English is your second language, no definition is required.

English is actually my second language.
Are comics set in magical fantasy worlds supernatural, even when what's supernatural to us about that setting is normal for the people living there?

"Supernatural comic" is not a term that is officially recognized, so user invented it. And the name does fit the comic.

I get that it fits SSSS, but I'm asking what other comics he'd count under the same umbrella, as I might have to dispute his claim of SSSS being the best of them.

Supernatural, as defined in our world. No one officially considers ghosts or magic or "Spirit World" as something that exists. So, supernatural for US.

That's it, really, nothing left to discuss.

I am so fucking behind on this.

Just (re)read from the beginning.

oh fug


>good comics don't get discussed on Sup Forums

Unfortunately true. Everybody in this thread goes "yes, this is good, yes, the author is a nice person and hardworking, yes, the story is interesting and the characters are compelling, okay good, goodbye."

This thread can't last because there's no reason to bump it. Even Sup Forumstards have nothing to say since everyone's white and hetero-normative.

Well, the swede may be ghey, but that's not really confirmed yet.

>fat dyke gets magical AIDS

How redpilled can this comic get?

Are you the Sup Forumstard was alluding to?

Her schedule is unreal, considering the quality of the art.
I was super hyped back in the days right before she went from sci-fi plague to troll being supernatural beings and magic being a thing, but I come back a year ago and don't regret it one bit. She's really ironed the bumps out.

Stand still Stay silent.

>"Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. It's mostly a story about friendship and exploring a forgotten world, with some horror, monsters and magic on the side.

The comic updates 4 times a week, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Post-apocalyptic Scandinavian comic.
World overrun with body horror troll spirits, which are basically "the thing".

Unsounded gets plenty of discussion, so no, good comics do get discussed, just not every good comic
Thanks but I've read all of the author's works, I know what it is, just wanted details on what user meant by the category he mentioned.

Did anyone else feel bad when they just threw away that quantum physics book
I mean think about the sheer knowledge of 90 years of future quantum mechanic research going down the drain
How did we call it? The hellboy effect?
Meanwhile questionable content gets daily 650+ post threads.

>Even Sup Forumstards have nothing to say since everyone's white and hetero-normative.

I'm honestly surprised that a comic can have all ethnicities except white Nordics being extinct, and not be attacked for being problematic. Minna's lack of social media presence likely helps with that.

Quantum physics is pseudo-science, good fucking riddance.

Oh, she WAS attacked one day. Or one week.

She decided not to buckle, and not to apologize. The idiots eventually went away.

And we do not know if any other humans survived or not. Remember, the virus does not kill EVERYONE, immune humans and animals are canon.

Some people did try to make noises about it but they were ignored. It's a nice fandom.

Plus, it's alluded to that other pockets of survivors exist, Scandinavia is just super isolationist.


>every cast must be as diverse as New York, fuck the rest of the world's demographics
These people complain about anime not being diverse too, it's a riot.

I'm assuming that since the epidemic is somehow involved with spirituality and ancient beliefs, people with an ancestral connection to the land may have higher chances to be immune.

I don't think that is the case at all, all known viruses do NOT kill 100% of infected people, that's just how viruses work.

Doesn't ebola kill 100% of victims?

Not even THAT one has a rate of 100. Viruses simply do not kill absolutely everyone, that's the nature of all viruses.

No, but there are diseases with 100% fatality rate

If you go back and look at the populations before and after, 99.99% of people died (except in Iceland, which closed it's borders extremely quickly - which is why they also have a much lower immunity rate)

The immunity just seems to have been rare genetic luck - no religion or belief behind it.

Judging by the previous Sup Forums threads (Mister Twister makes one once in a while) this comic doesn't get discussed often because a lot of people aren't interested in it. They consider it a bait and switch, they're looking for constant crazy post apoc monster mayhem. Instead they get a slowly paced slice-of-life with interludes of intense horror-action.

It ain't a comic for everyone.


Wait until you check how high quality each page is. It's like a fucking oil painting, and it is released almost daily in 5 languages or so.

It's completely fucking insane.

>Even Sup Forumstards have nothing to say since everyone's white and hetero-normative.

Actually this is my only complaint with the comic, everybody has a plank for a body, completely random haircuts, and heterogeneous faces. Basically you can't tell if a character is a boy or a girl, except for ones like the old captain guy.

I actually had to look up; the short haired person who is about to die is a girl, the bigmouth asshole redhead is a woman, and the icelander they picked up with the long fluffy hair is a guy.

I mean, its not that all non whites are dead, we're just living in fucking Isolationist Scandanavia before the Migrant Crisis started. Yeah, the cast is basically all white.

And the virus just cant bear the cold. Anyone who was living in northern enough climes to have a deep freeze is probably doin ok.

The only character that wasnt obvious to me was Lalli.

Its possible that you're just dense user.

Eerily similar

I still remember the beginning of the comic
>start with a group of people chilling
>these people survive to the best of their abilities and don't contract the disease
>they eventually find a small boat and set sail for somewhere with other people
>They find another, military boat sending them signals full of hope
>they get shot the fuck down without being able to say anything
Say hello to the focus of the rest comic!
That beginning was fucking merciless.

I mean fuck you, you do 50 fucking pages of explaining the stories the background and the personalities of a bunch of people and then you fucking shoot their boat to bits without saying anything about it.

Oh thats not the same boat, user

All the people in the prelude are the ancestors of the current troop

I never noticed that.

I mean, it's not particularly any better - they just straight up blew apart a boat of refugees without checking if any were diseased, because better safe than sorry.

yeah but I'll take what I've got
they're still dicks

When it comes down to a zombie apocalypse, you don't fuck around.

Oh yeah, I'm not judging them for it. It's just brutal to see it in action

This was the longest thread in quite a while. Fanks, everyone.

Tried getting into this a couple years ago, but I got to frustrated by the prologue. The whole idea of spending weeks worth of updates building up characters and setting and plot and then basically going "they all died, here's what happened 100 years later" or whatever just kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

Might give it a second chance if it gets as legitimately good as people are claiming.

prelude people didn't get blown up... just an awkward transition

I love it. After watching too many animated movies with the standard 3 act structure, and complete focus on the same protagonists from start to finish, this way of storytelling is refreshing.

>implying Emil x Lalli isn't going to happen

Rabies virus has a 100% fatality rate. It doesn't destroy itself because due to the very slow onset of symptoms.

I see their relationship parallel the one the boy and his dog had in Redtail's Dream. It's a strange kind of friendship. At least that's how I see it, the wrong kind of pirate for gay shipping.

>not having Reynir as your waifu

It's a well drawn high output webcomic.

It's also incredibly boring with terrible characterization.

>Are comics set in magical fantasy worlds supernatural

Generally no, supernatural comics usually have a far more 'baseline' standard in the setting and magical elements are outliers. Often takes place in an alternate version of our world in which your neighbor may in fact be a Victorian era vampire or the bagboy at the supermarket is a werewolf, but the masquerade of normality is usually maintained.

In a fantasy world you may have never SEEN a dragon in your life but 'it is known' that if you travel far enough you'll find one.

On that note, it's hard to classify SSSS as a supernatural world, it's sorta transforming into a fantasy world due to the troll plague and the proliferation of wizards.

Tell me about Tuuri. Why does he wear the mask?

I should really catch up with this shit. Last time I read it they were on the train and it got attacked by a monster, that was fucking ages ago.

>being a trapfag
Lalli is my husbando and my waifu. He's so cute and I just want to cuddle with him! Why does this series have no R34?

Most webcomics have little to no r34 unless the author makes it. Stuff like Homosuck is a rare exception.

And SSSS doesn't get posted here and on other boards enough for curious artists to notive and do fanarts or requests, which is what you get with stuff like Gunnerkigg Court or Ava's Demon.

If you read it all one chapter at a time, you WILL feel feelings.

>tfw boarderline Sup Forums but I actually dislike the comic because I found it's premise to be more of the obnoxious pagan Nordwank I find so tiresome after visiting Sup Forums.

But yeah, I really admire the update schedule, and art's alright too, but as a few others said the characters can be a touch androgynous.

I guess I just sorta got bored, that and I was already in the process of writing a comic of my own in which a body horror infection was one of the major threats and I didn't want to feel like I was stealing ideas?

You cannot copyright an idea.

Unless you're Disney.

I could do with a few feelings, to be honest.

That's expected of Swedes, so not really a problem.

Someone gets really injured in the middle, and has to be put down by the team. It is sad. Very sad.

In all fairness I'd be more upset if nobody ever got hurt or killed.

Wouldn't be the first webcomic I dropped because it was supposedly horror-themed but all of the main characters were invincible so it ends up just being a happy adventure story with spoopy zombies/monsters as set dressing.

See this cutie?
See this cutie right here?
Then tie him up and jerk him off as he makes cute noises.
Over and over.
And then I wanna kiss him lots.

Men can only come once.

No, no. They can only feel pleasure once.
Then it becomes searing red hot pain, but they can cum again if stimulated enough.

I don't know if any of the characters in SSSS will die, but they get injured plenty. As shown in OP pic, one of them is infected now

Isn't tuurii putting everyone's lives at risk by simply existing at this point?

Nigga they are just going to be great friends and I will fucking knife fight anybody who disagrees

Funny thing is that the rash sickness was first brought to Europe by a boat of immigrants and it spread from there.

Might be neat to have a spinoff set in Alaska or Siberia or something.

Nigga I will go right wing death squad on your ass
And she ain't fat anymore
A steady diet of Candle soup will do that to you

>The whole idea of spending weeks worth of updates building up characters and setting and plot and then basically going "they all died, here's what happened 100 years later" or whatever just kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

The people in the prologue were the ancestors of the current team. There's a family tree somewhere. It's just that most of the characters have the personality of a plank, so you can't really tell.

Different people my dude
The people who got blown the fuck up were not the people from the prologue, because the are the ancestors of the main cast

Probably not. They're all immune except for Reynir. Trollification seems to be a slow process as well, given the photographs showing the spread of the mutation

The bigger danger is that Tuuri can't go home now, because THAT would put everyone's lives at risk. Their plan to wait for the rescue is no longer viable

God I fucking hate this place

>Isn't tuurii putting everyone's lives at risk by simply existing at this point?

Only the gay kid they picked up on the way. Everyone else is immune. And it's not like she'll wake up as a Resident Evil zombie tomorrow, she'll die a slow, horrible, agonizing death first.

>The bigger danger is that Tuuri can't go home now, because THAT would put everyone's lives at risk. Their plan to wait for the rescue is no longer viable

She can't go home, everyone else still can, given proper decontamination. Tuuri will just be killed or left behind.

There's going to be a big as fuck update of like 9 pages or so in the near future, something about how minna wants to have those particular pages flow all at once or something
Anyway, it's gonna hurt a lot

How do we know if he's gay?

Nah, they'll try to get some kind of cure or something. Realistically you probably would leave Tuuri behind, given the whole "incoming ghost siege" thing. But it ain't that kind of series.

user himself is gay, and he can tell with his gaydar

I'm expecting an action sequence. Hard to be high-octane if you have to wait for pages. Even Minna's update schedule doesn't fit good action scenes.

He looks gay. Dunno if he is or not but if he wasn't then I'd assume he wouldn't look like a cute girl.

That's some piss poor reasoning my dude

The epilogue was gay though
Literally homo

The only alternative would've been to make Redtail a girl, and then the ending would be totally furry.

Not everyone believes in mages, not even in the main cast
And the disease seems like it's still treated as being an actual disease instead of taking into account the supernatural element when searching for a cure
I'd call it post-apocalyptic exploratio and urban fantasy comic

No one actually knows WHERE the sickness originated, that oculd be a plot point.

>in 5 languages or so.
Whoa what
It's just english with the occasional nordic when plot demands

>thinking the Pussy King is gay

Yeah, because it was worldwide a week after day 0, and shortly afterwards society collapsed.

The Japanese may still be alive and about, since they closed their borders first. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned up at some point. Although it might be 5-10 years if they do, because even with the incredible update schedule, the story is so decompressed that it just barely gets anywhere.

oh it is? I thought that it had translations released too, seeing that the author knows many languages and that the site has all those flags displayed.