>And he was a good friend
What did he mean by this?
>And he was a good friend
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't want Luke to know how bad his father had become so he was inflating the good parts of their relationship.
It means Obi had the hindsight to put the bitterness between him and Anakin aside to remember the good times.
he had alzheimers and couldn't remember that darth vader was a bad man
doesn't remember vader
doest remember R2D2 and C3PO
looks 70 when Obi Wan was supposed to be 50
he's not the real Obi Wan
this scene always fucks me more than it should, it is full of non sense and ridiculousness , it has so much contradictions that it make me laugh and cry at same time
At the time the first 3 movies didn't exist. Lucas never had any intention at the time to write those... so yea of course it makes NO SENSE
Was, being the operative word.
Star Wars is just a ripoff of Eragon.
I am not talking about the prequels, even before that this scene is strange in many ways:
>obi wan giving the light saber to luke without training
>obi wan insisiting to bring luke with him on danger, instead luke should have begged obi wan
>obi wan and luke living on tatouine and no one gives a fuck no even vador , how did he not know their was imperial troupes there.
and the list goes on and on and on i would need to write a full book about it
It's pretty obvious he was beyond giving a fuck at this point, and was probably drunk off of his ass.
At that time, he didnt know about the prequels.
>looks 70 when Obi Wan was supposed to be 50
It's called dermatoheliosis you brainlet
>Natural deaths by old age happens in the far far future where tanks of jizzum exist.
They haven't figured out safe childbirth yet, so it wouldn't surprise me
Obi wan knew vador hated sand, so tattooine was the perfect hiding spot.
Taking the prequels into account it kind of makes it seem like Obi Wan was just baiting Vader to come to Tattooine so he could fight him. I can't think of a less hidden place for him to put Vader's force sensitive son
if you honestly think you're the only one to notice that, let alone write a "book about it"... then you're a fucking virgin. I hope you realize that.
I honestly love how you guys think, really puts it into perspective tbqh haha
i know I am not the only one, but some star wars fans seems to accept this incoherence and even defend them with stupid arguments
the force is strong in luke's family
his skin's smooth though, he's just old