any oldfags here?
i just opened up my old pc hd and found so many great Sup Forums pics. memories flooding back~
any oldfags here?
i just opened up my old pc hd and found so many great Sup Forums pics. memories flooding back~
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah i'm an oldfag, been here all summer
i used this copypasta on my troll account
good stuff
OMG lol Hitboy... he was a spic righT??
who was the dude obsessed with selena? beast something
I was here when the original Star Wars came out
do you guys remember this poster? fuck man i forget his name. he went by a few
also does CUNT still post?
what was that website that indexed the posts of all the huge namefags?
i wonder where kaiji is now. i know his full name... lol
what did she mean by this
looooooool good times.
Being an old fag isn't how long you were here, it's when you were here. Anything after 2006 is new
fucking hell that is old
i saw CUNT the other day. i think it's the same one i dunno
The oldfags like aiidz and motoko all hang out in a super secret IRC channel now.
i miss green oval
it misses you
i'm pretty sure Sup Forums wasn't made until like 2007
hahaha yeah
does he still type the same way? big words, always a story, etc. that guy was great.
OMG it's dead?!?!?
wasn't aiidz a big piece of crap?!!?!?
oh yeah it was bigbeast
i always typed like this
but yea i only go to reddit now. i stopped coming to Sup Forums in liek 2013 or something
>ywn make her stand on a portal and put the other portal on your tongue
>when demilov uploads his reaction folder for you
2009 Sup Forums was a tripfag infested shithole with more Disney and Nick shills making artificial waifu threads than there were actual film discussions.
if you happen to still be out there btw.. i love you
Why do we not have any prominent trip personalites anymore?
You mean paragraphs?
I only remember the QTs honestly.
only i know this feel
kill yourself
For better or worse some jani hated trips on Sup Forums and did all they could do get rid of them. I love summer made a big post about it when they left.
he's probably a tranny now
I love you too
>When his height starts with 5.jpg
I... Think I remember an user talking about buying that. But I never saw the aftermath.
right. lots of fun! there were kpop threads too. but those all moved to uhh Sup Forums i guess. along with the ones from /scv/, lol. not sure if they're still there
fucking lol this pic
man kaiji was a trip. idr why we stopped talking
Does anyone remember where he lived? was it toronto? like I said I know his full name, I can totally track him down i think.. maybe.. super common name lmao..
I'm pretty sure I'm me
prove it desu
what's your favorite movie, then? the
the only super old trips i see are on Sup Forums. i see Koz on there, that motherfucker doesn't quit
>all those dead careers
holy SHIT koz. that dude was LEGITIMATELY autistic. yea. wow. fucking nut.
it's a shame what happened to ryry
imagine peaking at like 12 years old
>You're now imagining a cute Chloe grown up on soy instead of the high test abomination in this timeline
remember that black guy that got arrested for cp? thad or something?
he gets released this year
The Dark Knight rises' plane scene
why is this old? tineye is a lot of times better than google. google likes to censor stuff.
I used to have a bunch of these pics but can only find this one
I remember when I first started posting on Sup Forums in 2008
>this place is funny as fuck and it will be fun to post here until I make it,then it will just be a memory
10 years later I am still here.
can't wait for him to tweet something dumb again and go back in
he wasn't from Sup Forums he's a Sup Forumsedittor
good riddance, his latent homosexual obsession with JGL was getting out of hand
it was facebook you imposter
jani, arrest this man
>10 years ago was 10 years ago
Sad feel
I literally haven't done anything with my life
you need other things in your life :) then you will realize it's not worth coming here
I like classic memes.
so oval is dead? ;v
Perhaps I could recommend some hard terror films?
the period with invisibro sucked
what was the word that was filtered when Drive came out?
Good question would anyone like to answer it?
any other lines like that PLEASE
I forgot so much.
btw the dude who made the doctor who threads (the pre threads I think?) was so awesome
good question, would anyone like to answer?
>tfw all the taps are dead
>tfw annatap got doxxed
Please tell me someone has the screencap of Abatap killing his waifu with gets
I miss this meme
lol that shit is so gross
I was shown Sup Forums, Sup Forums specifically, in 2008 also. 10 years, 25 years old... this place is hell isnt it
Problem Child 2
Poor Little White Guy
This. 2005 Sup Forums here. Been around since Sup Forums existed. Sup Forums recommended me The Wire, Louis CK and even the Daily Show. Hard to imagine now with all the cross-posting.
ty for your contribution
i can't believe there's like all this stuff i just completely forgot about
Sup Forums used to be such a nice community desu.
Yep, died years ago. RIP in peas.
kill yourself reddit
i remember this~~
but didn't the real abatap die?? idr