I was honestly liking this movie until the "underground resistance"? part. From then on, everything just fell apart for me. On top of that the soundtrack was really bad, with loud ass noises instead of music.
I was honestly liking this movie until the "underground resistance"? part. From then on...
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>On top of that the soundtrack was really bad, with loud ass noises instead of music.
Hello pleb
So you think that every soundtrack has to be subtle and in the background, no matter what the narrative of the film is about?
No, it just sounds like someone is farting into a microphone
Maybe try not watching a 700mb YIFY encode on your walmart 5 dollar speakers/headphones?
I saw it in theater
Maybe try not watching it in a third world speaker farting theater?
I watched it at a very expensive theater in the US
Maybe try not watching it in scam gimmick "gold-class" theaters with bullshit sound system setups?
By expensive I meant it was very high quality, not that it charged a lot
Maybe try adjusting your hearing?
You can hear that sound of the CS80 gliding in 1:03, something just has to be wrong with you if that sounds like "farting into a microphone"
Why was there no Lolita models of Nexus 9s?
Underground resistance was great because it gave Gosling an alternative purpose like in many movies where the good guys turn out to be bad guys and the protagonist changes teams.
in 2049 K doesn't change teams but decides to do what he wants is to save deckard not kill him
Plus it's more worldbuilding which BR can't have enough of
Shit argument.
>Plus it's more worldbuilding which BR can't have enough of
needed some more shots of random architecture and cliche holograms
this is newspeak for brand building
what would be better? how else do you show a dystopian sci world without buildings and tech?
>On top of that the soundtrack was really bad, with loud ass noises instead of music.
I liked the industrial noises, especially for the massive commie block and city dump flyovers
>random architecture
What a great point user, riveting insight
>all come out of the shadows in sync for a le ebic :DD moment
>seems to think that one replicant giving birth somehow makes the rest of them more special
>wants to kill deckard for her own dipshit beliefs
The film was good, the soundtrack was good, but stop defending this shit scene
>>seems to think that one replicant giving birth somehow makes the rest of them more special
did you forget the scene where jared leto tips his fedora for a half-hour before he guts his qt replicant bebe for no reason
>he guts his qt replicant bebe for no reason
He guts her because she's a failed product, she was an attempt to make a reproductive replicant, "a barren pasture, empty and salted, right here, the dead space between the stars"
since when were there no rebellions in blade runner?
I literally only understood him half the time
My point is he can make them like Toyota and he's assblasted that one of them gave birth naturally. So of course they would latch onto that, it's like their Jesus moment.
Literally fan-fiction tier
>he's assblasted that one of them gave birth naturally.
Because replicants reproducing means an exponential growth of replicants compared to building them one by one, also no need of transport or buildings of factories on other planets, then every single replicant is a mobile factory itself
You have to realise K isn't the agent of change you are used to in most films. He realises that he's been dropped into a much wider story only once he's met the resistance that's their whole purpose.
Yeah but he's already made a buttload of money. Enjoy to walk around in a robe and cut open cute girls while bitching about how hard it is to meet quotas.
Deckard is autistic but he was good at his job anyway
He doesn't care about money anymore when he has so much, he literally developed a God complex and just wants to conquer everything as much as possible.
Honestly fuck the resistance, such pointless shit
I hope to god they don't make a sequel focusing around them, I don't care about some reddit tier storyline on the commie uprising of robots
next movie will be a prequel focusing on the Terran War and the introduction of replicants
They are presented as bad guys in the film just like Wallace, why would they make a sequel about them?
Also it's a step up from Roy's almost individual struggle in the first movie.
Well if you're wondering why they put them in there I suppose it was to make the replicants look like they have a fighting chance maybe? Like they have the kid hidden, she's fine, their little group represents some kind of organized force they can build on, Wallace will use Deckard to fuck that up though so there's your stakes. They also gave some exposition but anyone could've done that.
They aren’t presented as bad guys at all. K sympathizes with their cause obviously but he isn’t afraid of jeapordizing it like they are.
what's wrong with it?
I also thought the score was disappointing. Not bad by any means, but every other track was either a hit or miss.
They're available Off-World. 4 year old life span only though.
Good at getting the shit kicked out of him. Mainly by women. Soy Runner more like.
Last night I watched a bluray Blade Runner 2049 on a 65" 4K tv with 7.2 surround sound audio. Best movie experience I've had in many, many years. The sound of BR2049 is extraordinarily well done.
>muh android mercerism
>Not appreciating Brapkino
i would agree that the underground conspiracy is definitely the weakest part of the movie, its basically just a plot device. still a great film
I completely agree user. The ending sucked because it felt incomplete, almost like they were planning a sequel.
-Muh uprising went nowhere because well, the movie ended.
-Silver eyed boss dude's last line of dialogue was about torturing deckard cain. Then he was never seen again. Wow, what a great conclusion to this character!
-The half-underwater fight between the two replicants did not feel like a satisfying conclusion to a movie. They even could have touched on the fact that K was getting revenge for his waifu but there was no mention of that. He just chokes a bitch, which I enjoyed because I want to choke bitches too, but it could have been more.
t. your average burger
I thought I was the only one.
It's not "kino" if it has such obvious flaws.
>"we're building an army"
>army comes out from shadow
Holy fuck the cringe. And we went from the GOAT Vangelis OST to this absolute garbage.The only good parts were Elvis and the rip-off of Vangelis song at the end.
>wallace can't do something tyrell did 30 years ago
>humans actually accept replicants on Earth again after a devastating race war about a decade ago
>all characters are robotic emotionless boring creatures (ironically, the only exception is Joi)
>replicants not only look, but act like humans and have at least same level of intelligence, yet they are slaves
>replicants are against wallace, but wallace wants to create replicants that are able to reproduce, which would effectively guarantee the revolution in the long-term
>instead those dumbass rebellionfags will trust the future of the replicant race on one weak (questionably hybrid) replicant that can't leave a dome due to some evolved AIDS type of disease
it's cool for the visuals and sparking discussion about A.I., but it's a hard world to buy
>muh resistance
it was shut down the next second and it only made the film better
I was a bit confused in the difference between the underground resistance and the main "badguy" who was trying to make more babies.
They had the same goal.. yet one was bad and one was good.
It was still a great movie, but more so as a love story than anything else.
Doesn't the movie make it clear that K thinks the "replicant army" is bullshit? He is clearly weirded out by them and disturbed by the whole situation. He walks away from them alone and confused. The cringe is there for a reason, isn't it?
>Hey there, handsome. You look lonely.
I don't remember him being weirded out. I don't think that was the point of that scene, they just tried some marvel effect and it didn't fit in here at all. I mean perhaps K isn't sharing the enthusiasm at all, but the scene wasn't made to be "cringy".
>t. autist
Alright, but K was disturbed, and the scene was meant to feel uncomfortable.
>he doesn't appreciate the vibrating seats that are vibrating because of the BRAAAAAAPkino
the underground resistance were replicants, they were sick of being slaves yo, was going to be like niggas turning on their masters. (but then the movie ended)
Wallace was human with god complex. Basically a rip off of anthony hopkins character from westworld
It's a terrible meme flick made for redditors lad
Wallace was just trying to help humanity he dindu nuffin.
Underground resistance was key for two reasons.
1. Gets K out of dying in vegas
2. makes it so you don't know if K is killing Deckard for replicants, or saving deckard so he can see his daughter.
The only final movie (that they are NOT going to make, 2049 bombed) would be going full circle and going social "remaking" a pastiche of metropolis and R.U.R.
The resistance was literally the worst part.
imagine being this much of a pleb
This. He says through him they conquered nine new worlds. Nine. He said he needs more so billions can become trillions.
He wants humanity to spread through the stars and he thinks he is the one to deliver that to us. It's such an obvious god complex when he says to Luv "you entered heaven and didn't bring a gift" or whatever, and then he says you're the most beautiful angel in heaven or whatever. God complex
It clearly wasnt
Was the viewer supposed to feel ambiguous about K's motivations with Deckard when he was fighting Luv? I pretty much assumed he would save him.
"Fuckin skinjob"
"...Recite your baseline
"Did you know this song was made in 19XX?"
**...Frank Sinatra plays for old people and men**
>Han Solo hobbles/runs over to the millenial falcon
>nobody kills K even though they could have
"I saw that bitch make a baby with mine own eyes, and you weren't it h'wite boi. Kill yourself for her NOW"
Ima shoot em with my lazer
"I'm da bes one, K come chase me teehee"
>Ima choke dis bih right here nigga
"Now go meet your daughter old man, shes played by Shia of the beef"
Amazing writing.
There's no way it was ambiguous, the water was slowly rising on harrison ford for increased suspense. The viewer expectation is that Deckard would be saved. If they wanted to go full kino they should have had K watch him slowly drown right after killing the bitch.