Get me Dwayn-

>Get me Dwayn-
>Sir, that's too much for our budget!
>Okay then get me his cheaper and less talented alternative, Dave Bau-
>Even we can't afford him!
>Well then, get the shovels, I know EXACTLY who we need

Is this natty?

Fuck off.

who's that fag


He's dead

>>Well then, get the shovels, I know EXACTLY who we need


>This film is going to be torn apart by Rotten Tomatoes, get me someone who thinks 5% is a good thing

He'll do it for %5

The meme is evolving.

>Take roids

go figure.

>Piana will never again tell me to take a 3k calorie protein shake to leave humanity behind ever again


You gonna hire a ghost?


ok, who was this fag?

Why the fuck do people with brown eyes wear blue contacts?

Just makes them look like fucking freaks.

Fucking 56%ers..

He says to get the shovels. I imagine theyre gonna do some kind of weekend are bernies marionette with the corpse on strings.

Memes aside I drink 2 to 4 scoops every day is it unhealthy?

imagine waking up in the morning, seeing this in the mirror and thinking it looks good/normal

A real soilboy

>le numale face

what did he mean by this?

>lightly bang his head
>his heart can't handle the simple task of sending some blood to a tiny wound
>he dies

He left humanity behind spiritually a long time ago, it was only fitting for him to leave humanity on a physical level too

gotta get it BIG COME ON

That's the problem of getting too big, you need too much blood and oxygen

too soon

I miss him so much /fit/...

>Abuse roids
Fixed, you scaremongering supplement shill

>it's possible to inject something into your body without medical knowledge and not fuck yourself up real bad
/fit/ has to leave

hurr MDs are the only people that can read pubmed

Uninformed use is abuse

Is synthol biodegradeable?

The fuck is with these soyboy faggots and the open mouths?

that one guy on the right knew what was going to happen, didnt he?

lmao thanks for reminding me of Piana and his moronic ways of fitness
>protein shake
>egg white crystals
>chocolate cereal

That's a man?
I think I'm out of touch with today's society

Nice flaseflag you lefty faggot


looks like a 35 year old lesbo.


>lefty faggot
I know you are, but what am I?
>pic is u

me too ):

It was subtle, I'll give you that