Wasted Potential: The Show

>the Division 3 subplot is unnecessary, Shadow King as a villain is enough
>not only is the "war" between humans and mutants not fleshed out enough for us to care about it, it gets in the way of David's story
>Summerland is supposed to be a school for mutants but we only really get to see four of them
>Summerland is obviously just an excuse to write around the actual X-Men
>Melanie doesn't seem to have any powers, why is that not brought up at all
>Oliver is part deus-ex machina/part redundant character
>the relationship between Syd and David feels like just a plot device to have them do stupid things "out of love"
>regular visits to tropesville e.g. side characters go on their own adventure while the main character is unconscious, the big bad wolf comes back from the dead, characters falling for an obvious trap
>what era does the show take place in? 60s? 70s? 2010s?
>the ending is stupid, Legion should have been a mini-series and David's story should have been resolved at the end of the season, instead we get a tropey cliffhanger

it was good though.

how can it be good when it has so many things dragging it down?

Because none of these things drag it down really, it's good. giv body snatcher gf

yeah they do, it's like turbulence while the stewardess is giving you a blowjob in your private jet

Good series, had its flaws but they weren't really that important.
>what era does the show take place in? 60s? 70s? 2010s?
This actually was the part of the charm for me

The mishmash of architecture, style, and music is the best argument for the whole thing taking place in his head.

It's a style over substance show except the style isn't very good

At first I assumed that Summerland was retro looking because Melanie longs for her husband but then again CWPH is retro as well.
The excuse that the show takes place in his head is debunked by the fact that we observe the world from more perspectives than just David's.

Yeah I don't really think it's in his head either, but the look is really the only good argument for it. I should've worded my post better

Is there any rhyme or reason to the aspect ratio change?

>yeah they do
Only if you're autistic enough to notice. You're complaining about sour grapes.

Same reason it goes from long steady shots, to dutch angled jump cuts.

Attempting to make it offputting and uncomfortable

I'm complaining about story structure and characters, important elements of the show.

The series was more interested in throwing creepy imagery, repetitive memory sequences and out of nowhere dance numbers at the viewer than actually telling a cohesive narrative. At least the visuals were good.

the narrative was pretty straight forward, you might actually be a brainlet.

When ya really sit down and assess the fact that you had the audacity to have "expectations" for a show that is based off of children's action figures it is only yourself that you can feel disappointment for.


it's actually based on a comic book series

So neon is the new orange and blue for posters?? Although I love the look and most the films with that color scheme are good. Who will ruin it with a meme?

One more complaint.
We never really get to see David learn how to use his powers. There's one scene where he practices telepathy with Melanie but besides that his powers are either out of control or perfectly mastered.

>umm no sweetie it's based on a comic

OH, in that case it must be a riveting exploration of the human condition that will lead me to a higher and clearer understanding of my own existence.

My bad bro, I briefly forgot what high art the illustrious comic book can be.

You fucking retarded man children are so goddamn dumb.

chill out bro, it's just Sup Forums

Are you done, buddy?

>go on Sup Forums
>find a thread that's not a shitpost
>shitpost in it