Agents of Shield thread

Agents of Shield thread
Let's chat about this TV kino

Is this show any good?

It started out slow, because they had to kill time until The Winter Soldier came out, so the first 15 or so episodes just seem to be a lot of villain of the week stuff that's going nowhere. After that, it starts ramping things up, and it gets extremely good in later seasons.

^^ This

No. A handful of salty aosfags will tell you otherwise. Don't fall for it.

Cool, I know it's not canon so I didn't know if it was worth a look or not.

At one point, Phil Coulson jumps out of an airplane so he can dive through an alien portal that is laying flat on the ground, with the intention of shooting out the other side of the portal so he can punch a guy he hates on another planet with his robot fist.

If you want to watch the sort of show where that thing happens, what Agents of Shield.

If that chain of events does not somehow appeal to you, I don't know what to tell you.

nice reddit post

Mack was carrying around that axe for the whole episode.
I knew just from how this shot was framed that it was time to use it.

The fact that Coulson keeps it in his office later is just icing on top.

I like this show but at this point they've dropped so many plot points from earlier seasons it just bugs me. And it doesn't look like they have any intention of revisiting them. To end on a positive note though this last season was great. Really what you wanted from a super hero adjacent show.

Its very good, though first half of first season is skippable and boring

The entire show is skippable and boring.

Season 4 and Arrow season 5 have been the best capeshit this year. The episodes Self Control and Lian Yu have been some of the best TV episodes I've seen this year.

By contrast The Flash really bottomed out. I missed some episodes, right before the Supergirl musical, found I didn't miss it and never picked it back up.
Was the season finale satisfying at least?

Some of the episodes towards the season finale were good, but the finale itself was a little disappointing.

>Was the season finale satisfying at least?

It was a "Barry gets stuck in the Speedforce" cliffhanger. Didn't feel anything when it happened because this is like the third time it happened

Without using Graviton or Quinn what hasn't been picked up?

It is canon in the MCU no matter how many times they try to deny it

Is the Season 4 ending scene openly suggesting S.W.O.R.D. is up & running & has been for a while?

But it's not.

AoS is dog shit. In 4 seasons and 88 episodes they managed to ruin the Inhumans to point where the films threw them away to TV, give us a shitty Deathlok and rob Ghost Rider of a proper show. `

Rumor has it that Fox owns it because of the FF.
It was mentioned in a deleted scene from Thor though.

Yes, that Ghost Rider remake that was totally happening is now ruined. AoS Robbie got a louder push for a Ghost Rider show than there ever was post Cage.

I love how from that point on the axe kinda became his thing to the point he made a shotgun axe in a seconds to ward off intruders and eventually evolving it into a fully functional shotgun axe the next season.

It was a good solution to avoid filler or generally "why don't they just do THIS to get rid of the antagonist this season?" The multiple arcs all adding to the overall seasonal arc did a pretty good job of breaking things up

>they said "the finale will make viewers wonder 'how can the show continue?'
Unless you straight up killed him in a non speed related way like a brutal beating or multiple cuts and stabs that are way too much to heal anyone who has watched even a little tv should not be surprised. I know people behind tv lie, or at the very least exaggerate, but I was really hoping for something more than "there is a void in the speedforce, go fill it"

Pretty sure they've only done as much as they did with inhumans because they already knew it wasn't getting a movie and would be announced for tv soon because if someone really wanted the movie to be made it would have been made

The Inhumans put was probably all Ike Perlmutter, which is why Marvel Studios dropped it the moment they could get away with it. All the tv shit is under Perlmutter's watch, so expect inhumans to never be mentioned in the movies. Which is probably for the best, because AoS shows that they're just going to be made a stand in for the X-Men.

I wonder if Feige will just use Infinity War and Gauntlet or whatever to separate the MCU into a film universe and a TV universe.

I also think someone in some interview confirmed it wasn't SWORD

He would never do that, because then he would have to acknowledge on screen that the TV stuff exists

I'm curious, what evidence do we have to support the not-canon meme?

I know Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Sif, Agent Blake, Agent Sitwell, Peggy Carter, Dum Dum Dugan, And a few other characters from the films make an appearance, there's several tie in episodes that deal with the aftermath or precursor to film plots like Thor 2 and Age of Ultron...

But what credence does the "non-canon" meme have beyond people trying to discredit the show?

It's bait. It's bait that people take too easily.

Ophelia did nothing wrong.

>muh characters
Fuck off. Nothing in the show will ever matter to the movies. The movies will always ignore it. It's irrelevant in Feige's eyes. Devoting your time to defending this poorly written low budget ABC show is honestly sad. It's basically glorified fan-fiction. Move on.

Easy tiger. A bit of reading comprehension will tell you that I'm not defending or attacking here. Just trying to objectively decern why folk say it's not canon when everything I'm aware of says that it is. Quality is irrelevant to what I'm talking about.

Also, the canon doesn't have to work both ways. The movies don't need to acknowledge the show for the show to be set in the same established universe - especially given the show frequently references or directly ties in with the movies.

Just trying to objectively discuss a forced meme.

It ignited because of a quote Whedon gave around the time of Age of Ultron that was taken out of context when a reporter asked him if Coulson would appear. He had (paraphrasing here) said that "In terms of the story of Age of Ultron, Coulson is dead", which likely what he meant was that whether Coulson was still dead or was resurrected was irrelevant to Age of Ultron because he's not even mentioned in the movie.

But anons took that quote and ran with it to derail any future discussion for Agents of Shield.


But that doesn't mean it's non-canon.

How much of the nu-EU is gonna be referenced in the nu-Star Wars movies?

Likely nothing

That's funny, because not a lot of people on Sup Forums or Sup Forums seem to hold Joss in high esteem anyway after The Avengers, Dollhouse and Age of Ultron.

The only forced meme is that AoS is good.

Therefore, it's a waste of time.

At least we have Skye, err.. Daisy

Excellent retort.
Really contributed to the overal discussion. Have yourself a biscuit. You've earned it kiddo.

What is it about the show you don't enjoy? Be specific. Discuss.

So is caring what other people watch, and you're posting on Sup Forums besides, clearly you don't care about wasting your own time either. Here's the (You) you wanted.

The fact that it's a badly written non-canon waste of time? Keep up.

Is she firing the gun using her fingers or her tits?

>you're posting on Sup Forums
So are (You).

but The Avengers movie was never canon in the first place

Yes? I don't care about wasting my time.

You must be a useless disappointment.

If you think about it breasts are natural shock absorbent for under arm firearm recoil.

You're still posting? Thanks for the (You) in fact, there seems to be the same person constantly going on about Agents of Shield being a waste of time in basically every thread it has on Sup Forums, so lets hope you aren't that same individual wasting such a massive amount of time.

Good to hear there's other like minded people on here. Certainly helps balancing out retards like you.

Thanks for another (You), you sure do love wasting your time. Good thing you don't care about that.

I think you're confused.

But I do hope AoS is a Waste of Time Guy is in the next AoS thread. It's not AoS without him.

I sure hope I don't care about wasting my time guy is there. Nothing like that sad reminder of human existence puts a typical AoS viewer into perspective quite like him.

I just finished a five hour long rehearsal so I'm happy to keep sitting here and digging....

What is it about the writing you don't enjoy?

See you in the next thread.

I'm pretty sure SWORD is from X-Men, created by Joss Whedon. Still Fox, tho.

Legion was the best superhero show this year. It's not even a contest.

You'll be there. Nothing like a good old waste of time, right?

Of course.

As expected.