How do we stop SJWs from turning our waifus into degenerate dyke fat fucks like them?

How do we stop SJWs from turning our waifus into degenerate dyke fat fucks like them?

Stop buying Marvel Comics and products. Take it a step further and tell your LCS that you're not going to be buying anything from them as long as they choose to sell Marvel products. Take it a step even further and begin praying to Trump to make the bad people in Marvel "go away". And if you really want to go nuts, start a youtube channel and make videos about SJW Marvel.

those are some flat asses

How do I keep Sup Forums shitposters from ruining the board?

Stop giving a shit about the opinions of neurotic crybaby activists. If they call you sexist then embrace it.

Want to come with me on a cross-planet trip to Japan where we hunt down Hiro and force him to get rid of Sup Forums through reasonable arguments?

By ridding your fucking retarded board of all the tumblrinas that have taken it over.

Then they'll just go to every board en masse as opposed to a trickle.

Fuck off, Tumblr.

Does your politics require you to say that or something

That's always the argument and it's never true. Sup Forums would have a spaz attack then without a power base. They just threaten that they would spill everywhere, but it wouldn't be worse than what they do already and would eventually get better.

Just don't buy comics made to pander to what you view as SJWs, stuff like Batgirl, Batwoman, Birds of Pray, Lumberjanes, Saga, Hellcat, Black Panther and the Crew, Bombshells, America.

If someone's crying Sup Forums out of nowhere, it's always Tumblr.


>Sup Forums out of nowhere

Yeah must have been a liberal leftist whining about SJWs and fat degenerate dykes in the first post of this shot post thread. Not a chance it was some alt right idiot from Sup Forums who can't shut up about his goddamn political agenda for 5 minutes

By reporting and ignoring.

is it really that hard to believe that maybe people with opposing political views aren't the only ones who dislike you


Every board is a Sup Forums board with a different theme.

Remember when Sup Forums was the insufferable board invaders?

by ignoring their threads and contributing to threads worth your time, like storytime threads

Tumblr users barely even come on here. This website is a bogeyman for them the same way theirs is for crybabies like you

this SJWs bullshit pandering is gonna cease soon
because, SJWs and fat feminist tumblrinas Don't buy/read comics

Comics are going to cease soon. Hollywood will eat it up and shit it out, and the original fans that supported the industry will all have left or died from obesity related diseases.

Just let it happen.

Just petition Marvel/DC to hire more porn and cheesecake artists, and send in samples to give them the idea.

Neither do nerds who complain about anyone with views to the left of theirs. They just pirate everything.

>They just pirate everything.
Not exactly, it's just that with affirmative action quotas and shit SJWs are just about the only ones with jobs these days, so they're just about the only ones who can afford this stuff.

I pirate first. Then buy if the comic is good. Lately I've been doing more pirating less keeping.

Hell Sup Forums doesn't even pirate because Sup Forums doesn't read

look what they tried to do rogue, there was backlash, they reverted her......and now it's happening again

Want a real plan? Wanna know what us X fags did?

t. Jamal Washington

I love psu

Cry when books are bad but keep buying them en masse because you're scared marvel will stop releasing them in favor of Inhumans?

This has been lost since they toned down the T&A and average bust sizes in comics

Nope, a far better plan.
We threatened the retailers to cancel all out subscription to X books and marvel in general if they put inhumans books on shelves, we got all the free copies they got from Marvel to dispose them so nobody could read them, we told other fans to read either DC or X books, we made fun of those that bought inhumans comics and the retailers helped us because that crap doesn't sell for them either. Resurrexion may be underwhelming but the shit humans line had all their #1 s at cancellation level... And if any asshole inhuman shill from cbr reads this I want em to know that we did all of this and they couldn't stop it... Oh and this is only the beginning

Have you tried making your own comics, with characters you control?


These retards claim that they're the "real" comics fans and they know what readers want, but I don't see any of them producing a story that represents their message. If it would sell so well supposedly, it seems like somebody would have jumped at the opportunity and created it already.


Nah, it's usually because Sup Forums's a bunch of shitlords who try to inject their bullshit insecurity-based politics into everything as if they're actually fucking doing anything and not obsolete to anyone who doesn't spend most of their day on social media.

Comics are objectivley infected with sjw. The worst kind of identity politics have taken over and what marvel produces now is pure shit. There are a few of the older guard keeping things going but honestly the infection is in the heart at this point.

Disney doesn't even care they just want movie money.

Sup Forums didn't cause this.

Comics exist outside of the US too, user. And the market is flourishing as always. Unlike in the US.