Webcomics That Delete Fucking Everything

Why does it happen? Why do webcomic artists delete fucking everything with no explanation? Pic related.

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Nothing on the artists social medias?

Lucid TV. Fucker deleted everything because he was "ashamed" of it.

Confession time:
I unironically loved that webcomic RED with the armless girl and am deeply saddened that the comic creator deleted its existence

There is at least one user here who regularly posts RED. Is that you?

No, although I commend them. That's about the only way I can find the comic nowadays



I don't know any of these comics

I remember one user giving an Imgur link with some of the pages for Double K.
Give me a second.

I don't think there is all of them but it's something.
Still a kick in the nuts what the artist did tho.

>Webcomics just getting deleted is a regular occurrence.
Holy shit that scares me something fierce. What archival projects for webcomics are there aside from archive.org?

Anybody else used to read City of Reality?

Which one?

Does anyone have a backup dl of Judecca since it's been discontinued?

>Anybody else used to read City of Reality?
Let me get this straight
Ian C Samson deleted a comic strip because it WASN'T about petrification, body horror or gender swapping and had a regular plot?

Wasn't it still about all of these things in addition to having a regular plot?

The last arc of Shredded Moose was actually entertaining because it had a story. The tard who wanted to revive it never put those strips up

What other comics has he made and are they good?

ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. If you like it archive it,whether it be a picture,song,animation,comic. Get a hard drive and archive that shit.

i guess artist don't want not go back to that phase and move on, deleting their stuff is their way to move on to new areas, I don't like the idea of an artist erasing their past to move on to something else but then again, some people aren't very comprehensive and will use someone's past against them

>ywn get to hear that one song you loved so much because the artist deleted and didn't leave a trace
>ywn get to read that comic you used to read everytime

i fucking have wayback machine because it doesn't store everything

That's because Wayback Machine doesn't archive shit automatically, you have to do it yourself, you moron.

yeah, but you really think one would consider backing up, sometimes you just don't think that one day it will be gone

I hate it, but sometimes it's good to know that not everything on the internet is timeless.

For your past 12 year old's sake.

Is their trip into hardcore pron enough?

anders loves maria, i remember reading all of it years ago, it was finished and a while later deleted.
now it's being uploaded again but my memory is not good enough to notice if this is some kind of remake or if it's the old pages being posted again.

same thing happened to pic related

This man says things that are true!

>you'll never know why she bacame an alien

what? when did shadoweyes disappear? does the point we're at now not go further than the printed volume? i sorta assumed it had by now

i miss pictures for sad children

But CQ isn't good. Owlturd isn't good. If Owlturd were actually good who cares how much it's trying to pander. It doesn't fucking matter, her hiimdaisy comics were actually fucking good.

What did they do? besides take it down.

wow he actually made rossiu kind of attractive, dunno why he made him a bad guy though. or is he?

i'm glad i grabbed a couple of my favorites way back when, & some can be easily found re-uploaded, but i wish i could look back on the series as a whole again
oh well, that's life

No, but there was one CYOA-style chapter where he went all-out with his Bad End fetishes.

It's a shame it's deleted. I've always considered going back and reading it, since I just kind of forgot about it a few chapters in.

>webcomic artist just straightup stops updating and never updates again

>every chapter leading up to the last one they ever did got progressively darker in tone

>last chapter before they quit was a scene in the rain

I've only seen this spooky shit happen twice, but I wonder if it's a trend

except cq is good? also i think their point about owlturd is correct, that its over focus on pandering inherently leads to its mediocre quality
you can't create anything coherent if you're trying to please your whole audience at all times

not like we'll ever find out

they had a kickstarter going for it, that got all funded and everything. Still went and deleted all traces of it from the net.

Did he refund anyone from that? I can't remember.

maybe gainax sent him a cease and desist

AND she influenced the paranatural guy to stop giving a fuck.

Not webcomic, but I'm trying to think of a bigger drama queen than minus8. Every fucking month or so they throw a fucking shit fit and mass-purge whatever their new site is because somebody posted some constructive criticism.

yeah... i just deleted all my shit a couple days ago.

I thought that was because he's Korean and the porn gestapo won't leave him alone.

seriously? the Joy Division "Bears Will Tear Us Apart" comic is one of my favorites of all time

It's not always deleting everything intentionally. Some times you're Ryan Armand and just plain seem to drop off the face of the Earth.

She's going to be forever bitter that her vidya comics will be eternally more popular than her grand life's work because one is funny and entertaining to read and the other is a boring slog that tries to cover up sub-par writing with nice art.

Also she's a cunt who constantly stalks around Sup Forums to passive aggressively bitch on twitter about how totally not mad she is that people are talking shit about her.

Wait, City of Reality's down?
>it's true, domain's down
>check his DA
>Find a post saying he'd run out of steam, but had some ideas and was getting ready to bring it back
>dated 2016


It would be dumb to not announce that.

>What archival projects for webcomics are there aside from archive.org?
You can do it yourself, user.

I wanted to, ICS is amazing. Last I heard(which was a while ago), he took over doing the art for The Wotch I think. I think I'm in the minority that genuinely liked that comic.

There was this one webcomic called Scantily Clad or something about an elf I think, the artist took down the site it was hosted at several years ago. It was weird but not bad

Wait, that was a shit video. Let me find a better one.

When I was a kid, I read a webcomic called "Mousekaroos" that one day up and disappeared.

I think the fact that it disappeared when the writer/artist lost interest in continuing the story was more memorable for me than the webcomic itself.

Her problem is that she's very good at parody. her vidya comics showcase this perfectly, but CQ for whatever reason does not.

I can kind of understand how she would be annoyed at the parodies being looked on as better then her original work, but the talent is there.

>Ryan Armand
Speaking of, what happened to him? Did he die?


not a webcomic, but askdrunkmindfang.

shit was funny. dont know why they deleted it except for the fact they stopped. if someone has an achieve, i would be eternally grateful.

Yup, that's the one.

In hindsight, I'm going to assume that nothing of value was truly lost in the end.


thanks you broski. you are true american regardless of national origins. time to drink some more.

>weekend gifs
>interesting story
>tons of build up
>goes strong for years getting daily updates
>suddenly the fun ends, main character breaks up with bf for a bad reason that never gets resolved that because her boyfriend doesn't get a chance to explain himself
>goes on for a bit but gets stuck in a flash back
>artist gets hurt
>doesn't come back for a few years
>comes back but artist either lost drive or ambition so it dies again

fuck man, Blip was so good.

At this point I'm willing to believe he was cosmically erased from existence.

>archival projects
archive.org is as vulnerable to loss as any other website, often imcomplete and honours takedown requests
At least QC is safely curated by the US Library of Congress: loc.gov/collections/webcomics-web-archive/

>Nimona is in the US Library of Congress
>minus isn't

ohs hit, it was deleted? What a shame

I genuinely enjoyed the bad humor.

Andy took over after ICS, coulnt deliver regularly(through either aome injury or work, idk) and now a pone artist updates the comic weekly together with anne

Oh shit. Did he delete it? I just assumed it kept goimg, but I've never bothered to check.

>Wayback Machine doesn't archive shit automatically
Kek I never knew this.

>he doesn't know that the artist for pictures for small children had a break down and burned his books

It simply isn't true. The Wayback Machine does automatic archival. For years that was the only thing it did before the developers added the ability to archive something manually.

>In February 2014, Campbell published a new blog post in which they confirmed that they were able to ship around 75% of the Kickstarter rewards to their backers, but was unable to ship any more copies because they ran out of money. The post was accompanied with a video that shows Campbell burning over a hundred copies of the book, with an attached threat to burn even more.
>According toDNAinfo.com, Campbell spent $30,000 USD producing the 200-page hardcover book and even more to include a plastic-wrapped dead waspin each copy, leaving little money for actual shipping
What the fuck

sometimes people go crazy.

picture related. Ivan the terrible beat the fuck out of his son's wife which caused a miscarriage then later beat his son into a coma and the son later died of his injuries.

not just delete it, but actively issue take down requests on any mirrors found
Oh, and also this:

He tried to justify it with some really lame commie shit too, like buyers deserved it because they had money to spend on comics.

>ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. If you like it archive it,whether it be a picture,song,animation,comic.
Solid advice.
>Get a hard drive and archive that shit.
And you better remember to back up that hard drive and monitor its health. A failing hard drive can slowly corrupt your data. It has happened to me. Don't let it happen to you.

Also, don't forget that backups in the Wayback Machine (web.archive.org) may vanish at any time. If someone buys the work's domain name and changes the robots.txt file to disallow access, all backups will become inaccessible. This means that if your favorite thing is only preserved in the Wayback Machine you should hurry up and create a local backup on your computer.

Not commie shit, more like delusionally entitled artist shit.

He had a whole rant about how people should freely spend their money to support artists like himself and if you ever expected anything in return for your money you were literally Hitler because he deserved your money more than you did.

Man that's still one of my favorite paintings ever

It's Ivan's eyes

Well, we can't have a DELET WEBCOMIC thread without the grand maestro herself.

As for why they do it, I've found it relates to one of two reasons (sometimes both). The first is a desire to move on from a work they don't really like anymore. That one is really common when the comic happens to be a fancomic--they've moved on from the fandom but they're still kinda hinged to it by the comic. So they just delete fucking everything in an act of desperation. The other reason I've seen is just plain that they don't give a shit anymore. It's a footnote on their lives and they're not really interested in dedicating more of themselves to something like that. So they just clear it out.

Nothing's WRONG with either of these things but not giving an explanation is just fundamentally dishonest. A lot of the DELET FUCKING EVERYTHING examples are people in the late teens, early twenties and are afraid of the response they'll get if they announce it. So they just pack up and run for it.

I kinda feel i'm in same spot. I got popular with vidya-themed comics and now i just want to move on to something else. I don't really want to delete them, since there's so many people who like them, but i don't think i'm never going get as popular ever again.

Speaking as a coulda-been who threw it all away, there are a few reasons:
>the work has become garbage in hindsight and you don't want it to represent you any longer, however successful it is at present
>e-fame from success doing this part-time-turned-full-time thing is no longer appealing and you want to move on to something else
>fans are really fucking creepy and your contempt for them finally outweighed any desire to continue

Clean breaks are really for the best. If anything, blame the fanbase for not archiving shit while it was still up.
>durr someone else will do it
Reap the sweet fuck-all then.

Don't delete them. Let people enjoy what they like. If you feel like they really have to distance yourself from them, I suggest you migrate them to a different account or a specialized part of whatever site you host them on. But keep them there so people can enjoy them. In the end that'll help move some of the people who liked that stuff towards your new stuff because they won't feel slighted by your actions. You'll feel better about it in the long run, trust me on this one.

I was kinda hoping I'd hear about it one day and find out it had suddenly started updating again after I'd given up on it.

>B.I.B.L.E., Hobo Lobo, Fox Sister, and the Pride of Life are all dead
The woes of trying to enjoy webcomics.

Pic related was pretty infuriating. Especially since it ended on a big cliffhanger and things were getting in motions. But no, fuck it.
Nowadays the author is involved in lgbt comics and is working on a yaoi one where a dom black guy is fucking an old submissive white guy. I'm not even kidding.

Fuck, should have read the thread before posting. Sadly no. The author promised to do it at some point on her blog but never actually bothered. An imgur gallery would be fine enough..

>except cq is good?
Maybe if you stopped reading two or three years ago. Every moment that starts good is instantly defused as soon as possiblke. It's like she doesn't want to get anywhere or leave the status quo.

My guess. A lot of people begin making a webcomic really young, and over time they change and they don't feel like said webcomic is really something they have made. It's something their teen-self made.

I know I'm just glad I never put my early comics online, because what I made as a teenager isn't what I want to make today.

Nevermind that the shift in narrative could piss off readers. Going from typical capeshit empowerment comics to existential cosmic horror is a pretty big jump.

It was interesting but not really that good. Too bad she didn't keep some backup uploaded somewhere though.
As for her new one, despite one or two good charadesign (the guy with his mouth on top of his head) it feels really lacking. And by lacking i'm being pretty nice.

>Abominable Charles Christopher
>Two Guys and Guy
>Rosechu's Story

How long do you keep a webcomic on your RSS feed before you realize it's never coming back?

Does Bonus Stage count? I feel it got reuploaded eventually, but I know they disappeared for some time.

>Rosechu's Story

I'd sell my left nut for more sonichu.

The artist of minus is black, bro.


I'm sad now

I wonder if Ivan the Terrible's expression inspired Count Orlok's look.

>The first is a desire to move on from a work they don't really like anymore. That one is really common when the comic happens to be a fancomic--they've moved on from the fandom but they're still kinda hinged to it by the comic. So they just delete fucking everything in an act of desperation.
Deleting something while it still has its fans on the Internet seems like exactly the wrong strategy due to the Streisand effect and the possibility to turn your however modest fandom into a hatedom.

A want to amend that: it'll work if the fans aren't able to make the connection between your old and your new identity.

What about the artstyle? Often it's enough to make connections.

What's the name of the comic in the image you posted?