Yfw MCU Mary Jane isn't Mary Jane but instead a Sony original OC who's nickname is MJ

>yfw MCU Mary Jane isn't Mary Jane but instead a Sony original OC who's nickname is MJ

She doesn't look anything like Mary Jane, so it doesn't even matter.

I wouldn't care if that made MJ black because at least they'd go all the way and make her MJ.

It's better than creating an OC no one wants.

Why is it that so many comic book redheads get race-swapped black?

Again see I wouldn't care as much if she was black. The fact they had to create a brand new character and pass her off as MJ is just fucking bad.

why there so many Sup Forums reactions on Sup Forums?

Cartoons are cartoons no matter their country of origin.

There are much better Sup Forums reactions than Sup Forums.

>make nick fury black
>make an OC with MJ initials if you're a fag that actually believes shitty 4chin ''''leaks''''/spoiler]

I mean why can't Marvel just respect my freedom to not acknowledge the existence of people different from me? don't fucking read this as a defense of actual marlel comic pandering

>movie goes on to make 8 gorrillion dollarydoos anyways

Can someone explain what OP is taking about? The girl in Homecoming isn't MJ?

There is an unrelated girl who also has the nickname MJ.

I prefer that to her being Mary Jane.

Are they going to push her as a replacement for Mary Jane? Or is it just a nickname coincidence.

To disrespect Sup Forums. This isn't an actual genuine thread

Mary Jane doesn't show up until college years

>posting cartoons on the cartoon board disrespects the cartoon board

Don't be contrarian. We all know why Sup Forums exists

>tfw Bendis will introduce a new girl named Mary Jane
>She will be Miles's new love interest

I just wonder whats this going to do to 616 MUH Movie SYNGER is Mary Jane not going to be Mj's real name anymore and is she going to suddenly turn a different race

From the looks of it, seems like a TDKR Robin thing.
Just a random reveal teasing something, maybe, eventually?

The Mary Jane you knew for 40+ years is a clone created by Warren, this is the real MJ.

My guess is that MJ will share the nickname MJ with a new girl who gets retconned into having been a part of Peter's past all along. Kinda like how Miles and Peter share the name Spider-Man.

Wait wait wait, she's really called MJ but she won't be Mary Jane?

Fuck... I kinda hated this plot point on ge old spider man cartoon. I haven't been reading the comics or watched ever since. I wonder if he ever got his happy ending

People would complain if Mary Jane was raceswapped and they'd complain about the love interest being an original character. It feels like Sony somehow found a middleground that would irritate both sides.

I actually don't mind the development.

>I wouldn't care if that made MJ black because at least they'd go all the way and make her MJ.

The fuck are you talking about magically race bending a beloved character. Make your own shitty OC character then. Id rather a miles morales movie then have these characters race and personality change.

Her name is Michelle Jones.

Wait so she isn't even Michelle Gonzalez? So this MJ really is an OC.

I blame Sony for this.

I'd rather have a true MJ than a poor man's ripoff.

>creating a new character is worse than changing an existing one

literally everyone besides you either thinks the opposite or doesn't care

Yeah, but I rather have college MJ to still be real than pleb high school "real" MJ

Who cares about MJ? the movie isn't called MJ: Homecoming, it's Iron Man: Homecoming and as long as RDJ keeps doing his thing, it'll be alright.